Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 534 Supergirl Scene

Chapter 534 Supergirl Scene
In traditional talent shows, only amateurs are selected, and the highlights are limited. It is often rare to meet one of the dozens of people you like, but star talent shows are different.

All artists who can appear on Shonan Satellite TV are well-known, and each has their own fans, some with millions, and some with tens of millions.

If it is possible to attract a group of people to the show, then in order to pay attention to idols, do these fans of artists also have to watch the show?
Not too many, if one-twentieth of each artist's fans come over, then this show will become popular, and it will still be popular.

Turn traffic into cash, you can get it anywhere!
He Ling was more surprised than Huang Lei when he heard Fang Jing's words, and said enviously, "Old Wang is lucky."

Now Shonan Satellite TV's strategy is developing in multiple directions, dividing eggs into different baskets, and each host receives a program. He Ling is nothing but a mushroom house.

In addition to Tian Tian Shang, Wang Han is in charge of the second show, the actors of Fang Jing, please take their place, and the other Tian Tian brothers are in charge of the Mars Intelligence Agency.

Du Haitao, Xie Na and the others are each assigned to a program, and it's up to them whether they will be popular or not.

"No, who would want to come if you play like this?" Huang Lei was still a little rational, "It would be embarrassing if you lose."

The bigger the name, the more he cares about face. He probably knows what Fang Jing's proposal means, that is, a group of debut actors compete with each other for acting skills, and the winner is king.

But it's very embarrassing to lose, it's not like an amateur, anyway, if no one knows you lose, you lose, and the pressure in your heart is less.

Take him as an example, he is not willing to let him compete with people like Sun Honglei and Huang Bo in acting. Whoever loses will not look good. Besides, who is qualified to be their mentor?Those with high qualifications are unwilling to come, and those with low qualifications dare not come.

"Don't worry about it." Fang Jing said indifferently: "The most indispensable thing in China is stars and actors. There are a lot of acting skills, and it doesn't have to be an all-star lineup. There are two or three first-line leaders. With some little flowers and niche students, the old acting school is enough."

"The instructor invites a few big names to sit in the town. As long as the money is in place, who can't invite it?" Looking at He Ling, Fang Jing smiled and said: "The most important thing for Shonan Satellite TV is money, right, Mr. He."

As a big brother in the television industry, Shonan Satellite TV is famously rich, with hundreds of millions for a party, and hundreds of millions for a variety show.

From the assignment of a variety show to each host, it can be seen that there is no shortage of money!Although some of them are small variety shows, they cannot be done without tens of millions of investment.

He Ling clasped his hands and nodded in agreement, "This is the truth. There is indeed no shortage of money in the station, and there are contacts if you want it. There are not many celebrities in China who can't afford it."

Rolling his eyes, Huang Lei said: "From what I heard, it means to find a few popular ones to put in the front, Xiaohua Xiaosheng to put in the middle, and most of the actors in the back are capable, but not popular, to round up the number of people, right?"

"Well, that's about it."

"Do you think this is okay? I'll find you some acting schools. I promise you won't be popular, but your acting skills are good!"

Fang Jing smiled, "I thank you, there is still a need to find actors who are not popular, isn't this a lot of them?"

There are exposures in variety shows. The biggest advantage of inviting actors to be in place is to give unpopular actors a stage to show off, so that more directors and audiences can see them. It is a good thing with no harm at all. Who would not want to come.

"Ms. Huang, thank you if you find me some popular first-line actors to come over."

"Fart! Unless it's for money, few popular first-line actors are willing to come."

Being able to get to the top line, and being popular, is almost at Hu Ge's level. How can they lack filming?Every year, a large number of scripts are delivered to their door for them to choose.

Why are you on a variety show?One is for money, and the other is for fame, both of which are not lacking in the family.

Touching his chin, Huang Lei said seriously: "I'm serious, there are a few students on my side who are good at acting, but what's worse is the stage for the show. You help me get it in, and I'll treat you to dinner later."

After Huang Lei said so, Fang Jing couldn’t refuse, anyway, the plan was to have dozens of people, and it was not short of three or five, “Okay! But it can’t be too many, we have principles, and it’s not like making all of them into relationship households.” It must be fair and just."

Three hours ago, the actor department of Tianyu Media of Shonan Satellite TV.

"After a meeting, it was decided that there will be a total of [-] places for actors to be seated this time. We will take eight, and Nanjing will take seven. The remaining twelve sponsoring agencies and mentors will share half of the seats, and the rest will come from the circle. Find the right person."

South View Entertainment.

"Don't panic if you go this time. The places are all set. You will definitely not be eliminated in the first two rounds. Fortunately, you just need to perform well."


In the evening, the sky was getting dark. Fang Hui had just returned from a trip to Yuelu Mountain and Juzizhou. Instead of going to the hotel, she got off the car and went straight to Shonan Satellite TV.

Take a selfie at the gate and enter with the ticket given by Fang Jing.

After filling out the form, signing the confidentiality agreement, handing in the mobile phone, and going through the security check, the staff led the staff to walk for more than ten minutes, passing through several buildings, and finally arrived at the Supergirl scene after a series of complicated procedures.

This hall is specially used to record Daxing Palace programs or evening parties. It is as big as two football fields, and it is no problem to seat thousands of people.

The stage is under the big screen at the front, a few steps forward is the judges' seat, and behind it is the audience area. There are no seats, and everyone is standing.

There are numbers between each area. Fang Hui is in area A, six or seven meters away from the stage, and the judges are on the left.

"Wow, this is too lively, like a concert, but unfortunately I didn't bring my mobile phone."

Seeing the judges take their seats, Fang Hui jumped up and waved, and shouted, "Master Xie, hello, I like your cooking videos very much!"

Wearing sunglasses, Xie Tingfeng's mouth twitched, and he straightened his body as if he didn't hear it.

Those who can occupy the front row are not ordinary people, either relatives and friends of the sponsors, or relatives and friends of the leaders in the station, and those who are paid to hire are all behind.

"Hey! How did you make your ribs? I tried it last time. It was too salty and the meat was old! It's different from the one you made on TV, can it be fake?"

You can insult my acting skills and disagree with my songs, but you can't say that my cooking is bad.

"Have your ribs been soaked in water?" Xie Tingfeng couldn't help but asked, "Sprinkle salt, starch, and cooking wine, stir well, soak in warm water at 10 degrees for [-] minutes, and it's best to put some ginger in it when stewing."

"Hey hey!" Beside Xie Tingfeng, Li Guoqing patted his hand and smiled, "Ningfeng, it's about to start, how do you talk about cooking with the audience?"

"He said that my cooking on TV is fake, I can't stand that."

Fang Hui looked serious, "Remember, I'll try again when I get back."

The starlight was shining, and after a burst of heavy music, the host appeared on the stage, a man and a woman, Xie Na tube top and white dress, Wang Han's black suit, white shirt and bow tie, and black-rimmed glasses that have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Few people know that the two pillars, Wang Han and He Ling, were actually born in the same month in the same year, with a difference of more than ten days.

It's just that He Ling is following a cheerful and funny entertainment style, while Wang Han is following a mature and steady style. In order to distinguish himself from He Ling and impress the audience, Wang Han deliberately grew a beard over the years to look more mature experienced.

(End of this chapter)

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