Chapter 519 Showdown
"Qiuyue, I didn't expect that both of us would advance. We won't be going back to eat for a while. In order to celebrate the smooth promotion, we will have a good meal later."

"Okay!" Lin Qiuyue smiled, "Thanks to you just now, fortunately the critics didn't ask me about the copyright, otherwise I don't know how to ask."

"It's okay, which one of us is with whom, you just say that I asked you to sing, and their program team doesn't seem to have asked. It seems that the previous worries are unnecessary."

When it comes to copyright, Fang Hui still has some lingering fears. If the program group asks her to provide a copyright certificate, she really can't get it out, and it will be no good to alarm Fang Jing.

In fact, she never thought about copyright from the beginning to the end. She thought it was just for fun, and she would go home after one or two auditions, and she couldn't reach the level of buying copyright to sing.

Unexpectedly, the luck was not so good, and she was promoted consecutively. A few days ago, she opened Weibo, and now she has more than 2 followers, and many people leave her messages every day.

They found a restaurant, and the two of them ate until after eight o'clock in the evening and came home. At the door, a figure stood against the wall with their backs to them, with scarlet cigarette butts flickering.

Suddenly, Fang Hui was a little frightened, grabbed Lin Qiuyue's hand, and said in a low voice, "Be careful, if something is wrong, call the police."

"Ahem!!" Lin Qiuyue coughed loudly.

With a tired face, Fang Jing turned around, extinguished the cigarette and threw it into the trash can in the corridor, looked at the two of them and said calmly, "Open the door, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Brother! Why are you standing here? Don't make a phone call when you come. I'll be back soon."

"I waited for a while when the phone ran out of battery, have you eaten yet?"

"Just finished eating." Fang Hui said as he opened the door, "You haven't eaten, have you? There is food in the kitchen, let's warm it up for you."

The corners of Lin Qiuyue's mouth twitched. The lunch was their leftovers, and Fang Hui gave it to her brother. Are you used to it?
Although the food is clean, what hasn't Fang Jing, a big star, eaten so that he can't skip his feet when he eats leftovers?

"Good!" Unexpectedly, Fang nodded.

After changing shoes, the three of them entered the room. Fang Jing was full of thoughts in his mind, and he didn't talk much when he was not in a good mood. Lin Qiuyue didn't know why, but felt a little uneasy.

On the contrary, Fang Jing, who is hurt when meeting, is more kind. He can feel that he cares about people when he swears, and his silent and silent appearance is scary.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Even Lin Qiuyue felt that it was unusual, let alone Fang Hui who had lived under the same roof for more than ten years.

Looking up, Fang Jing forced a smile, "Can't I come to see you if I have nothing to do?"

"That's right! You don't come to see me when you're free."

Fang Jing...

"It's my negligence. I can come here more often in the future. How is your study? You'll be in your third year of high school next semester, so don't miss your homework."

When it comes to study, Fang Hui is proud. This is the only capital she can show off to Fang Jing now, "I have very good grades, top five in the class, and recently Qiuyue is not as high as me in the exam."

"Yes!" Lin Qiuyue squinted her eyes and smiled, "Last month, Fang Hui surpassed me in the ranking, and now I have to learn from her."

"Really? I can't tell! Take the college entrance examination well and get into a good university. I will reward you when the time comes. I will give you whatever you want, and Qiuyue has it too!"

"Really?" Fang Hui's eyes widened, "I want to give you the sports car, too?"

"Here!" Fang Jing nodded, "Isn't it just a car, as long as you are admitted to university."

"Don't go back on your word! I remember your words."

Earlier, Yang Ning said that the university would buy her a car, but she didn't say anything about it. Fang Jing's promise of a sports car would be the best. Fang Hui can already imagine the scene of driving around the campus in a car.

Fang Jing looked at Lin Qiuyue who was busy in the kitchen, and said loudly, "Qiuyue, what gift do you want for the college entrance examination? Don't be too polite."

"Yes, don't be polite to my brother, it's rare for him to be generous."

"I, I, I don't want it, thank you Brother Fang Jing." Lin Qiuyue warmed up the dishes and served them to the table.

Fang Hui helped with the bowls and chopsticks and the rice.

"Yes, I live with Fang Hui. I'm embarrassed to bother you to take care of her every day. If it wasn't for you, she might have caused me some trouble."

"No need, no need, this should be done." Lin Qiuyue was a little embarrassed.

Fang Jing treats her well, although he doesn't come here often, but every time he sends Fang Hui a gift, she never loses a share. Last time he asked her to report something, but she never called, and he didn't say anything.

Without saying a word, Fang Jing picked up the bowl to eat, took a look, the three dishes were all made by himself, and he didn't order takeaway.

It is obvious that Fang Hui's cooking skills can't make it, so Lin Qiuyue can only do it.

Fang Jing didn't speak, and the atmosphere turned cold all of a sudden, Fang Hui and Lin Qiuyue, who had ghosts in their hearts, didn't dare to speak indiscriminately, only the sound of babbling was heard at the dinner table.

While eating, Fang Jing suddenly asked, "What are Qiuyue's future plans? What do you think about choosing a university major?"

"Huh? Oh, not yet."

"How can this work? I will be in the third year of high school next semester, and I will take the college entrance examination next summer. There are some things that should be considered. You should discuss this kind of important matter with your parents. If you decide on a major, tell me. I will help you pay for the college tuition. It is you Help me take care of Fang Hui."

"No, no, it's really unnecessary." Lin Qiuyue waved her hand hastily, and blurted out, "I don't want to go to college now."

"What! You don't go to college?" Fang Hui was startled, suddenly thought of something, and said in disbelief, "You won't..."

"Yeah!" Nodding, Lin Qiuyue said to Fang Jing, "I signed up for Super Girl, and I have already advanced. I may go to Shonan Satellite TV to participate in the national finals."

"Fang Hui also signed up, but she's just playing around, and she's going back to school in a few days, Brother Fang Jing, don't blame her."

Fang Jing is very busy with work, as Fang Hui said, he basically doesn't come here if he has nothing to do, and he must have something to do when he suddenly came here today. Thinking about the dinner table, he must know that they are participating in Supergirl.

Anyway, we all know that there is no need to hide it, and being frank will not make people disgusted.

"Qiuyue, no, didn't we agree that it was just for fun? What's so good about being a celebrity, you can't go home for two weeks a year, and you don't have time to spend with your family."

"Your grades are so good, you will definitely be able to get into a good university in the future. My brother will help you pay the tuition fees, and we will go to the same school."

After being silent for a while, Lin Qiuyue looked at Fang Hui with a wry smile and said, "Yes, studying with my grades is indeed a way out. There may be a decent job in five or six years, but buying a house before the age of 30 is a good idea."

"Like your house, I can afford it for 30 to 30 years without eating or drinking, and the mortgage is estimated to last until I grow old. I didn't tell you, someone wants to sign me, the signing fee is [-], and I will enter the top ten signings in the national finals It costs millions."

"I'm just an ordinary family, whether it's a philistine or a vain, I can't refuse this kind of offer."

"But, but..." Fang Hui wanted to refute, but didn't know how to say it.

Fang Jing sighed, Fang Hui said: "When you want to criticize others, think about it first, not everyone has your background and family, you should respect her choice."

(End of this chapter)

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