Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 527 I'm Not Interested in Money

Chapter 527 I'm Not Interested in Money

Many years ago, the author of The Three Kingdoms summed up the historical evolution in one sentence. The world will be divided for a long time, and the world will be divided for a long time. The same is true for the entertainment industry.

More than ten years ago, Shonan Satellite TV was the first brother of the TV station. From Super Girl and Fast Boy to Huanzhugege, they dominated the screen every summer.

Later, there is money and strong capital, and the stars invited to join us during the Chinese New Year are getting bigger and harder than the other.

Kuaiben is even more famous as a star-making factory. Every episode is recorded by big stars, and basically anyone who can be named in the circle has been to their show.

Later, the rise of Tiantianshang and Kuaiben formed the two sharp swords of Shonan Satellite TV. One Friday and one Saturday, the ratings topped the national charts, and none of the other stations could hit it. They were all younger brothers.

Prosperity must decline, perhaps it has reached its peak. In recent years, successive blows have pulled Shonan Satellite TV down from this altar.

The first thing that happened was Tian Tian Shang, the entertainment restriction order forced three members to leave, the team members were directly cut in half, and the popularity dropped sharply.

Then a certain host of Kuaiben next door flattered the Korean stick, and everyone shouted and beat them. The eternal game session made people drowsy, and the audience was embarrassed to watch it.

This year's Super Girl is the last one, and I don't know what to do in the future. The leaders in the station are sweating anxiously every day.

With the rise of Jiangsu-Zhejiang Satellite TV and Magic City Satellite TV, a large amount of traffic has been taken away, and the ratings of the current Shonan Satellite TV have declined. If Huang Lei's longing for life hadn't appeared, this station really doesn't have a few shows.

"Fang Jing! Your students are all arranged, and you will go wash after they take a bath." Rolling up his sleeves, He Ling came down from the stairs, "It's 39 degrees today, it's too hot on the way here, right?"

"It's very hot. It's very hard for you to record the show here." Drinking herbal tea, Fang Jing turned his head to look, and asked curiously: "Didn't you see a couple of golden boys and girls when you came last time? Didn't you see them today?"

"You mean Zifeng and Peng Peng, right? We're off to filming, and now it's just us two old guys."

As resident guests of the program group, the two children, Peng Yuchang, have a good appearance rate, and they have made many connections over a long period of time. Naturally, there is no shortage of dramas, and there are a few dramas in a year.

I seldom come here now, only once in a few periods.

Fang Jing sighed, "No wonder it's deserted, and there is a generation gap with you two old people. I, a young man, have nothing to talk about."

Huang Lei laughed, "Go to the field to dig vegetables if there is no topic. Who ordered grilled fish, duck and radish, pork rib soup, and cold Zhe Ergen this morning?"

"It's not me." Fang Jing was aggrieved, "You can also hear the voice, a few students ordered it, and they are the ones who ordered it, so what does it matter to me?"

Learning from experience, Fang Jing has learned a lot. When ordering, he asked Fu Xiaotang to order. When the time comes, they will go to buy vegetables and go to the field, so he can just follow suit.

In such a big sun, it would be nice to hide in the house and turn on the air conditioner, why go out and suffer that?
As for Fu Xiaotang and the others, young people should spend more time in the sun, exercise more, supplement calcium, and be healthy.

"Do you want to show some face?" Huang Lei smacked his lips, "You are already a teacher, shouldn't you be a little bit responsible? Do you have the heart to let the little girl go out to bask in such a hot day?"

"I've made the decision. They don't need to go out today, and you will go alone."

"Ms. Huang, I learned this from you. In the past few sessions, your students just sat still and let them do everything. I can't engage in double standards."

On the side, He Ling laughed loudly, "Mr. Huang, are you caught and hurt your feet now?"

Huang Lei was depressed, and he laughed after a while: "There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in the countryside, and the grass is deep. If you don't worry about letting them go, I have no problem. If something happens, the parents will look for you and not me."

Heartbroken, Fang Jing changed his words and said, "Let the students go out to work and enjoy their own happiness. How could I do such an unconscionable thing? Let me go."

There were really snakes in the field this day, Fang Jing was worried that any of these girls would be bitten, they were all grown up princesses in the city, and they didn't know how they got caught.

He grew up in the countryside, but he is not afraid of snakes. People don't offend snakes, and snakes don't offend humans. As long as he doesn't step on it, he basically won't be attacked.


There are two bathrooms in the upstairs bathroom, both of which are separated by baffles. At this time, girls are washing, and Fang Jing can't go up. He can only chat with He Ling and Huang Lei.

We chatted and talked about variety shows, and when we mentioned why Supergirl held the last show, He Ling explained the reason. It was different from the outside world. In fact, the higher-ups ordered them to stop.

These years there are too many talent shows, dozens of programs, seven or eight channels are running, very popular, there are countless stars who have made their debut through talent shows, and newcomers appear every one or two months on average.

Traffic is king, everyone is chasing stars, and there are so many talent shows under this trend, there is quite a phenomenon of celebrity craze, which is almost becoming sick.

Shonan Satellite TV has a strong influence. As the big brother, it is natural to make a statement. The first ones to stop are Fast Boy and Super Girl.

While drinking tea, He Ling said slowly, "It's not just us, all major stations will stop holding talent shows in the next few months."

"That's right, it's time for this wind to stop after so many years." Huang Lei frowned and sighed: "Nortel freshmen are getting more and more every year. This year, there are 30.00 people who signed up for the art test, which is a year-on-year increase of [-]% compared with last year. If it continues, this society doesn’t know what it will become.”

Fang Jing laughed at himself, "A few days ago I saw a street interview video on the Internet. Someone asked a [-]-year-old junior high school student what his dream was. The child said to be an anchor or a star."

"Think about when our teachers asked about our dreams when we were young, most of the answers were doctors, scientists, policemen, and bosses."

"Actually, it's good to stop these programs, establish correct values, cultivate a good social atmosphere for children, and become useful people in the future. The future depends on them."

Seeing Fang Jing hurting the spring and the autumn, and criticizing the talent show as useless, He Ling said angrily: "You are ashamed to say, this wind has blown since you started."

"You made your debut in 14. It was unbelievable. The development was out of control. In just a few years, you have already surpassed the top line. Who would not envy you if you are worth tens of billions? You are the biggest beneficiary in this game, and the latecomers want to be Second you."

"It's as if I didn't work hard." Fang Jing sighed: "The world sees me glamorous and thinks it's easy for me to reach today, but what's behind the scenes? Hee hee, it's easy too."

"Mr. Huang, you don't know that some people have smooth sailing on the surface, but they are actually smoother behind the scenes. For ordinary people, everything is difficult in the beginning, difficult in the middle, and difficult in the end."

"To be honest, I don't like money, I'm not interested in money, and the thing I regret the most is being a celebrity..."

With black lines all over his head, Huang Lei endured the desire to hit someone and drank cup after cup of herbal tea. It was the first time he saw such a pretending.

Teacher He, who has always been calm, couldn't listen anymore, and left on the grounds of refilling tea, which was too heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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