Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 512 We Do Things, That's It

Chapter 512 We Do Things, That's It

There was a tumbling in his stomach, Fang Jing hadn't felt this way for many years, and he almost vomited out the last night's meal.

It's like the first time in the previous life that I took a bus for a summer job for the first time. The airtight space is airtight, mixed with the smell of various snacks and snacks. At night, some people take off their shoes, some vomit, and some fart.

Seeing Luo Yongchong sticking his head down, Fang Jing used all his strength to dodge, crawling and running a few meters away.

Be careful, one kiss can kill a person.

"Don't come here, don't worry about me." Taking a few breaths of fresh air, Fang Jing finally felt better.

"Is it all right?" Luo Yongchang scratched his head, "Mr. Fang, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital to see a doctor?"

Being an entertainer is a high-risk occupation, not because the work is tiring, but because it is easy to offend people.

No matter how popular the stars are, there are black fans. If they get the chance, some people don't mind teaching them a lesson.

Poisoning, drugging, sacking, and dropping feces are all basic operations. Seniors have already tried them. Those who were mild were hospitalized, and those who were serious were ended their acting careers.

For a moment just now, Luo Yongchang thought that Fang Jing had been poisoned in his throat.

"That's right, Teacher Fang, I think you'd better go to the hospital for a complete examination." Seeing that Fang Jing regained his spirit all of a sudden, Fu Xiaotang regretted it a bit, and he shouldn't have hesitated about the artificial respiration just now.

"Mr. Fang, I think this matter may not be simple." Luo Yongchang looked solemn, "Maybe it's the fault of the rival company, and it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination."


A group of students were surprised, their faces were full of horror, it would be too scary if this was true, this is murder,

"If I want to die, I will die in your hands." Fang Jing felt lingering fear, "Did you eat leek eggs today?"

"Today? No, I ate it last night."


"Quick, come and help me, I vomited again."

Half an hour later, Fang Jing, who was exhausted from vomiting, was spread out on the classroom chair, and his energy was sluggish. After drinking the water handed over by Fu Xiaotang, he felt better.

As for Luo Yongchang, he was embarrassed standing four or five meters away.

The matter was already clear, and he didn't expect that he would smoke Fang Jing like this, committing a crime.

Standing up from the chair, Fang Jing said indifferently: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first. You guys will continue as usual. After a few days, when I finish what I'm doing, pick a good and auspicious day and start shooting."

"President Fang, I'll help..." Luo Yongchang took two steps forward, but before he finished speaking, he was stared at and put down his hands angrily.

Sighing deeply, Fang Jing left, leaving behind a group of students.

Is it really that big of a taste?Luo Yongchong stretched out his palm and let out a sigh of relief. After a few seconds, he said numbly, "It's not that exaggerated? Could it be that I can't feel it?"

Grabbing a student, Luo Yongchang showed a kind smile, the chili peel on his teeth was just right, like a few miles of red rhododendrons in the snow-capped mountains.

"Gulu! Lao Lao Lao, Director Luo, what's the matter?"

When the boy saw the pepper skin, his heart trembled, and his throat rolled with fear.

I heard from Fang Jing in class before that the temperature was tens of degrees, and he didn't frown when he was filming in the Gobi desert. Today, even he was defeated by this person. How terrifying is it?
"Hahahaha, it's okay, there is..."


At the moment when Luo Yongchang laughed, the caught boy felt a gust of wind blowing, and suddenly retched, with tears in his eyes.

What the hell is making your eyes so smoky?

"Let go of me, let go of me, woo woo woo!"

In an instant, thirty or forty students stepped back and looked at Luo Yongchang in fear, this is really a devil.

"Is it really that exaggerated?" Letting go of the students, Luo Yongshou scratched his head.

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, and Fang Jing came back again, but instead of entering the door, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, crumpled it up and threw it to Fu Xiaotang.

"I just forgot to give it to the program for the graduation party, so I'll practice it myself, so I don't need me to teach you how to read the music, right?"

He had promised Fu Xiaotang before that he would arrange the music for their class's graduation party.

Racking his brains, Fang Jing finally dug out this song from the depths of his memory that was suitable for graduation and suitable for girls to sing.

After speaking, he left without looking back.

After coming out of school, Fang Jing didn't go back to the set, but went to Nanjing. He heard that Yang Yang was here and asked him for something.


"Our company is very powerful. I don't need to mention the popular artists. Under the leadership of Mr. Fang, it is getting stronger and stronger, and there are endless resources in all aspects."

"Take Yang Chaoyue as an example. She is younger than you. She debuted for a year, ran 42 variety shows, and added dozens of endorsements. She is extremely popular. In terms of popularity alone, she is not as high as a first-line artist."

"Wang Xiaomin, a talented and good-looking singer, her fame has soared after the singer's show. This year, she has released two albums. Now she is planning to hold her third concert."

"Shen Hao, I brought it out with my own hands. In today's cold winter of film and television, he has seven plays, three male lead roles, and four male supporting roles. The schedule is scheduled until the end of next year."

"Let's not mention Mr. Fang. With the development of music, film and television, he is worth tens of billions. It will be a matter of time before he becomes king."

In the large conference room, Xiong Li was standing on the stage training a new batch of artists, and there were more than a dozen young people sitting under the stage, both men and women, many of whom were full-time master actors.

"Today you are proud of the company, and tomorrow the company will be proud of you. Our company is famous for protecting its weaknesses. If you have anything to do, you can go to your seniors. Don't bear with the crew being bullied, and it's over."

Below, Fan Jianwei weakly raised his hand, "Is this too crazy?"

This is a bit different from what the teacher taught him at school to be low-key and humble, and to endure being beaten and scolded.

Xiong Li turned his head, he knew this young man, playing the role of Qiao Yifan in a full-time master, his acting skills were remarkable and he had potential for development.

"Without a strong company and a strong manager, of course we have to endure everything, but it's different in Nanjing, we do things like this!"

That's how we do things!

I have to say that Xiong Li's words are very domineering. Of course, Nan Jing also has this confidence. After all, it's cold winter in film and television, so many artists are waiting for them to eat.

"Being bullied and being bullied are two different things. As long as it's not your fault, whoever dares to bully you, you can bully him. If something goes wrong, the company will take care of you."

"Of course, your tricks are also a little bit brighter. If you hate people, pay attention to the target. If you are one and a half ranks higher than you, you will be jealous. In front of other people's first-line and super-first-line, you should be cowardly or cowardly."

At the door, Fang Jing stood for a while and then left. He was passing by and stopped only when he heard the impassioned voice inside.

Fatty Xiong is indeed a talent, especially the training, which not only instills the strength of the company and gives them confidence in the newcomers, but also makes them understand the cruelty of the entertainment circle.

In the office area on the fourth floor, Fang Jing was walking when he suddenly stopped, and a figure caught his attention.

Xiao Wenjing's hair was braided and long braided down to her waist, and a pair of black-framed glasses on her delicate melon-shaped face added a bit of artistic tranquility. Her upper body was in a twill white shirt, her lower body was in a black professional skirt, and she was wearing high-heeled shoes.

"Hi!" Fang Jing greeted with a smile, "Beauty, where are you going?"

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(End of this chapter)

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