Chapter 521 Help
Pointing at Fang Hui's head, Fang Jing spat all over the sky, amused and a little angry, this girl is usually very clever, but she has been confused for so long when she encounters this kind of thing.

After talking about it for a while, Fang Jing calmed down, too, after all, he is still a high school student who has never been out of society, and has no social experience, so how could he be the opponent of Shonan Satellite TV.

"Brother, aren't you worrying too much?" Fang Hui still didn't believe it, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I think I can sing well. Even if what you said is true, it can't be ruled out that there are fair people in the program group, maybe People really think I can sing well."

"Pfft!! Cough cough cough cough."

Fang Jing, whose throat was dry, just took a sip of water, and spit out immediately when he heard these words.

"Do you really dare to think? Can you sing well? Come on, let me hear you, I haven't found out that you have this talent, by the way, can you read music?"

His face turned red, and Fang Hui really wanted to punch the person in front of him, "Who says you can't sing without reading music? Anyway, I've already advanced, so I'm going."

"Don't go!"


"You don't study anymore? It's not a holiday yet, right? The third grade of high school starts early, and you will drop a lot of courses."

"Fang Hui, why don't you listen to your brother." Lin Qiuyue also persuaded her.

After listening to Fang Jing's words just now, she also felt that she was a little reckless, but the matter has come to this point, she still plans to go out and make a fortune by herself, ten years of youth can be exchanged for one day of wealth, and she can afford to gamble.

"It's okay, the school courses are almost done, and I have to take a few days off for the summer vacation. The start of school is nothing more than endless practice questions. I won't miss my homework, and I don't like to brush the questions."

Fang Hui mustered up a lot of courage to say this in front of Fang Jing. After speaking, she secretly glanced at Fang Jing. She was ready to block.

If it doesn't work, retreat tactically!

But Fang Jing didn't seem to respond at all, he didn't know what to look at while holding the phone, and after a while he said calmly: "No, you like it!"

"I do not like!"

"You like it!" Fang Jing said with a smile: "Look at those questions, how cute they are. Aren't you happy soaking in the ocean of knowledge every day? Learning makes you happy."

"I have someone contact the tutors. Some are students who just entered key universities last year, and some are gold medal teachers. They will come in a few days. Come on, I am optimistic about you."

"Fang Jing, you're going too far!" Fang Hui's face turned cold, and he slapped the table and said, "Forget about forcing me every day, and find a tutor, some? How much is some?"

"Didn't you say that I can learn whatever I want, and I will arrange a way out for me in the future."

"You said it was in the past, I was confused before!" Fang Jing said sadly, "Now that I've figured it out, it's all my money, why should I give it to you?"

"Taking advantage of the holiday in a few days, go find a part-time job in your spare time, and I will cut off your living expenses."

"It's fine if you don't want to study. I'll save some money, but you should move out of this house. Find an electronics factory with three or four thousand a month, which is enough to support yourself."

"You really don't care about me anymore?" Fang Hui hesitated, tears streaming down his face.

She has suffered a lot. When she was a child, she was hungry and almost didn't vomit. Later, she went to work in a restaurant in junior high school, and she was very tired. Compared with before, her life now is like heaven.

Strictly speaking, Fang Jing has been raising her since she was a child. Once Fang Jing withdraws her capital, she will really return to before liberation overnight, and she will not be able to pay the high tuition fees for the next semester.

"Who asked you to participate in the talent show." Holding the water, Fang Jing looked at her sideways, Fang Jing was very calm, "You even slapped me on the table one after another, which turned you upside down."

"Hahaha!" Fang Hui laughed awkwardly, "I didn't want to go, I just thought it was fresh, now that I think about it, it doesn't make any sense, Qiuyue, take care, I'll cheer you on in front of the TV!"

"Thank you!" Lin Qiuyue smiled. She didn't want the two brothers and sisters to break up because of her own affairs. A large part of the reason Fang Hui insisted on going was to accompany her.

Fang Jing put the mobile phone in front of Lin Qiuyue, "I found you a newcomer contract from your company, let's have a look."

After a while, Wu Jiajia had already obtained Lin Qiuyue's newcomer contract with the company that he intended to sign, and the speed could not be described as unpleasant.

"Thank you."

As Fang Jing said, the contract is actually not very important to her, at most it is a reference, even if she cheats, she still has the right to negotiate with others?
Seeing Lin Qiuyue read it line by line, Fang Jing smiled and said, "There are more than ten pages of contracts and hundreds of clauses. How can you read them all? Besides, you are not a law major, so even if there are pitfalls, you won't be able to detect them."

"Let me be blunt. There is no such thing as a flaw in this kind of contract. Once you sign the contract, you will be tied to someone else's company. You will not be able to leave in the next seven or eight years. If you want to leave or break the contract, don't even think about it without a few million."

Worried, Lin Qiuyue raised her head and put her eyes on Fang Jing. She didn't care about it in seven or eight years, but the liquidated damages of several million sounds a bit scary.

"This business is very cruel. It doesn't matter your background can kill you." Fang Jing sighed and shook his head, "Look at Fang Hui and you will know. How deep is the water to be promoted even with such a bad singing skill?"

"If I don't stop her, it's possible for her to reach the top ten all the way, but other people can't, even if they have a professional background. Do you understand the reason?"

"Brother, you have to help Qiuyue." Holding Fang Jing's hand, Fang Hui begged, "If you work hard, I'll give her my top ten spot."

"Get lost! Where did you come from in the top ten? That's all I'm going to say."

"It doesn't matter. If you don't help her, I will go to the competition. If you cut off the living expenses, you will cut off the living expenses. In the worst case, I will go to your company's entrance to sweep the streets. I will hang a sign on my neck that says Sister Fang Jing."

Fang Hui is totally unreasonable as a hob meat patient.

"Okay! You're ruthless!" Fang Jing smiled, Fang Hui really did this.

After thinking for a while, Fang Jing looked at Lin Qiuyue, "How about this, let me help you ask Shonan Satellite TV if they want someone, and if there is a place, let them sign you."

"Although their contracts are also cheating, they want to save Taiwan and save face. They won't do anything to young people like you. They don't make money by paying liquidated damages."

Fang Jing on Shonan Satellite TV is the most familiar with He Ling, and they have cooperated several times in the station, and there are also business contacts between the companies. It is not difficult to sign an ordinary person.

"Thank you Brother Fang Jing." Lin Qiuyue got up excitedly and thanked her.

For people at Fang Jing's stage, talking can save her decades of struggle. Signing a contract with a big platform like Shonan Satellite TV is much better than that brokerage company full of pitfalls.

Fang Jing sighed, "You're welcome, I don't know if it will be successful or not, I can help you once, but I can't help you the second time, so be careful in the future."

He can imagine how difficult it is for a helpless girl with no background to get involved in the entertainment industry.

"By the way, don't drop out of the school. If you sign a contract, let Taili help you ask for leave for one year. You must take the college entrance examination. If you are in college, apply for a film school or a music school. It will be good for your future."

Lin Qiuyue nodded heavily, "Yeah, I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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