Chapter 530
In July, the weather is hot, not only the children of the village play along the river, but also the children of other villages swim in the upstream, generally without the company of adults.

The countryside is not as good as the city. The common people don’t have so much time to play with their children. They are busy with the crops in the fields, and they can’t control it. Who doesn’t run all over the mountains and fields.

After swimming in the water for a while, the two cameras were exhausted. After landing, they scoured the ground with water and sat down to rest out of breath. After a while, they found pants and put them on, with a cigarette dangling from their mouths.

Looking at the children playing in the water, the camera took a puff of smoke and smiled lightly: "It's nice to be young. We were just like them when we were young. Now it's hard to swim a hundred meters."

"Isn't it!" Pointing at his big belly, another man sighed: "I'm getting old, working overtime and staying up late every day, how can I have a healthy body."

They seldom have a break in their line of work, and it is common for them to record programs until midnight, and the busier they are during the Chinese New Year.

But if you are tired, the salary is still very impressive. After tax, it is more than 1 yuan. The big head is sent home to my wife and children who are studying, and I keep a little for myself.

Bitterness is bitterness, watching children grow up step by step, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it.

"Come up!! Come up!"

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a shout from upstream, and when they turned their heads, a few fifteen or sixteen-year-old children were waving and shouting along the road with bare feet, very emotional, but they couldn't hear what they said clearly.

"Water! The water is rising!"

The child ran close, the camera heard it clearly, his complexion changed, and he said to Fang Jing in the river: "Go ashore, the upstream gate has opened!"

Hearing the opening of the gate, Fang Jing's heart sank, he turned around and swam quickly to the shore, shouting to Qian and the other children, "Go ashore quickly, the gate is opened above."

Fang Jing, who grew up in a small village, of course knows what it means to open the gate. The river water will rise in rainy days, and sometimes it will fall. In order to irrigate the farmland, sometimes people build cement on both sides of the river, and block part of the water with thick wooden boards in the middle. .

The purpose of this is to avoid running out of water during drought, but sometimes when there is too much water in rainy days, the gate will be opened to release part of the water.

For such a big river, once the gates are opened, it is almost like a flood, even cattle can rush down, not to mention people.

In a few seconds, Fang Jing quickly went ashore, and the other children also ran up in panic.

The waves are rough in the distance, and the muddy water can be seen mixed into the originally clear river with the naked eye, mixed with aquatic plants and branches.

Fang Jing said angrily: "Who the hell put the water, so many children can't see it?"

"It should be very far upstream." The camera's hand holding the cigarette shook slightly, and said solemnly: "This river is very long, several kilometers long. They can't send people to guard along the river all the time, and they can't do it."

"Perhaps I came to see it before, and saw that no one went up to open the gate, and we came later, so we didn't even know about it."

"Fortunately, the notification was early, otherwise I don't know how many of these children would be able to come up."

With a pale face, Ye Qingyang opened his mouth wide and pointed upstream, "There are people in the water!"

Fang Jing and the others turned their heads, and sure enough, a child in the water was washed by the flood, and several children ran after him on the shore.

A few tens of meters away, an old man was squatting fishing. He was squatting in the grass, Fang Jing and the others couldn't see him. The child seemed to see a savior and yelled at the old man.

"Old man, your fishing rod! Fishing rod!!"


The old man stood up, lifted the fishing rod by his wrist and put it in his hand, as if he was facing a big enemy, he picked up the ponytail on the ground and backed away, even without the fish pocket.

Lying down!

Fang Jing and the others were startled, and couldn't help but want to yell, this old bastard asked him to save people with a fishing rod, but he put away the fishing rod and ran away.

People are easily swept away by such a big water. If someone on the bank stretches out a fishing rod to the people in the river, they can easily pull them up.

"That's too late!"

Fang Jing turned his head and said to the camera: "I'll go down to save people, and you guys should notify the medical team of the program group."

Every variety show is equipped with medical staff, which is the standard configuration of Shonan Satellite TV, and Fang Jing saw it when he came.


Before the camera opened, Fang Jing jumped down with a plop, and felt his body being washed away by the water as soon as he got down, so he grabbed the hand of the man in the river.

This is a little boy with a blue mouth, pale face, and has fallen into a coma. Even if the fishing rod just reached his hand, he can't hold it.

The shore is seven or eight meters wide, and there is such a big water that it is impossible to swim to the shore. Fang Jing did not swim blindly to the shore, but let the big water go against him, paddling in the water with one hand, so as to Adjust the direction and slowly lean towards the shore.

"Old Zhang, go into the water to fetch Fang Jing, this kid can't bear it anymore."

"Okay, I'll go first, you play by ear."

A group of people ran along the river bank, and the two cameras agreed on a solution in a blink of an eye. Everyone can swim. As long as they don't waste their energy, it's not a problem to carry them in the water for ten to twenty minutes.

They didn't doubt Fang Jing's water quality, but what they were afraid of was that the kid wouldn't be able to hold on, and they didn't know how long it had been since he rushed from above.


When Fang Jing was washed away more than 100 meters, the camera was launched into the water. He was wearing a shooting tripod. With a sudden jump, his body jumped forward, and he went out three or four meters in an instant, and the stand stretched out to Fang Jing.

Holding the bracket, he struggled to pull the person over. Fang Jing took the child to the camera, "Here you are, give me a push, and I'll go ashore to pull you."

Now Fang Jing is too far away from the shore where Ye Qingyang is standing, he can't swim at all, he can only swim to the right, and the right side is more than two meters away from him, he can't swim by himself, he needs someone to push him and use the force of the water to rush over.

"it is good!"

Holding the child with one hand, the camera held the bracket and pushed Fang Jing, sending him out instantly.

Holding the bracket, Fang Jing grabbed the aquatic plants on the bank and climbed up after two seconds. Without resting, Sa Yazi ran with the people in the river. The current was so strong that the people were rushed out seven to eighty meters in less than a minute.

Holding the child, the body in the river lost too much strength, and disappeared for a few seconds in the middle. The stomach was filled with an unknown amount of water, and the eyes were red.

Seizing the opportunity, he sprinted to the turning in front, Fang Jing went into the water, grabbed the bank with one hand, and sent the bracket into the river with the other hand.

In the nick of time, the camera grabbed the support, Fang Jing tried his best to pull him up, and on the other side, Ye Qingyang and others breathed a sigh of relief.

There are too many cases of going into the water to save people and putting themselves in it these days, and it might end up killing two people.

After a round of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration, the child vomited heavily and then slowly opened his eyes with his swollen stomach suppressed.


Fang Jing and the camera looked at each other, and they laughed lightly, lying on the ground without moving, letting their chests heave up and down.

Both of them exhausted a lot of energy, especially Fang Jing, who was swimming in the water before and jumped down to save others without much rest.

More than ten minutes later, a group of people ran over, except for the medical staff and Huang Lei and the others. After receiving the call, they were so frightened that they rushed here desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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