Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 513 Yang Yang Joins Nanjing

Chapter 513 Yang Yang Joins Nanjing
Ever since Xiao Wenjing was promoted to manager, Fang Jing met her less and less, and he was also busy, the number of times the two of them met in the past year could count on two hands.

It was a rare encounter, and Fang Jing's words were not very serious.

With a blank look, Xiao Wenjing, the iceberg beauty who usually sees everyone with a straight face, smiled and said: "Of course I come to the company to go to work, where can I go, why, Mr. Fang wants to invite me to dinner? Let me tell you first, I don't have time during the day. "

Not free during the day, but free at night?
Fang Jing's throat was rolling, and he hadn't seen him for a while, but Xiao Wenjing had changed a lot, his gaze was quite big.

"By the way, bring Sister Ning with you by the way. She is also quite tired. The three of us haven't sat down and chatted for a long time."

"Cough! Forget it, I don't have time, let's try another day."

Having dinner with Xiao Wenjing and bringing Yang Ning with her, Fang Jing is afraid that his life will be too long. If the three of us go together, someone will die. "Don't talk, I have something else to do. By the way, where is Yang Yang? I'll look for him."

With a smile in his eyes, Xiao Wenjing pointed to the front and said, "The reception room is waiting for you."


Waving his hand, Fang Jing left without looking back. He didn't dare to stay any longer. Ever since he became a manager, he had contact with many people every day, and now Xiao Wenjing has also learned from it.

In the reception room, Yang Yang sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone. Every once in a while, someone would come to pour him water, and now it was the fourth cup.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"


Hearing the knock on the door, he thought it was to change the water, Yang Yang didn't turn his head, and just stared at the phone, he was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time today.

Yang Yang plays Glory of Kings, his skills are not bad, his ID is Leopard Head Zero Charge, a Daji can squat in the grass for a few minutes, and won't go out even if his teammates die.

Fang Jing looked down for a moment, his face darkened instantly.

"You came all the way to me just to play games with WF?"

The voice next to his ear startled Yang Yang, and he turned back again and again, the screen was black for 40 seconds, "Are you walking silently? Scary people will scare people to death."

Seeing that the crystal was gone, Yang Yang quit the game and put down the phone.

"I'm silent? Then the knock on the door just now was from a ghost?" Fang Jing raised his trousers and sat opposite him, "Tell me, what do you want me for? I have to go to work soon."

Go to work?Are you going to the set?

With a smile on his face, Yang Yang sat up straight: "That's right, why can't I come to your company if I have nothing to do?"

Fang Jing stood up without saying a word.

"Hey, what is this for? If you have something to say, talk about it, really, don't let the foreshadowing."

Fang Jing didn't believe that Yang Yang came all the way here just to say this, and sure enough, he was pulled back as soon as he got up.

"Isn't this the full-time master who is about to start publicity? I'll make a transfer and bring your artistes on the show."

"Just for this?" Fang Jing said, "Do you think I believe it or not?" written on Fang Jing's face.

At any rate, they are first-line stars, and they will travel thousands of miles to find a few young actors who have just debuted on the show, and accommodating is not the way to accommodate.

"Cough!" With a light cough, Yang Yang said, "Of course, there are other personal matters."

"what's up?"

"Oh, it's a long story..."

"Then make a long story short."

Yang Yang...

"Old Zhen wants to sell the company, I'm going to run away, and I plan to join you."

"Zhen Shikai is selling the company?" Fang Jing narrowed his eyes, "Why do you want to sell a good one?"

"It's because the development is so good and it makes money. Lao Jia plans to sell the company and retire for retirement. No, it's hard for us migrant workers."

"Isn't it you who dragged the family down?"

Yang Yang's heart trembled, "How is it possible, don't talk nonsense."

Not talking about this topic, Fang Jing slightly said solemnly: "Aren't you a shareholder of the company? How much did you sell this time? With your current fame, you can support yourself by running a studio by yourself. Why do you think of joining me?"

"My father is the shareholder of the company, not me." Yang Yang shook his head and said lightly, "This time, my father will probably get two to three hundred million."

"It's not that I haven't thought about setting up my own studio, but you know what the industry is like now. Going it alone won't work. Other film and television companies don't have enough support for their own roles, so there is no time to support outsiders."

In the cold winter of film and television, artists' remuneration has fallen to the floor price. Hengdian closed hundreds of small companies last month.

In the past, artists who were not accepted for dramas with a salary of less than 3000 million, now as long as the producer asks for 1000 million, they will sign the contract on the spot without blinking an eye.

In the past, small fresh meat was traffic, but now the whole people are boycotting it, and the investors' talk has changed. As long as they hear that such and such a small fresh meat is in the play, they don't want it.

Powerful, popular, own family.Now film and television companies basically refer to the above three when selecting roles.

With a deep smile at the corner of his mouth, Yang Yang said: "To be honest, I felt destined to meet you the first time I met you. No, the full-time master met again. What is this fate? And I..."

"Stop, stop, stop." Fang Jing was speechless, "It's really hard for you to flatter so much, I welcome you, what kind of contract do you want to sign specifically?"

Although there is no shortage of drama in Nanjing, the resources are not unlimited. The contracts of various levels are different, and the resources are also different.

If Yang Yang is just a nominal one, Fang Jing can't provide him with more help, and the two parties usually only have a little ordinary business relationship.

But if you sell your body, bah, and officially join Nanjing, it will be different. The protagonists of several plays are still fine.

Yang Yang said seriously: "I join your company and sign for five years. If you sign after five years, your company has the priority."

"Five years?" Fang Jing frowned, thought for a long time and said, "It's a bit short, what should you do if you run away?"

Yang Yang, an artist of this level, has a minimum signing fee of 6000 to [-] million, and this is still the case of promising the protagonist.

In the first year of filming, it can only be broadcast in the second year. That is to say, Nanjing can only make money from him in the second year of signing the contract. In one year, even if Yang Yang is killed, he can’t get back 5000 million. It will take two years to make money. pay back.

This is still the best situation, the premise that his play does not hit the street.

It takes three years to get back the capital from Yang Yang, and the fourth and fifth years are profitable. Too much investment and high risk are not proportional.

"Ahem, ahem, you are really realistic." Yang Yang was embarrassed, "I know that other companies sign for seven or eight years, more than ten years, but I can't wait so long."

After signing for more than ten years, it is no different from selling to a company. Life and death are in the hands of others, which is not his style.

"I know your difficulties. I don't want a signing fee, and I can accept the company's low film salary."

"Brother, you will be your own from now on." Fang Jing stood up and shook Yang Yang's hand excitedly.

No signing fee, and a low salary to shoot the company's movies. This kind of artist can't be found even with lanterns, good guy.

"Don't be too happy, listen to me." Yang Yang said: "I can lower the salary, but the endorsement, variety show salary is higher than the general contract, you can't let me suffer, right?"

Fang Jing's smile froze, he's not stupid, so he was waiting here, variety show, endorsement, these two are the big heads.

Under the salary limit order, actors’ remuneration is not high, and it doesn’t matter if they are more or less, but there is no salary limit for variety show endorsements. A first-line star earns 6000 to [-] million in one season, and three variety shows a year is several hundred million.

Using filming to gain fame, endorsements, and variety shows to help support his family, Yang Yang has carefully considered this.

(End of this chapter)

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