Chapter 526 On the show

Fang Jing, as a super star in China, has top traffic, no one doubts his box office appeal, even if he is not the lead actor, there are still a lot of audiences who are willing to pay for tickets to enter the cinema because of his name.

Turn traffic into cash, that’s what you’re playing now.

Don't you know how many directors look for someone to shoot a movie based on whether there is any traffic, and the traffic matches the character of the drama, you need to have good looks, and you need to have acting skills. As long as the filming is not like shit, basically you will not lose money.

But Fang Jing's approach is a bit too much. If you make money, you will make money. Everyone has no objection, but don't treat the audience as fools. With 400 million investment, you just show the audience the stuff that was filmed for 20 days. Isn't this a scapegoat?

"On how Fang Jing became corrupted by capital."

"Fang Jing's company was investigated. This is to leave the country after making the last fortune."

"The conscience of the past has become the capital of today, and people will indeed change."

Many big Vs posted on Weibo to analyze the reasons why Fang Jing made the film. I don’t know where the gossip came from. Talking about the unilateral dislike at the beginning, Fang Jing owed debts, changed his nationality and ran away.

After scrolling through the online comments for a while, Fang Jing couldn't help but smile. These people really know how to fill their brains. Due to the pressure of public opinion, he still posted an explanation.

"The decision to shoot Flash Girl was not a sudden decision. I had the idea a few months ago. Although the shooting cycle was short, the preparation cycle was not short. From writing the story to adapting the filming, it took a lot of effort."

"Besides, I haven't changed my nationality. Don't worry about me taking money and running away. Half of the film's net box office proceeds will be donated to the foundation to help more people."

"It's my first time directing, I put in a lot of hard work and learned a lot. I like everyone to support me a lot. Let me tell you in advance that this is a movie about music."

I didn't want to make money, Fang Jing made this movie just for fun.

After posting this Weibo, Fang Jing found the flash girl to promote the data, and posted the screenshot as well.

960 million, this is the publicity cost, which is twice as high as the production cost of the whole film. If it is really calculated, the total investment of Flash Girl is more than 300 million.

As soon as it was posted, netizens who had been waiting for a long time expressed different opinions.

"Really? The cost of publicity is so high."

"Let me give you a knowledgeable explanation. Why is the promotion of the film so much higher than the production cost? Isn't it money laundering?"

"Don't guess, Fang Jing's data is not fake, publicity costs money, and the publicity of more than 900 million is not high at all, okay? The average movie is much higher than this. Which of the few movies in the New Year's Eve this year has a publicity cost Isn't it over a billion?"

Finally met a few sensible people, Fang Jing nodded consolingly, and replied, "Publicity includes publicity and distribution. Friends who don't understand can look it up online. The 960 million I said is publicity, not including distribution."

The regular publicity of the film includes dozens of websites such as domestic basic website promotion, Du Niang, Zhihu, Weibo, Penguin, Toutiao, Big Fish, etc. There are also dozens of video websites, ranging from the big three giants of Aitengyou to the small Tomato , micro-video these.

There are also major live broadcast platforms, large city screens, horizontal screens, subway, and bus exit advertisements.

960 million seems to be a lot, and it’s just a drizzle if it’s put on these channels across the country, and Fangjing Studio has a lot of marketing accounts, and they can do many things by themselves, otherwise they can’t cover half of the country with double the money.

As for the distribution being outsourced to other companies, this business cannot be done by Nanjing.


At the beginning of July, the sun was scorching like fire. Fang Jing brought Fang Hui, Fu Xiaotang and a few people just off the Shacheng plane, and a gust of heat rushed over his face instantly.

Shacheng is not boasting that it is one of the four major furnaces in the country. Although it is a first-tier city, the weather is really hot.

"Go, go, the sun is too poisonous!"

"No, I would have brought an umbrella if I knew it earlier, who has a hat to borrow?"

Girls with long hair are inherently hot, and they wear short-sleeved clothes and have one more dress than boys. Fu Xiaotang wiped the sweat off his brow, and saw Fang Jing's peaked cap jump up and wanted to grab it.

But her stature was flawed, Fang Jing gently avoided her, and said with a smile, "Hurry up, someone is coming to pick you up, it's not hot enough to get in the car."

Wu Jiajia arrived one day earlier, and the handover between the hotel room and the station had already been done, not to mention sending a car to pick him up.

Amidst a group of students complaining, Fang Jing and the others left the airport.

On the road at the door, a middle-aged man with a bag on his back stood on the side of the road and looked around. He saw a private car approaching. Before the car stopped, he stepped out and fell to the ground.

This is a dead corner, there is no camera, the car has to slow down here, and the safety is guaranteed.

In the private car, the driver didn't panic at all. He took out his cigarette and lit it, took a deep puff, exhaled disgusting smoke, and said lightly, "1, 2, 3, 4... 10, 11."

"Ouch!" Suddenly, the middle-aged man on the ground jumped up, rubbed his butt vigorously, his face twisted, "This place is so fucking hot."

With the corner of his mouth raised, the driver opened the car window and shouted, "He's from out of town, right? You dare to lie down in this weather, I admire you!"

After talking, the driver threw out half a pack of cigarettes, saying that if we meet, we are destined, which is not easy for everyone.

"Thank you brother!" With the cigarette in his pocket, the middle-aged man approached and said with a smile: "Actually, I sell dash cams in the Motor City. You said that if it wasn't for the hot weather today, brother, wouldn't you have been blackmailed?" Unclear."

"So, buy a driving recorder, high-definition camera, data will be automatically deleted within ten days, and ants can see clearly from more than ten meters away. Today's in-store activities don't cost 98 yuan or 98 yuan, just [-] yuan."


With a laugh and cursing, the driver stepped on the accelerator and left. It costs 1000 yuan to break the driving recorder. How about cheating a fool?I started out selling driving recorders.

If it wasn't for the broken calf that time, he would have reached the pinnacle of his life by now.

Fang Jing didn't know what was going on here. After leaving the airport, a group of people boarded the car and went directly to the hotel. They originally planned to travel to nearby attractions, but seeing the weather, they lost interest.

The next day, Fang Hui was left behind and asked her to go to the stage to watch Lin Qiuyue's competition alone. Fang Jing took the cast and crew to the recording location of Longing for Life.

"Mr. Huang, Mr. He, long time no see!"

The layout of the mushroom house is the same as last time. The difference is that there are more air conditioners in the room and the living room, which makes me feel more comfortable after entering.

After receiving their luggage, He Ling took a few girls upstairs to choose a room, leaving Huang Lei and Fang Jing in the living room.

Poured Fang Jing a cup of cold food, Huang Lei chuckled lightly: "Congratulations, Fang Jing, I didn't expect you to be a director. How does it feel for the first time?"

"It's very tiring, I have to take care of everything, and I don't want to try it a second time."

Fang Jing was telling the truth. Being a director was really tiring, and he lost a lot of hair during filming. Now he understands the director's difficulties.

It turns out that not all bald directors lose their hair after discussing scripts with actresses late at night.

"Hahaha, you just know that being a director is not so easy, but it's good to try it once, you can learn a lot, and it will be good for you in the future."

Huang Lei didn't take Director Fang Jing's "Flash Girl" seriously, he just thought it was Fang Jing's whim, and he didn't expect it at the box office. It was a personal relationship to let him appear on the show.

Longing for life is now a popular show, comparable to Kuaiben, who can come if they want to?

(End of this chapter)

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