Chapter 514 Wish

Fang Jing and Yang Yang chatted for a long time with the door closed, and the employees of the company in the middle went in to deliver water three or four times.

In the afternoon, Yang Yang came out of the reception room and left with a contract in his hand. His face was not very good and he was very depressed. He was talking about money.

But for some reason, Fang Jing was lured into the ditch, talking about Fang Jing and talking about his dream of being an actor, Shidi, Best Actor, Oscar, and promised a lot of free money.

According to him, South King will become the largest film and television company in China in the future, just like TVB back then, there will be no family disputes, and a large number of outstanding actors will be born.

Fang Jing also said that although he joined the company, we are in a cooperative relationship. In the future, we will set up a branch with him and make money together.

Balabala talked a lot, and came up with a draft contract, let him go back and have a look, and sign it if he can.

Yang Yang left, Fang Jing put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Yang Ning's office, whistling and light footsteps.

After a few minutes.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"



"come in!"

Fang Jing entered the office, Yang Ning was not working, but was watching dramas with a cup of coffee, looked down and saw that she was wearing flat slippers.

"Okay, you, why am I asking who? Feelings are working negatively. Are you worthy of the tens of millions I give you every year?"

Yang Ning rolled her eyes and turned her head off, "I didn't see the tens of millions, but you leave a few million every time you come. You can pour what you want to drink."

This office is her private office. No one usually comes here, and it is tiring to wear high heels all day. When there is no one, she will rest here, change into flat shoes, take a nap, watch dramas and so on.

"I drank half a catty of water just now, how can I still drink it?" Fang Jing went around behind and gently massaged Yang Ning's temples.

"The technique is good, and there is progress." Yang Ning put down the phone, closed her eyes slightly, and felt a lot more relaxed in her swollen head, "How did the talk go?"

Yang Ning knew Yang Yang's purpose, and he had heard a few words from him, but he was worried that she would bargain too hard, so he insisted on finding a good talker.

"It's not a big problem. If there are no accidents, Yang Yang will agree."

"Their company was ruined by him. Zhen Shikai used all his resources to get eight or nine plays for him in the past few years, one third of which could not be released, and only one or two hits remained."

"You only come to me when you can't get along. Don't get dizzy. Although we don't make trouble, we should make a lot of money."

"Go away!" Fang Jing swears, "I said why he didn't have enough confidence during the negotiation, and he also told me that the company's development was so good that Lao Zhen couldn't stand the temptation to sell the company."

After a pause, Fang Jing said: "However, I didn't suffer. Compared with a small profit, the content of film and television dramas is the big one. If you make a few movies with more than one billion yuan, you can earn back. Yang Yang still has appeal. "

"One billion movies, do you think you're a Chinese cabbage?" Yang Ning slapped Fang Jing's dishonest hand, "Press it hard, press it up, shoulder."

"It will be successful. The big deal is that the company will go bankrupt. Anyway, enough money will be made."

"You're so free and easy." Picking up a document from the table, Yang Ning handed it back to Fang Jing, "This is a variety show you planned. I've contacted their station, and it's very feasible."

Fang Jing didn't answer, and said indifferently: "It's fine to have a professional person from the company discuss this matter. I'll see the result."

Sitting upright, Yang Ning turned her head and said with a smile: "I said your mind is really brilliant, acting and singing are wasted, if you were in the company, I'm afraid you could do ten times better than me."

Pushing her back and sliding his hands down, Fang Jing said as he moved: "I know my strengths, it's okay to come up with ideas, business is not my strong point, professional things are done by professionals, I will take over the company, and I will have to do it in a few days." collapse."

For a long time, unless it was unavoidable, Fang Jing seldom got involved in company affairs, and he couldn't understand even a single financial statement, so he was a fool.

As long as he is in charge of the general direction, the rest of the work is left to the people below.

Outside the office, several female employees of the company were whispering.

"Mr. Fang and Mr. Ning have a really good relationship. I went in to deliver the materials just now, and I saw Mr. Fang gave Mr. Ning a massage."

"I just found out. It's been many times. Mr. Ning has worked so hard. Every time I come here, I don't give her a massage to relax her muscles and bones. Alas, if only I had such a husband, he is considerate even if he is rich."


Listening to the faint humming from the office, the girls envied their eyes, Boss Fang's massage technique is good.


A few days later, I am a singer-songwriter ended. Fang Jing, Wang Sulong, and Yu Wenwen were qualified for promotion. The first half of the season ended, and the next half of the season has nothing to do with them.

When the finals at the end of the year, it will be over if the people from the first and second seasons PK together.

The I am a singer-songwriter variety show is over, and the filming of the ice-breaking action is entering the final stage. Fang Jing finally has time to direct the Flash Girl, but before that, he has to attend the graduation party of the Lihai Music High School.

One day off, the school started to arrange the scene of the graduation party early. In order to congratulate the students on their graduation, the cafeteria also provided free extra meals.

Some students and teachers took turns taking graduation photos on the football field, and Fang Jing arrived just in time.

Seeing Fang Jing, the master of the photo studio rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "To celebrate the graduation of all the students, today's photos are all discounted."

"[-]% discount for more than [-] tickets, [-]% discount for more than [-] tickets, students who want to take photos will sign up here, a few years of youth, the last few days of campus time, everyone, don't leave any regrets."

"Mr. Fang, thank you for your teaching this semester." Fu Xiaotang was touched and said, "I'm leaving, can I take a photo with you?"

Fu Xiaotang opened his mouth, and dozens of other eyes gathered together, Fang Jing said with a smile: "Of course, everyone has a share, and I will satisfy you."

Dozens of students, even if each person takes a few pictures, the filming will be finished in the last 10 minutes, how much time can be delayed?

"Master, I'm sorry to trouble you, how many photos should I take? Three, five, no, ten." Fu Xiaotang waved his hand generously.

"Master, I'll also take ten pictures, remember to retouch and beautify the pictures when I go back."

"I have twenty!"

Hearing the sound of placing orders one after another, Fang Jing's face was black, and there were ten or twenty pictures for one person at a time. When did he have to take pictures.

"Time is limited, I have something to do later, each person can have up to three cards, it's useless for you to take more!"

The income was halved in an instant, and the photographer felt distressed and gave the apprentice a wink, telling him to hurry up and notify the next class that Fang Jing was about to take the photo and ran away.

"Teacher Fang, can you take a picture with our class?"

"Mr. Fang, the students in our class are all your fans, please help me, how about some photos taken alone?"

"Thank you, Teacher Fang, thank you so much."

Originally thought it would be done in a while, Fang Jingtian was so naive, the eight classes patted the team and couldn't push it away, the muscles on his face almost stiffened from laughing.

At 07:30 in the evening, the graduation party begins.

Sketches, catwalk shows, musical instrument ensembles, cross talk, dance, calligraphy, one by one, the programs are put on stage. On the big football field, mobile phone flashes are as dense as a starry sky.

Chengdu, the wind is blowing, these songs are in the students' programs.

(End of this chapter)

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