Chapter 515 Wish

As soon as Fang Jing was about to go to his class, Fang Jing was sitting down and waiting to watch the show with his mobile phone recording. Suddenly, Fu Xiaotang ran over and said anxiously: "Teacher Fang, help the world."

Seeing her jumping anxiously, Fang Jing comforted him: "What's the situation? Take your time, don't worry."

Confused, Fu Xiaotang said embarrassedly: "Our show doesn't have an accompaniment, I would like to ask you for your help, the song you gave before didn't have an arrangement, and I don't know how to do it either."

"Originally we planned to sing a cappella, but today you are here, and I want to invite you to accompany. The songs you made must be the most familiar to you."

Fang Jing's face was weird, "So you didn't say anything in the afternoon, but you just came to me when you were about to go on stage?"

"Damn! I thought you would leave after taking a photo of your graduation certificate, so I didn't have the nerve to speak. I beg you to help me, teacher, graduation party."


Goosebumps all over his body, Fang Jing had no choice but to say, "Yes, please, prepare a guitar for me."

"I'm ready!" Fu Xiaotang smiled slyly.

Being dragged to the backstage, Fang Jing sighed, "My fame may be ruined in your hands tonight."

A few girls are really good at practicing musical instruments, especially Fu Xiaotang's guzheng, which is almost at the performance level. At their age, they are definitely among the best.

But for singing, I really can't compliment them. Fang Jing heard them sing once. It was a video Fu Xiaotang sent him two days ago, and he had no singing skills at all.

When God opens a door for a person, he will also close a window. These people really have no singing talent, not as good as Yang Chaoyue.

"Next, I will invite Fu Xiaotang, Duan Qingxue, and Ye Qingyang to bring you a chorus of songs, wish! By the way, Teacher Fang, the students' favorite, will accompany them."

"Teacher, don't make a sad face." On the side of the stage, Fu Xiaotang said with a smile, "Listen to these cheers, they are all welcoming us, which means that everyone is still very optimistic about it."

Your welcome?Are your ears okay? Didn’t you hear my name being called?

Also, why do I still hear someone tell you to get off?

"Hey! Come on, show your best form." Fang Jing sat at the back very calmly, holding the guitar in one hand and the chair in the other.

"Teacher, how can you sit here." Duan Qingxue moved the Fang Jing chair to the center of the stage, "This is in line with your identity."

"Yes, yes, sit here." Fu Xiaotang nodded, "Someone will throw a bottle or something, and you can help block it."

Why do people still want to throw bottles?Fang Jing trembled all over, pulled the chair and ran to the side, "Today's protagonists are you, it's not suitable for me to be in the middle, don't talk about it, and I won't play any more."

"Teacher Fang, how are your preparations?" Yue Jing, wearing a white tube top skirt, squatted down and put the microphone close to the guitar.

There are four hosts, two students, and two teachers. As the teacher of the school, she is good-looking and popular. It is normal for her to be a guest host.

Someone handed the guitar a microphone, Fang Jing was much more convenient, otherwise Fu Xiaotang and the others might not have heard it, the scene was too noisy.

However, what the hell is this tube top skirt? You squat, I sit, condescending, as the saying goes, if you sit high and see far, you will be the top of the mountain, and you will see all the mountains at a glance.

From the perspective of Fang Jing, the mountains are majestic and snow-capped, and the canyons are deep and bottomless.

"Ahem! I don't care, the main thing is to see them."

After silently reciting a few words of Amitabha in his heart, Fang Jing suddenly felt that his mind was as calm as water, unshakable by any monsters and monsters.

"Mr. Fang, your nose seems to be bleeding?"

"Have you?" Fang Jing wiped his nose, it seemed a little wet, "It's cold, I have a cold, it's okay."

cold weather?Yue Jing turned her head and glanced at the night sky full of stars. She was not cold even when she was shirtless. Turning her head, she looked at Shang Jing and looked down at herself, blushing all over.

Covering her chest with one hand, Yue Jing whispered shyly, "Teacher Fang, they are about to start, can you move your eyes?"

"It's okay, I don't need to look at them, just listen to them, don't worry about me, I'm a gentleman."

Pooh!Who worries about you!

With a sip in her heart, Yue Jing turned her head to the side.

With Fang Jing's light guitar accompaniment, the three girls began to sing together.

"The lake water is your eyes"

"Dreams full of stars"

"Mood is a legend"

"Waiting Forever"

After the first short section, the other two stopped, and Fu Xiaotang sang the next section alone.

"Growth is a door of leaves"

"There are a group of dear people in childhood (broken sound)"

Fang Jing turned his head aside, he really couldn't bear to look directly at him, Fu Xiaotang's voice was really drunk, he could even sing a simple sentence wrong.

Her throat was kissed by an angel, and she was chewed by a dog.

It's such a good song, it just fell on her lips, Fang Jing swore that he would never sing to Fu Xiaotang again.


Fang Jing turned his head, looked at Yue Jing, and found that she was listening very seriously, with a smile on her lips, and most of the students in the audience were the same.

Solo, chorus, from a professional point of view, it is not good, but listening to Fang Jing is also quite fascinating.

There is nothing profound about this song. In the previous life, it was written by a 16-year-old sophomore girl in high school. After writing it in 10 minutes, I recorded the song with two non-professional friends.

At that time, their singing was not perfect, but the touching part may be that it was not perfect. There was no deliberate dazzling sound, no extra instruments and movements, and some were just a sincere friendship.

Very young, very pure age, no love, no sadness after a broken love, experienced all the sentimentality of Qianfan.

"We all had a naive and sad face once"

"Holding the sun, we look into the distance"

"Gently day by day year after year"

"Will we sing our wishes again when we grow up?"

"Gently day by day year after year"

"Will we sing our wishes again when we grow up?"

There is no prelude of more than 40 seconds at the beginning, and there is no pause of more than 20 seconds in the middle. This song only takes two minutes and 40 seconds in total, and it will be sung quickly.

It was almost the end of the singing, and the people in the audience hadn't reacted yet.

"Do it again! Do it again!"

"Ye Qingyang, I like you!"

"Duan Qingxue, I love you!!"

Fu Xiaotang had a dark face. He was quite happy to hear the cheers from the audience, but he just liked them and didn't mention my name at all. This is not giving face.

Remembering the faces of the boys who yelled the most, she planned to take care of their class tomorrow night during self-study and hygiene checks.

The song was short and not enjoyable at all, so Fu Xiaotang and the others were repeatedly asked to sing it again. This time the effect was better than the previous one. The few people were not so nervous and relaxed naturally.

"Mr. Yue, after singing, why are you still squatting?" Seeing Yue Jing not getting up and keeping squatting, Fang Jing was curious.

"My legs are numb, help me."


When she first got up, Yue Jing felt numb from the soles of her feet to half of her body, as if her legs were not legs.

"Mr. Yue, familiarity is familiarity, don't lean on your body! There are so many eyes watching from the audience, I will lose my fans if I am misunderstood."

"You're going to die!" Pinching Fang Jing, Yue Jing frowned and said, "Help me first, I can't stand anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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