Chapter 525 New Ideas
The king of songs came back, and his younger sister lived in a kennel. Hearing such a story, the corners of Fang Hui's eyes twitched wildly. Enduring the thought of hitting someone, he said coldly after a while: "Get lost! I, my classmate would not write this even if I was starved to death." sort of plot."

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding." Fang Jing scratched his head and smiled, "Okay, novels are written for fun, you can write whatever you want, you can just write a physical education teacher who is often sick as a beggar. "

"It was originally written to be happy, not to win the Nobel Prize, so you can write whatever you want."

Hesitating, Fang Hui said: "But I saw someone on the Internet saying that before writing, you should prepare a [-]-word outline, prepare a biography of the characters, and reverse the storyline. It is best to save tens of thousands of words."

"No!!" Fang Jing waved his hand and said, "That's all nonsense. After writing an outline of tens of thousands of words, the enthusiasm is gone. As for the biographies and manuscripts, there is no need for them. It won't take ten and a half months for you to talk about them. Not finished."

"After spending so much time, you said that if you signed the contract, you couldn't sign the contract, wouldn't it be a loss!"

"Really?" Fang Hui felt that Fang Jing was just perfunctory her, and begged, "You are a great god, can't you teach me some dry things?"

"Teach who?"

"Teach me, I'll tell my friends."

Fang Jing was too lazy to expose this friend of hers, "Okay, let me tell you, the secret is to open Word and just do it. Don't care about the outline or not, first write out what's in your mind, and follow the feeling, as long as the general direction remains the same."

Fang Jing didn't lie, the facts are indeed like this, a story novel is often several million words, who can really finish the outline before writing?
For a mature writer, it's all about first thinking about the outline and then uploading it. After uploading, it will be improved and designed according to the reader's feedback and continuous inspiration.

"Okay, don't think about it for now, wash your face quickly, and take you to dinner."

"No, I'm too lazy to wash my hair, I'm ashamed to meet people, you go downstairs to buy, I'll wait for you."

Washing face, shampooing hair, and getting dressed took three to four 10 minutes. Fang Hui didn't want to waste so much time. With this time, she would rather conceive the plot of the story.

"I really owe you, wait!" Standing up, Fang Jing smiled helplessly, and went to the restaurant downstairs to pack food.

Staring at the computer screen, Fang Hui frowned and thought about it, Fang Jing was right, she was in the wrong direction at the beginning, she should choose a good subject.

Click to copy the content, exit the writer's backstage, and skillfully switch an account, Fang Hui presses and pastes again to "create" a novel.

A few minutes later, the editorial department of Reading Point received a notification from the backstage that the master Xiaoshu had just slipped out to open a new book without repairing it. Now, no one knows that this is Fang Jing’s vest. He didn’t even read the content. , first come first served.

"Great! Sure enough, my brother is right. A good book title and introduction is half the battle." Fang Hui grinned from ear to ear when the backstage received the signing news so quickly.

As for the matter of stealing the "Fang Jing account" to log in, she didn't take it to heart. Could the account registered with her ID card and phone number be stolen?

Fang Jing is the one who wants to steal, who asked him to register with her ID card, even the bound bank card is hers.

Fang Hui only found out this secret a few days ago. She wanted to try out a novel when she was idle, but unexpectedly, when she registered, it showed that she already had an account.

Don't know the password?Simple, enter the ID card to retrieve the password, and she changed the password within a few minutes. Only when she saw the book on the bookshelf did she realize that it was written by Fang Jing.

But it's not important, Fang Jing hasn't written for a long time, it's a waste to leave it empty, it's better to write for her.

In the female channel editorial department, the editor saw the book of "Fang Jing" through the backstage of the staff, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, the master is the master!

"When I came back from the sky, I saw my brother living in a kennel. In a rage, I built more than a dozen kennels for my brother to live in in turn..."

"Okay, you're done!" Fang Hui clapped his hands and grinned after filling out the electronic contract and editing Phoenix's penguin contact information.

"Hello, sir, do you have a cover for this book? If not, the backstage will prepare it?"

The head of the little penguin flickered, and the editor Fenghuang sent a message.

"No, no, I'll solve it." Fang Hui tapped his paws on the keyboard, and smiled like a huh: "Hello editor, how many words do I need to be recommended, I'm so excited to update."

"No, you update slowly in the early stage. If you recommend me, I will arrange it. Don't worry, there will be no shortage. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am online 24 hours a day."

"Thank you!"

Shutting down the computer, Fang Hui smiled foolishly, who said that editors can't add Penguin for half a month, can't ask for recommendations, don't look for them if you have nothing to do?Rumors are all rumors, and the editor is easy to talk about.

A few dozen miles away, in a certain office building, a young woman in her 20s sat in front of a computer and rubbed the center of her eyebrows. Although her face was tired, the corners of her mouth could not hide her smile.

She actually signed Fang Jing to her subordinates, who would believe it?
If it weren't for the old editor and the others going to dinner, such a good thing would not be her turn, asking for a recommendation?It must be arranged!Fengtui, Sanjiang, Dafengtui, one-stop service.

Half an hour later, Fang Jing came back with the food, saw Fang Hui giggling, and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"No, it's a small matter." Putting down the phone, Fang Hui's face straightened, Fang Jing couldn't let Fang Jing know about writing a novel.

"Stop playing, let's eat!"

"Yeah!" Wearing slippers, Fang Hui took two sets of bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen, ran to the dining table and started to eat, soaked some soup, and it was just a bowl.

"Brother, why do you have time to come back this time? Aren't you usually busy?"

"I won't be busy after filming the film. I will come back and rest for a while, and I will go to Shonan Satellite TV to promote at the end of the month."

"Propaganda? What propaganda?"

"Flash Girl, your brother is my first directorial work. The actors are all my students. They are the same age as you. You are very cute. I have the opportunity to introduce you."

"Okay!" Putting down the bowl, Fang Hui blinked and said, "Can you bring me one for this promotion? I want to go to Shonan Satellite TV to watch the Qiuyue competition."

"Yes!" Fang Jing agreed without hesitation.

"Gulu!" As soon as he swallowed a mouthful of rice, Fang Hui suddenly said: "Brother, didn't you say to help Qiuyue contact the brokerage company last time? Is this done?"

With a blank look, Fang Jing said: "If not, do you think she can enter the top ten finals?"

"Thank you, thank you!" Putting his hands together, Fang Hui smiled and said, "I will definitely write you better later."

"What's better?"

"Ahem! It's okay, don't worry about it, you don't understand girls' secrets."

After eating, he helped Fang Hui pack his things, Fang Jing drove back to the villa, and updated Weibo again in the evening, this time introducing the filming cycle, 20 days.

"Hahahaha! No, my Quick-acting Jiuxin Pill fell to the ground!"

"This is the best joke I've seen this year. A movie worth 400 million yuan is finished in 20 days. Brother, what do you think? It's not the way to make money, is it?"

"The food is too ugly, Fang Jing has lost his character this time."

(End of this chapter)

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