Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 533 Actors please take their place

Chapter 533 Actors please take their place

"Don't look at me like that, it's not that I'm short, it's Duan Qingxue who is short." Fang Jing said helplessly, "She also sings quite short, why don't you talk about her?"

"By the way, Qingxue, when did you write the words, why don't I know?"

Although Duan Qingxue's lyrics are short, they have a strong artistic conception and a different flavor. They are not like the lyrics that a girl of this age can write. Fang Jing had never heard her sing in school before.

"I made it up by myself." Duan Qingxue said embarrassedly: "I heard you play once last time, and I was deeply impressed. I kept thinking about it when I got home, and spent a lot of time to come up with the lyrics."

"Teacher Fang, I'm sorry, I know I'm not good at writing lyrics, I couldn't help but sing it softly just now, I didn't want to write lyrics for you."

Fang Jing's song is obviously pure music, not a popular song on the market. Although it is okay to add lyrics, it falls to the bottom after all.

Before, people of any age group could find sympathy when listening to it, but her words were from the perspective of a lovelorn woman to sing about emotions, and the face of sex was too narrow.

"It's okay, music, everyone's opinion is different, as long as you are happy." Returning the piano to Duan Qingxue, Fang Jing said to the camera: "The shooting period of Flash Girl is short, but we are very serious about the content. A musical film about young people."

"It will be released on NO.12 in July, I hope everyone can support it if you have time!"

Pointing at Fu Xiaotang, Fang Jing said with a smile: "She wrote the story, and the protagonist is also a school student, acting in her true colors."

On the side, Huang Lei was surprised, "There really aren't any professional actors?"

"No, they are all newcomers and have no acting experience before, but I think their performances on the set are not inferior to professional actors. Everyone is working hard."

Fang Jing continued: "This is my first directorial work, and it is also the most relaxed crew I have ever been in. Really, every day is very happy. After the physical education class, the machine is closed, and the second class will take them Take classes, tell them about plays, and analyze the character of the characters."

Shooting Flash Girl was hard work, he was always the last one to leave the set, and he had to watch the replays over and over again when he returned to the hotel, thinking about the pictures and the content of the next day's shooting while sleeping.

This is his first time directing, he doesn't ask for billions of box office like Wu Jing, but he has to leave something for the audience and himself. He doesn't want Douban to score three or three points, and he will be labeled as a bad film director from then on.

Seeing Fang Jing's serious face, Huang Lei realized that he was really concentrating on making movies instead of playing casually on a whim.

Nodding his head, he also promoted Fang Jing to the camera and asked the audience to go to the cinema.

In the evening, when a group of people were enjoying the shade, Huang Lei asked Fang Jing when the premiere was and if he needed to join him. Fang Jing was embarrassed and said that there was no premiere.

"It's just a small-budget movie with several million investment. I don't know how I will be laughed at after the premiere. If it hits the street, my reputation will be lost."

Either soar into the sky, or flutter silently, these are the two best results that Fang Jing expected.

Ask the staff to turn off the machine, Fu Xiaotang and the others rushed back to the room to rest, Huang Lei, He Ling drank tea and chatted with Fang Jing about some personal matters, "I heard that you have worshiped Mr. Wu Gang as your master?"

"Yeah!" Without hiding anything, Fang Jing nodded, "I've known Mr. Wu for a long time, he takes good care of me and is willing to teach me how to act."

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Huang Lei smiled half-smile, "After we met last time, the next day you went to have breakfast with some old men from Renyi?"

"Yes! Teacher Wu took me there."

"You didn't talk about anything else?"

Fang Jing smiled lightly: "We talked."

"Entered the circle?"

"Well, everyone benefits from each other."

Huang Lei's circle is not the Xiaojing circle, but the people's art circle. Fang Jing knew what he meant, and he didn't intend to hide it from his own people.

"That's right, I can't even get into that circle, you kid is more promising than me."

"Mr. Huang, you can't get in. You just don't want to go further. You are indifferent to fame and fortune, high-spirited, and a model for my generation. I admire you."

"Don't flatter me, I really can't get in," Huang Lei laughed, "For my father's sake, he usually takes care of me, but if you want to get into that circle, you can't get in without a good relationship, and you can't get in if you don't have interests."

It is common for actors to form groups, directors to form groups, and major capital groups to form groups, but tickets are required to get on other people's boats.

If you can't bring relevant benefits to others, who cares about you?
Huang Lei’s words are half true and half false. He is now in a semi-retired state and doesn’t do much filming. It’s true that he can’t get into these circles, but he was able to get in in the early years. In the 90s, he was very popular. The first student in the Mainland.

He has a long family background and a strong relationship with his parents. Now he has a lot of connections with famous directors, but he didn't think about it so much, and wanted to work hard on his own, but he failed after working hard.

Later, after marriage, I spent most of my time at home and school, not filming, not being exposed to the audience. I was silent for a long time, and I only came out again after the extreme challenge. There is no way, children's milk powder is expensive!
Sighing, Huang Lei said: "You are smart, but you still have to pay attention to some things. Contact is contact. Be careful in everything. Don't do it yourself. Try to let the people below do it. Don't be sold out without knowing it."

"Yes, I know."

"It's good to understand, let's talk about some personal matters. I heard from Mr. He that your company has cooperated with Taili recently?"

"Cooperation?" Fang Jing was stunned, and then he realized that he looked at He Ling, "It's an actor, please take your place?"

"Yes!" He Ling nodded, "I heard from Lao Wang that this project has a large investment, and Taili intends to use it to replace Super Girl and Fast Boy, and it may start after a while."

Lao Wang is Wang Han, the leader of the station, and he is a very good host among the hosts. Although he is not as popular as him, he is a leader, and he is just an employee after all.

Huang Lei was puzzled, "Didn't you say you can't do variety shows? How did you pass?"

Fang Jing frowned, "You don't know?"

"Know what? This is a commercial secret, and it is impossible for the station to disclose it. I just heard some rumors. Tell me about it."

Variety shows are expensive in a new word, and those who are the first to eat crabs always occupy this point, but those ideas are often said as such, and it is easy to copy when people know it.

For example, The Voice of Huaxia has a very simple model, that is, the mentor turns around, but it became very popular. At the beginning, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV in China were the first to eat crabs. With this variety show, Shonan Satellite TV was rubbed against the ground.

If Shonan Satellite TV knew that they were so popular, they would be able to make a copy in a day.

"Actually, there's nothing new about it, it's similar to Good Voice." Fang Jing smiled and said, "It's just that we selected actors and stars who have already debuted, and the mentor is the director."

Huang Lei and He Ling's eyes lit up instantly, this is a great idea!
(End of this chapter)

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