Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 510 The East Wind Breaks

Chapter 510 The East Wind Breaks
Yu Wenwen chose Zeng Yike as her opponent, and the remaining Wang Yuan could only face the only Wang Sulong in the upper district alone.

Wang Sulong thought that he would have a showdown with Fang Jing in this episode, but he didn't expect Wang Yuan to hit the gun.

If he encounters a scene, he is not sure that he can win.

"I'll go first." Putting down the mineral water in his hand, Fang Jing got up.

He is short on time, he has to go back quickly after recording the show, the crew is still waiting for him tomorrow.

Opening the door and striding onto the stage, Fang Jing was still empty-handed, without the guitar he was good at, but the more he didn't take the guitar, the more worried the others were.

This guy's ancient style is too strong, and he hides his secrets.

It is not a good thing for a man to hide his secrets.

"Thank you." After bowing, Fang Jing nodded in the direction of the sound engineer. A few seconds later, the faint sound of the piano came out.

On the big screen on the back, the three black characters Dongfengpo are elegantly outlined with a brush, and the base picture is a large blue bamboo forest.

"A lamp of sorrow of parting stands alone at the window"

"I'll pretend behind the door that you haven't left"

"The old place is more lonely like revisiting the full moon"

"The candlelight in the middle of the night can't bear to criticize me"

Fang Jing's deep voice began to blow like a spring breeze, and the background instruments began to increase, such as drums, orchestral music... the pitch became higher and higher, and the overall melody was fierce and intense.

Backstage, Wang Sulong had no choice but to smile bitterly. This time he lost again. You can tell if a song is good or not just by listening to the prelude.

He has studied Fang Jing's songs. The words and music are all first-class. Even ordinary words will be very beautiful when paired with his melody, which has another effect beyond imagination.

There is a saying in the industry, one year of lyrics, ten years of music, composing music is more difficult than writing lyrics, and writing lyrics is very simple, as long as it rhymes, you can write whatever you want, even if the content is nonsense, but that is called writing lyrics.

Find a junior high school student to train for a month, and he can also start writing lyrics, although his level is not bearable to look directly at.

But composing music is not that simple. First of all, you must be proficient in music theory, and then inspiration is very important. Sometimes a good song often comes from that flash of inspiration.

But this thing is invisible and intangible, and it requires talent. Some people can make it easily, and some can't even scratch their heads.

"Who Is Playing Dong Feng Po on the Pipa"

"The maple leaf dyes the story and I can see the ending"

"I will lead you along the ancient road beyond the fence"

"The Year of the Smoke and Weeds"

"Even breaking up is silent"

When everyone was still intoxicated with the melody and words, Fang Jing had already sung the chorus, and the second stanza would be over.

"Brother Dog, you are under a lot of pressure." In the lower district, Chen Yihan covered his mouth and snickered.

Fang Jing is really too strong, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, when it comes to masterpieces, everyone else has one or two songs, he is a basket, if not for his young age, I am afraid he will be crowned king.

"It's okay, the important thing is to participate." Hot Dog smiled freely and said indifferently: "I came here mainly to break through myself, winning or losing is not important to me."

"And I haven't sung it yet. Who can say clearly what the ending will be?"

After thinking for a while, Hot Dog said: "You should still care about yourself now. If I lose, I will fall to the elimination zone. At least I can sing one more episode. If you lose, you will be gone."

"This is the fourth episode. I am very satisfied to be able to sing four episodes. It's okay to lose."

Looking at the hot dog with twinkling eyes, Chen Yihan didn't say a word. There are only five episodes in the first half of this show, which means that even if the hot dog stays, the next episode will have to leave.

At the end of the show, the top three will be selected to participate in the two-season PK finals at the end of the year to be the king of singers. Obviously, he missed the chance.

Hot Dog is a crooked person, the brokerage company is weak here, and there are many things he doesn't know at all.

And the reason why she was able to know was naturally because the brokerage company told her behind the scenes, not only her, people like Yu Wenwen, Wang Sulong, Liang Bo, and Wang Yuan probably all had gossip.

Not to mention Fang Jing, he is an investor, so he probably knew it already.

The only ones who don't know are Hot Dog and Zeng Yike, who are still foolishly waiting for the fifth, sixth, and seventh episodes.


"Teacher Fang, you are amazing." When Fang Jing came back, Yu Wenwen smiled happily, as if she was the one who sang on it just now.

Wang Yuan smiled lightly: "Brother Fang Jing, you are indeed my idol. I hope to have the opportunity to sing with you on the same stage in the future."

"The future is long, there will be opportunities, and you are also very good, come on."

After packing up his things, Fang Jing went to the interview room to accept the interview. It will be broadcast when it is broadcast, otherwise the program team will not be able to waste time.

The reason for the interview in advance is to save his time, and he has to rush back to the set. As for the fact that the hot dog will counterattack, it is not within the scope of consideration.

Peaked caps, hooded sweaters, sunglasses, big gold chains, hip-hop pants, and hot dogs have remained unchanged for decades, and they walked on stage with a cool melody.

If Fang Jing's style is quiet, then the hot dog is moving, a series of raps are very exciting, and it looks like a disco with colorful lights. Some young people in the market like to eat this set.

It's a pity that not all of the more than 100 public judges on site are young people, there are old, middle-aged and young people.

"I'm going, this is the hip-hop style? I really can't appreciate it, and I can't understand what I sing. Can this kind of song move people?"

"Uncle, the avenue is invisible, as long as you can feel his emotions, are the lyrics important?"

"Really? Tell me about the emotion of this song and what story is sung."

"Uh, this song... oh, you don't care about his mood, it's over if he's high, anyway, I like this style very much, and it feels different from Fang Jing."

"Son, are you kidding me?" On the side, an aunt couldn't listen anymore, and said with unabashed disdain: "This dance is like a pig hoop, and the singing is too messy to understand."

The boy blushed, "That's hip-hop, not a pig ring, it's a culture."

"Pull it down, it's rolling around on the ground, it's not a pig ring or something, and the pants don't fit well, they have to be rolled up, going to the fields?"

"Your generation has very problematic thinking." An uncle in his fifties joined the battle.

You said something to me, the saliva fell like rain, the boy covered his face, feeling wronged, I just explained this sentence, as for it?
A few minutes later, the voting results calculated that Fang Jing had [-] votes, far ahead of Hot Dog, and Hot Dog entered the elimination zone.

In the second round, Liang Bo played against Chen Yihan, Chen Yihan lost and was eliminated.

In the third game, Yu Wenwen played against Zeng Yike, Zeng Yike was defeated and eliminated.

In this period, the three people in the lower district were completely defeated, and none of them succeeded. Only Wang Yuan remained in the middle district. His opponent was Wang Sulong. There was no suspense. Wang Yuan lost and fell to the lower district.

But he wasn't depressed, anyway, there were only five episodes in the show, and he could sing one more episode, which was considered a perfect finish.

When Chen Yihan went to accept the interview, Fang Jing just came out of the interview after the interview and stood at the door, Chen Yihan nodded and smiled.

"You lost?" Fang Jing asked.


"It's already great to be able to go so far, come on."

"thanks for your encouragement."

"I'm in a hurry, so I can't attend your dinner party. I'm sorry, I will treat you to dinner next time."

Shoulder bag, baseball cap, Fang Jing left, his back was stretched very long by the light, and the words "I am a singer-songwriter" on the wall were heavily suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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