Chapter 516 Sports
Limping, Fang Jing supported Yue Jing to the backstage, while Fu Xiaotang was still chattering about her performance on stage just now.

"Did you hear that, so many cheers are for me, I bet, when I go to the classroom tomorrow morning, the desk box must be full of confession love letters."

"It's a pity, I gave birth to the king for a living, and the king gave birth to me as I am old, so I can only leave a good imagination for these elementary school boys."

Seeing that Fu Xiaotang was narcissistic again, Fang Jing couldn't help but interrupt, "Here comes the chair, can't you stand without seeing Teacher Yue?"

"Oh oh oh, is this a sprain?"

"It's okay, no need." Yue Jing waved her hand, "It's just ordinary leg numbness, just stand up for the meeting, you sing very well, give me an autograph another day."

"No problem, Mr. Yue, I will cover as much as you want. When I become a big star in the future, I will invite you to dinner every day, and I will take care of signing autographs."

"Hey! You just keep talking, why are you looking at me?" Fang Jing was speechless, "I usually sign for you, don't I?"

Fu Xiaotang said in a low voice: "A signature is a signature, and I don't even have a few group photos."

Every time Fang Jing came to school, she was not the one who served tea and water. Now that Fang Jing was about to graduate, Fang Jing would kill the donkey without calling her.

Too lazy to talk to her, Fang Jing waved his hand, "Go, go, I can treat you to dinner another day."

"Ang! This is about the same."

"Ms. Fang, thank you." Ye Qingyang stepped forward and said with a smile, "My mother is fine."

"Small things, easy to do, how are you studying, what major do you study in university?"

"Folk music, dulcimer."

"What about you?" Fang Jing looked at Fu Xiaotang.

"What else can I do, Guzheng, I have been practicing for more than ten years, if I let go of my mother, I will be the first to kill me."

"I haven't made up my mind yet." Duan Qingxue hesitated, "I'm tired of practicing the violin for so long, and I want to change my way of life."

Everyone's family is different. Duan Qingxue's family is rich, and she will definitely not make a living by playing the violin in the future. To learn this thing is to have talent and interest, and to cultivate sentiment.

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, you are not short of money, if you can't make up your mind, you can come to me, I will help you refer."

"Well, thank you Teacher Fang."

After chatting for a while, Fu Xiaotang and the others all left. Fang Jing found that Yue Jing was still leaning on him, "Sister, are you alright? There are so many people."

"Okay." With a blank look, Yue Jing tried to move her feet and returned to normal, "I said I am not afraid of a woman, what are you afraid of? There are no paparazzi here, you big stars live so tired ?"

"It's not a matter of paparazzi." Fang Jing pulled a chair and sat down, holding a bottle of water in his hand to play with, "A matter of principle."

in principle?The corner of Yue Jing's mouth twitched. According to her observation, Fang Jing is not a principled person. Men are fickle, and few of them are lecherous.

"The male is unmarried, the female is unmarried, we are normal colleagues, are you afraid of this?"

"Who said the man is unmarried? How do you know that I'm not married or I don't like anyone. They are public figures anyway. Isn't it normal to hide some things?"

As if thinking of something, Yue Jing's complexion was not very good, "Could it be that everything on the Internet is true?"

Fang Jing didn't say a word, he nodded and hummed lightly, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank water by himself, which was his tacit consent.

"Are you really being taken care of?"

"Pfft!!" Fang Jing spat out all at once, and glared at her, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Didn't you say that everything said on the Internet is true? I didn't say anything." Yue Jing felt wronged, hesitated to speak, and said after a while, "Really?"

Fang Jing has only debuted for a few years now. It is already a legend that Shanliwa, who graduated from junior high school, can make it to the top line. He is worth tens of billions, and many artists work for him.

There are many people who are popular, and there are many rumors about him on the Internet. Some people say that she was raised by a woman from a big family in Yanjing to become what she is today.

Some people say that Fang Jing is actually just a part-time worker, and behind him is the giant crocodile capital.

"Don't guess, it's nothing." Fang Jing got up with water, walked towards the door, and said slowly: "It's because of my luck that I can get to this day."

Gathering up her courage, Yue Jing said, "Then do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I will notify you of the marriage."

"Really? Congratulations, when are you going to get married?"

"I don't know, probably when I wasn't in the entertainment industry."

The night sky in summer is beautiful, the heat of the day is mixed with the faint breeze, just right, Fang Jing came out of the backstage and left, the driver at the school gate was waiting, leaving behind a lonely figure.

Fang Jing is excellent, handsome, and has a good personality. There are very few girls who don't like his type, and Yue Jing is the same, but it seems that the two are not suitable.

A relationship that hadn't started yet ended, and Yue Jing felt a little lost in her heart. After taking a deep breath, she went to be her host again with a smile on her face a few minutes later.


The next day, the video of the Lihai Music High School became a hot search, and a wish song hit the screen. As the top traffic, there are very few things that have nothing to do with Fang Jing that are not discussed.

Yesterday's graduation meeting was uploaded to the Internet, and it was fermented in just a few hours, with 800 million views.

In the early morning, Fu Xiaotang received a call from a person who claimed to be a live broadcast company, and the person said that he would sign her with 30 a year.

Not only her, but also Duan Qingxue and Ye Qingyang.

What angered Fu Xiaotang the most was that her signing offer was 30 yuan, while Duan Qingxue and Ye Qingyang actually paid 50 yuan. This is too much, who do you look down on?
After calling back, Fu Xiaotang would feel better after being scolded.

Duan Qingxue giggled and said, "You really don't plan to go? It's worth hundreds of thousands. Working for two or three years is better than ordinary people working part-time for a lifetime."

30 is the signing fee, not counting the usual rewards from fans. Some powerful anchors can get 10,000+ daily rewards, and high-level anchors do make money.

"No, if my dad knows that he can give me a discount on my legs, maybe I'll show my face and ruin public morals."

Fu Xiaotang's family's traditional concept is still very heavy. Let alone being an anchor, you can't wear hot pants at home, and you will be talked about if you roll up your trouser legs.

Ever since a pair of ripped jeans had been sewn stitch by thread by her grandma, she would not wear them at home.

"Xiaotang, do you think I can go?" Ye Qingyang asked weakly.

The two were silent, and then Fu Xiaotang remembered that Ye Qingyang's family didn't seem to be doing well now, and hundreds of thousands of dollars was indeed a lot of income.

But in the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to let this good friend go. Ye Qingyang didn't have any other talents except dulcimer, so what did he want her for?

It's not about the face and figure.

"I think it's better to ask Teacher Fang about this matter. He is well-informed and experienced."

"Yeah!" Duan Qingxue nodded in agreement, "If you want to think about it, you'd better tell Teacher Fang. I heard that there are a lot of scammers on the Internet, who only cheat female students with no social experience."

Several people combined to call Fang Jing, but no one answered the first call, and no one answered the second, until the third.

What he heard was a lot of bloody cursing, Fang Jing was calm after venting a bit.

"The live streaming industry is deep, and it's not something you can get involved in. Students should study hard. If you are short of money, I can give you the salary first."

"Call me if you have anything to do. I'm busy now." Hanging up the phone, Fang Jing sighed inwardly when he saw Yang Ning, who had already gotten up, leaving behind her jade back to go to the bathroom.

I originally planned to exercise early in the morning, but in the middle of the day, I received phone calls one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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