Chapter 531

Huang Lei and the others and the medical staff detoured several hundred meters, found a shoal to cross the river and reunited with Fang Jing, and handed the awakened child to the doctor. Fang Jing put on his clothes and trousers and followed the program group back.

"You're too impulsive. It's a good thing to save people, but you have to think about your own safety in such a big water. If Xiao Zhang didn't come to replace you, the big water might drown you."

"Also, isn't there water in Mushroom Stone? Why are you swimming here? What if something happens?"

"If it weren't for the program team's camera to follow you today, no one would know where you died. If you are so impulsive, I would not dare to invite you, uncle, next time."

Huang Lei kept nagging in his ear along the way, and the others didn't dare to say anything when they saw that he was angry, but Fang Jing didn't care, took out the herbal tea he prepared before and drank it leisurely.

After a while, seeing that his mouth was dry, Fang Jing handed over the herbal tea, "Do you want some?"


It was the first time I saw such a heartless person, Huang Lei couldn't get angry, and after talking about it for so long, this guy just spit out a sentence, intending to piss people off.

"Don't be angry." Fang Jing patted Huang Lei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I went into the water because I was sure of protecting myself. There is a river in our village, and all the children in the village grew up in it."

"This little water is just a small scene for me. You think I am Dongguan, and the little white dragon blows out of the waves?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Huang Lei waved his hands and said impatiently: "After the recording of the show tomorrow, you should hurry up and get out of here. I almost didn't have a heart attack when I saw you."

"Ms. Huang has heart disease?" Fang Jing asked He Ling in a low voice a few steps behind.

"A little bit, I've heard him say it before, but it's not the kind of heart disease, a little problem, usually it doesn't happen in ten or eight years."

"Understood, the elderly have some physical problems." Turning to look at Fu Xiaotang and the others, Fang Jing said indifferently: "It's better to be young."

Looking at Fang Jing, who had just experienced life and death, so calm and breezy, Fu Xiaotang and the others looked up in admiration, as expected of Teacher Fang, awesome!
They had seen how rough the river was, and people who went down would be [-]% washed away. Under such circumstances, Jing dared to jump down, and he was not so courageous.

The key is to act like a normal person after landing, eating, drinking and watching, laughing heartlessly.

Back at the Mushroom House, Huang Lei cooks, a few girls help wash the vegetables, Fang Jing goes upstairs to take a bath, and comes to the yard. The camera brother who went into the water with him before is not working, so he is squatting by the yard door to smoke.

"Brother Zhang!" Waving hello, Fang Jing stepped forward to ask for a cigarette, and then followed suit. The name of the camera is Zhang Sheng, and he heard it on the way back.

"Still working after pouring water? The program crew is too inhumane. You should be given a few days off."

"No, I have to work on my own. It's fine, just spit it out. Seriously, Mr. Fang, I admire you a lot. Your actions today have refreshed my understanding of celebrities."

There are too many opportunities to meet celebrities in their line of work, and their understanding of celebrities is deeper than that of ordinary people. In fact, celebrities are also human beings. .

Many of the images seen on TV are human designs.

But it was the first time he saw a star like Fang Jing who was desperate for a child he didn't know.

There are not many celebrities in their rank, and they are super-first-line. They are considered to be at the top of the pyramid in the entertainment industry. Artists in this rank earn more than [-] million yuan a year, and their net worth is slick.

The richer you are, the more you cherish your life. Who doesn't have to be surrounded by front and back when traveling, with ten or eight bodyguards protecting them at any time?

But Fang Jing is willing to take such a big risk for someone he has never met, it is really a noble character, and just because of this, he deserves his respect.

"You're polite." Fang Jing smiled mischievously and exhaled, "Aren't you the same?"

"I, I'm different." With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Sheng said, "I'm more afraid that something will happen to you."

Fang Jing was brought out by him, and he was the first one to take the blame when something happened. He hesitated at the time, but considering the seriousness of the matter, he still went into the water.

"It's the same." Fang Jing smiled, "I told Teacher Huang and the others that it's none of your business, and you won't have any influence."

"Thank you."

Zhang Sheng was grateful for keeping his job. Just now he was indeed criticized by the leader for not preventing Fang Jing from swimming in the river. If they didn't go to the river, they wouldn't have encountered this problem.

The butt of the cigarette was smashed, Zhang Sheng flicked his middle finger, and sighed: "To be honest, my heart is still pounding. If you didn't run so fast and pull me, I would probably be finished."

"I haven't exercised all year round, and my body is not good. When you see me submerged in the water, I have no strength. I have to sink in another minute."

"Who isn't? I'm also afraid." Fang Jing chuckled, "At that time, my head went down as soon as it got hot, and I didn't think about anything. Later, I was afraid after going ashore. No one is alone. There are relatives and friends at home to take care of."

"Then do you regret it?"

Fang Jing stood up, squinting his long and narrow eyes, "There's nothing to regret, I've done everything."

When he told Huang Lei that he was sure of self-defense, he was not bragging. He was at the peak of his life in his 20s, and with regular exercise, he was not weaker than ordinary soldiers.

The river was big, but if he was the only one, it would not be a problem to survive for ten to twenty minutes while conserving his strength, as long as he was washed to the bank, he could climb up.

But this is only a theoretical imagination, not absolute, there are always accidents, such as water plants and foot binding.

"Teacher Fang, it's time to eat!" Standing at the door, Fu Xiaotang shouted from afar.

"Here we come!" After replying, Fang Jing turned to Zhang Sheng and said, "Go first, see you later."

When Fang Jing walked in, Fu Xiaotang whispered: "Teacher Fang, you actually smoke, but don't worry, I won't say anything about it."

"Isn't this normal?" Fang Jing said speechlessly, "I'm under a lot of pressure, so I can take a twitch once in a while to relieve my spirits, but you girls, don't learn it."

Ju Fangjing knew that most of the entertainers smoked. Anyway, there were not many artists he met who didn't smoke.

Some old actors still smoke dry cigarettes. When they were young, they mowed the grass in the field. The second uncle in the village gave him a sip. They lay down in the field for half an hour before they recovered.

"Hmph! I don't want to learn, what's the good of it, it smells so bad."

"What are you two talking about, come and eat quickly." Huang Lei's food was served on the table, and He Ling carefully arranged the dishes.

Fang Jing picked up a lot of food for a few students, "Don't come here hungry, children should eat more, especially Xiaotang, you have a big appetite."

"I'm not very old." Fu Xiaotang blushed, seeing Huang Lei's bowl was empty, and said with a smile: "Ms. Huang has worked hard, you should eat more."

"He can't eat it." Fang Jing chuckled.

Since the last time a guest got food poisoning from ordering food, Huang Lei had to cook the dishes in advance every time and try them one by one. He had eaten all these dishes, so how could he have any appetite now.

The program's medical team was also assigned after the episode of food poisoning.

(End of this chapter)

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