Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 520 Persuasion, the future is dark

Chapter 520 Persuasion, the future is dark

Lin Qiuyue can understand what kind of psychological situation, one step forward is hundreds of thousands of credits, and there may be millions of tens of millions in the future.

If she studied one step at a time, she would not be able to earn so much money in her entire life.

Fang Hui's tone was low: "Qiuyue, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter?"

From the audition all the way to the present, Lin Qiuyue has never revealed to her anything about signing a contract or dropping out of school. Fortunately, she still foolishly thought that the two of them would return to school after a while.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I also made the decision during this time. Do you still remember the manager Xu Zhenzhen when the two of us signed up? I have always kept her business card."

Not daring to look into Fang Hui's eyes, Lin Qiuyue said in a deep voice: "After I came back, I checked their company on the Internet, and it was true, not a liar. I have been contacting her for the past few days, and it was she who said she would give me hundreds of thousands of signing fees. "

"Xu Zhenzhen? What's the name of the company?" Fang Jing put down the bowl and said seriously, "Do they have any idea of ​​signing Fang Hui?"

After reporting the name of the company, Lin Qiuyue nodded, "They wanted to sign two people, including Fang Hui, but I knew Fang Hui would not go, so I declined for her."

"Brother Fang Jing, I also have to apologize to you. The song I sang in the competition this time is yours and has not been approved by your company."

"If I have to lose money, I will pay it. It's just that I don't have any money now, and I may have to pay it back later. But I can issue IOUs and I won't default on my debts."

"What are you talking about!" Fang Hui glared at her, looked at Fang Jing and said, "I asked her to sing, not only her, I also sang your song, anyway, we have no money, if you want to sue, even me tell."

Encountering such a hob meat, Fang Jing couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't say I want you to pay, just sing it, I don't lose a piece of meat."

Taking out his mobile phone, Fang Jing called Wu Jiajia and asked her to check the brokerage company Lin Qiuyue mentioned.

"Brother, didn't you say that the phone is out of battery..."

"Shut up! Ah, it's not about you, send me the results after checking."

Frowning, Fang Jing looked at Fang Hui unkindly, "Why didn't you tell me when you went to sign up quietly? You want to make a debut without reading a good book, and the family is short of money?"

"No, I just went for fun and didn't want to make a debut. Don't you know if I can sing with my dog's throat?"

"It's best for you to think like this." Fang Jing looked at Lin Qiuyue, "Don't be in a hurry to sign a contract, I asked the company for you, and it won't be too late to sign after understanding."

"Now the contract is very dark. If you don't have contacts there, don't sign it. It's not worth spending your whole life for hundreds of thousands."

Fang Jing knows a little bit about the current market situation. Generally, the contract for new trainees starts from seven years, regardless of whether you are famous or not, the penalty for breach of contract is five or six million.

When you make money and want to terminate the contract, there will be a packaging fee, training fee, and a set of 500 million. Want to leave?Let's talk about how much you earn.

"My brother is right." Fang Hui echoed, "I'll help you find a lawyer to go with you another day. We won't sign the contract if it's not right."

Fang Jing rolled his eyes, "If you don't understand anything, don't get involved, okay? It's no use bringing a lawyer, and it's not like a big-name artist can bargain."

"The contract is that contract. Newcomers don't have the right to bargain. If you want to be famous and want money, you have to sign it. It's not that people beg you, it's you who ask for it."

"Anyway, it is certain that the newcomer contract is not friendly. You have to be mentally prepared. Once you sign the contract, you will be tied up in this industry for the next ten years. It is a good thing to be successful. If you don't, it will be a waste of ten years of youth."

"I'll go, it's too dark." Fang Hui took Fang Jing's hand and begged, "Brother, if you don't want Qiuyue to go to your company, you won't oppress people, right?"

The eyes of Lin Qiuyue's pale face lit up, and she really felt cold when she heard what Fang Jing said just now.

It would be the best if she could go to Nanjing. With Fang Hui's line, not to mention taking care of her, at least no one will bully her, and she won't be tricked.

"Our company doesn't recruit amateurs." Fang Jing cut off the hope of the two of them, "Besides, Nanjing is a film and television company, and its main business is in film and television, so I'm not familiar with the record business."

"Don't be angry if you say it, the company doesn't want high school students, the minimum is to graduate from the Film and Television Academy."

"You are discriminatory, naked discrimination." Fang Hui slapped the table and said angrily, "Who said that only college students can get ahead? Although Qiuyue is in high school, she has a good appearance and voice."

Suddenly startled, Fang Jing's head was full of black lines, "Speak well, what kind of table are you taking pictures of?"

"I, am I not expressing emotion, or is your company discriminating."

"It's not our company's discrimination, it's the market's discrimination." Sighing, Fang Jing said to the two: "High school students are in the entertainment industry, unless you want to be sprayed to death with this level of education."

"It's fine if you're not popular. After you become popular, that's why your opponents attack you. Otherwise, why do you think those young stars who debuted as child stars still go to film or music school?"

"Given their fame, school teachers may not be popular with them, let alone the performance. How can they be worse after more than ten years on the set?"

"Four years of film school, except for the first year, you can't take on the film, and you can go to the set in the sophomore year, and the school doesn't care. Those child stars have debuted for more than ten years, is it really a year of study time?"

Fang Jing's words were mainly for Lin Qiuyue to digest for a while, and then continued after a few minutes: "You will go out with a junior high school graduation certificate in the future, how far do you think you can get mixed up?"

Seeing that Fang Hui was about to start an argument, Fang Jing blocked her mouth in advance: "Don't make trouble with me, do you think no one talks about me on the Internet? That's because I have a team that can delete comments for public relations, and Lin Qiuyue has a team of hundreds of people to help her PR?"


"What are you, you have nothing to say?"

Wiping the spittle on his face, Fang Hui said: "I can't say no to you, whether you eat or not, I'll take it!"

"Take it!"

Lin Qiuyue has been contemplating without saying a word. What was originally a happy thing, but Fang Jingyi said that it is all pitfalls and the future is dark.

Wiping his mouth with a piece of paper, Fang Jing said casually: "Fang Hui, Super Girl sent me back the game and go to class. As for Qiuyue...you can figure it out."

"No! I've already advanced." Fang Hui quit, pouting and saying, "Do you know how hard it is for me to get to where I am today? Can't you let me finish the game?"

Glancing at it, Fang Jing said indifferently: "How difficult is it? You think that your personal information is well protected, and people don't know that I am your brother?"

"Of course, I didn't say how they know. I have come to this day relying on my strength."

Seeing her look, Fang Jing smiled, "Then how do you think I know you are participating in the competition?"

"I saw it online."

Although the audition is not an important competition, it can still be found on the Internet. Fang Hui thought it was someone from Nan Jing who saw her on the Internet and told Fang Jing about the matter.

"Fart! The judges called me on my phone, and you also know that you are a dog chewing on your throat. Why can't you pass through all the way to the promotion?"

(End of this chapter)

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