Chapter 517
In Guangdong Province, on the road of the ice-breaking crew, the crew's car came to pick up Fang Jing, and Wu Jiajia was also with him.

"Mr. Fang, why are your dark circles so big? Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

"I went to exercise, but I didn't have a good rest."

"Sports?" Wu Jiajia suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Is it yesterday's graduation party? The students in your class are very popular, don't you want to recruit them?"

"Underage, if you don't want to do it, forget it."

Fang Jing still has principles in his work. These little girls haven't graduated from university yet, unlike Yang Chao, who came out to work in junior high school. They don't lack food and clothing, and their family conditions are good. Why take them here?

The key point is that they have no bright spots, and a few musical instruments are useless in the entertainment circle, so they can only be behind the scenes.The appearance is okay, but it is also a vase route.

Even if this kind of person can be picked up, he will be lost to everyone for a few years, so he might as well study hard and live an ordinary life in the future.

"Mr. Fang, this is not your style."

"What's my style?" Fang Jing looked at Wu Jiajia expressionlessly.

Putting away her smiling face, Wu Jiajia said worriedly: "It is said on the Internet that you only bring beautiful women into the company, what else..."

Fang Jing frowned, "Who said this? Check it out and ask the legal department to sue him later."

To say that he is an artist with unspoken rules, the people in the company would definitely not say that. Even if ordinary netizens who eat melons can say such things, they have little ability to spread them.

Those who can make waves on the Internet are blamed if there is no instruction behind them, either they are people who have offended them before, or they are hostile companies.

In short, the comer is not good.


The ice-breaking crew started filming in March, and it has been filming for almost three months now. 90.00% of the nine scenes of Tazhai played by Wang Jinsong have been filmed, and today is his last day.

The crew, Wang Jinsong frowned when he saw Fang Jing, "Fang Jing, you came just in time, I have something to discuss with you, about the crew."

Turning his head to look at the director who was busy on the set, Fang Jing was puzzled: "If you have something to do, you can just go to them, you know, I basically don't interfere with the crew's affairs."

In the ice-breaking crew, Fang Jing is an actor, and the script has been arranged long ago. He doesn't care about all related matters, and the director can shoot as he pleases.

"Come here and talk about it first." Walking into the rest shed, Wang Jinsong sat down and scratched his head, "Isn't it my last show today, but I feel that something is missing. After thinking about it, I want to add another scene."

"The rivalry between Lin Yaodong and Li Weimin."

"The two have been fighting each other, but Tazhai was destroyed, Lin Yaodong was arrested, and it ended like that. He was shot, and the following two words finalized the case of this character. It feels too hasty to end."

Fang Jing finally knew why Wang Jinsong wanted to find him alone. It turned out that he wanted to add drama.

The lines of the script were prepared by the screenwriter, and the director also studied it to make sure that there is no problem to apply to the radio and television station. Now that there is a sudden need to add a play, let's not talk about whether the director can agree.

The subject matter of this kind of film is inherently sensitive. If I agree to shoot it, but it will be blocked and not allowed to be broadcast later because of this matter, it will be a lot of fun.

"Uncle Dong, please tell me your opinion first." After calming down, Fang Jing did not refuse, if it was beneficial to the film, he would consider it.

"It's like this. I want to add a scene where Lin Yaodong is interrogated after being arrested. The interrogator is Li Weimin. The two ask and answer. Lin Yaodong expresses his unwillingness and suffering, and Li Weimin also explains his work and determination to fight drugs. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Jinsong looked at Fang Jing, the scale of this scene was a bit big, maybe it was going to be 404, but he didn't want to play a purely bad person.

Everyone has his reasons for being bad, Lin Yaodong also has another face.

What is Lin Yaodong unwilling to do?More than ten years ago, Tazhai was the poorest village in a radius of dozens of miles. Every family could not afford food and was looked down upon. No one wanted to marry here, and all the men were single.

The girls in the village have no education, so they can only sneak across the sea and go to Xiangjiang across the river to do some shady flesh and blood business.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yaodong appeared, this young man who went out to make a living came back, and he was also doing shady business outside, selling ice.

His money will never be used up in his life, so he can enjoy his old age comfortably, but the village is suffering, so he stretched out his hand and brought hope to the village. Within a few years, every family drove a luxury car and lived in a luxury house.

But he is not a person who does everything for money. Like ordinary parents, he is very good to his son and hopes that his son will live a stable life for the rest of his life, so he never let him get involved in the affairs of the village.

Rubbing between his brows, Fang Jing was silent, and said after a while: "I can't decide this matter, so I'll call my master and the director, and let's all figure it out."

With so much money invested, if the last scene caused the whole show to be blocked, then Fang Jing really wanted to go to the rooftop, and Wu Gang had to nod for such a thing.

He is an old man with a wide range of backgrounds, and he said it would be no problem.

A few minutes later, Wu Gang and the director arrived, and they sat down to discuss it. Sure enough, when they heard Wang Jinsong's suggestion, their expressions darkened.

The director was the first to speak, "Mr. Wang, this scene doesn't have to be filmed. I admit that the effect will be better according to what you said, but the risk is not small, and it is actually unnecessary."

Every time I play a role, I experience a life. If I don't play this role, Wang Jinsong will feel pimples in his heart. He feels that this test in his heart will be difficult to pass, and Lin Yaodong's life is incomplete.

Standing in his position, of course I hope to be able to shoot.

"Fang Jing, what do you think?" Wu Gang did not refuse, but asked Fang Jing.

"Me? Of course I hope to be able to film it, and I also want to make a good film, but from the standpoint of a businessman, if I get banned because of this drama, I will not agree to film it, so I will discuss it with you."

"Then shoot!" Wu Gang nodded, "But the lines must be closed. I'll report to the radio and television first. If it's not too outrageous, it should be fine. If it can't be broadcast, let's cut it. I promise not to hurt the whole world." drama."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." This is what Fang Jing wanted.

"However, Lin Yaodong's final interrogation cannot be whitewashed. This is the bottom line." Wu Gang stared at Wang Jinsong, "No matter how difficult he is, breaking the law is a fact."

Wang Jinsong sighed in his heart, and said: "Understood, I will pay attention to this aspect."

It's a matter of scale, and I can't fully express Lin Yaodong's innermost feelings, but he is satisfied with Wu Gang's answer like this. Originally, he didn't have to shoot this scene.

Everyone took the risk if they agreed to shoot, especially Fang Jing and the director.

Fang Jing's worst case is losing money, the director may be blacklisted by radio and television.

They found paper and pens, and a few people started to make lines on the spot. There are not many lines in an interrogation scene, and it can be filmed in 10 minutes. I am afraid that there will be problems with the lines.

Wu Gang's design is a shot to the end, with Lin Yaodong as the camera to follow, and then there are questions and answers. After more than half an hour, several people just come up with a rough idea.

I tried to act it once, but the director quit. Wang Jinsong has a strong aura, and his acting is so good, it makes people feel like a hero, as if everything he does is just as it should be.

Not only can't hate it, but I admire it.

(End of this chapter)

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