Chapter 518 Supergirl
Regarding the arrangement of Wang Jinsong's last scene, several people have not been able to make a decision. It is impossible for the crew to wait for several people when it is time to start work.

Let things go, let Wang Jinsong figure out his lines, and the others continue to work normally.

In the last scene, Wang Jinsong was not satisfied with what he produced for three consecutive days. Either the director thought it was not good, or Wu Gang thought it was not good.

Fang Jing didn't understand this aspect, and he didn't participate in it, so it was just right for them to rush over with one heart, no one competed with him for the camera seat, and they had to line up before, but now they are filming his scenes all day long.

From morning to night, from night to morning, Fang Jing finished filming half a month's worth of scenes in a few days. He was originally the last one to finish filming, but now he finished filming earlier than Wang Jinsong.

Festival Demon, Supergirl eliminated the scene.

After three or four rounds of selection, the regional competition came to an end. After this round, the top ten in each region will be ranked. These people will go to Shonan Satellite TV to participate in the finals next month.

On the stage, Lin Qiuyue and Fang Hui each sang a song by Fang Jing, and several judges praised it very much. They were about to pass, but the judge sitting in the middle frowned the whole time.

A few minutes later, sixteen contestants stood on the stage, and only to be announced by the judges, three of them would be among the top ten singers in the Modu Division.

Tapping his head with a pen, Liu Wei did not comment, but said to a girl in the middle: "Your name is Fang Hui? Is there any copyright for singing other people's songs?"

Straightening her chest, Fang Hui was confident and confident, without blushing and heartbeat: "Of course!"

Turning his head to look at another judge, Wang Qiang, Liu Wei sent him a questioning look.

As a signed artist of Shonan Satellite TV, it is regarded as a second-tier artist sent here for the regional finals in Shanghai. She is not aware of the previous competition, but the two girls singing Fang Jing's song in a row caught her attention.

Don't others know that she doesn't know? If you want to sing a famous song on stage, you can't buy the copyright without paying a hundred thousand yuan. But the information shows that these two girls are from ordinary families, and there is no agency contract behind them. Where did they come from? money?

The most likely thing is to lie.

"Ahem!" Wang Qiang coughed lightly, and whispered, "Don't worry, her singing is fine."

"Bought the copyright?" Liu Wei wondered.

Without speaking, Wang Qiang shook his head.

"Then how do you say it's okay?" Liu Wei was a little angry, and smiled angrily: "Also, I think this girl sings very well, and I'm really curious about how she got here without hindrance."

Forget about the one named Lin Qiuyue. Although she sings so-so, she looks good. It's understandable that the program group forced her to take her in for the sake of ratings.

But Fang Hui's singing skills have obviously never been studied, and any freshman in a conservatory of music is better than her in her lifetime, and she is not as beautiful as her.

The key family conditions are very ordinary. Parents are divorced and live with elder brother. This condition is not a rich owner. Is the program crew's eyesight bad?

Unable to offend Liu Wei, Wang Qiang said in a low voice, "Her brother is Fang Jing."

Liu Wei was surprised, why did sister Fang Jing come here?Are you going to debut? It's unlikely.

Wang Qiang smiled wryly, "That's why she can still sing without a certificate of authorization. We can't offend Fang Jing. Can his sister save face when she comes over?"

"The other thing is to consider Fang Jing's influence. His sister came to participate in the show, and the news that broke out later will attract a lot of topics."

"When the time comes, giving out seven or eight casually and then eliminating them will be regarded as giving Fang Jing face. Hello everyone."

It's impossible for Sister Fang Jing to join Shonan Satellite TV. This is something everyone knows, but it's all here. It's a pity not to keep such a big melon. It's just a ranking, it's not just a matter of words.

Taking a closer look at Fang Hui's face, Liu Wei secretly compares it with Fang Jing, there is a bit of resemblance, but no matter how you think about it, it's a bit unbelievable.

She knew Fang Jing's temper. He was very machismo and rigid, and he didn't agree with girls mixing in the entertainment industry, let alone family members.

"Can you be sure?"

"Yes!" Wang Qiang nodded, "Although she didn't say Fang Jing's name, the program team knew it after checking it. It was written on the ID card. This girl had participated in Metamorphosis before, so the station has a lot of background."

When Fang Hui signed up, she never mentioned Fang Jing's name, thinking that she was well protected, but what she didn't know was that every person who participated in the Shonan Satellite TV program had a record.

The moment her name was entered into the computer, she was exposed, and the program team knew exactly what was going on at home.

The reason why he kept it secret was because he guessed that the girl signed up privately. Fang Jing didn't know about it at all, otherwise the higher-ups would have received a call from Fang Jing.

But since Fang Hui didn't want to say anything, they pretended not to know, and waited until the finals to show up to attract a wave of traffic, to promote their own people, and give her seven or eight places as an explanation.

"Does Fang Jing know?" Liu Wei asked again, seeing that Wang Qiang didn't speak, she instantly understood, and she could guess the general idea of ​​the routine.

"You really can do it, and arrange someone to step on his sister in the later stage, aren't you afraid that he will trouble you?"

"She came here by herself, what are we afraid of when we are on business?" Wang Qiang curled his lips indifferently, "Besides, it's not that there will be no compensation, and a place in the top ten will be given at that time."

There is a saying that Wang Qiang didn't say, it's true that Fang Jing is not easy to mess with, but Shonan Satellite TV is bad?No matter how powerful Nan Jing is, he can't reach the level of a provincial TV station.

Moreover, this TV station is one of the best in the country, which is why they are confident, and the worst result is that Fang Jing suffers from being dumb.

"You can deal with this matter, I don't care." Liu Wei left the table, not participating in this matter, obviously because he didn't want to lie in the pot.

It's fine if you don't know Fang Jing, Fang Jing will find trouble in the later stage, but she and Fang Jing have known each other for several years, and they are still friends, so this matter will inevitably affect their relationship.

Liu Wei's departure does not affect the result of the competition, and Wang Qiang takes her place to announce the ranking.

"Ahem! Teacher Liu has to leave first, and I will announce the promotion ranking next, No.1 Fang Hui, congratulations, No.2 Qin..."


The ice-breaking crew had wrapped up the drama, Fang Jing booked a ticket to the Lihai Music High School, and before he got on the plane, he received a call from Liu Wei, saying that Fang Ani was participating in Supergirl.

Putting aside the shooting of the flashing girl, Fang Jing hurriedly changed his ticket to go back to Shanghai without calling. He knew that Fang Hui had a temper and was very stubborn.

"This girl is not so courageous. She dared to sign up without telling her. If it wasn't for Liu Wei's call, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know about it until the finals."

Beside, Wu Jiajia also heard the content of the phone call, and comforted: "Kids love to play, so don't be too angry, just make it clear."

Fang Jing raised his forehead, his heart was complicated, how could he not know what the entertainment industry is like?Unless a girl has a strong background, who hasn't suffered a bit?

Before Wu Jing said in public that girls are not suitable for this circle and was scolded by netizens, Fang Jing actually agreed with his words.

If you have no resources and no background, it is too difficult to get ahead. You have to survive for ten or eight years, or sell something in exchange for a future.

The rise of the grassroots is a joke, the entertainment industry is so big, how many Wang Baoqiangs have emerged?

(End of this chapter)

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