Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 535 The Last Supergirl Is Over

Chapter 535 The Last Supergirl Is Over

Supergirl's stage host is not fixed, sometimes He Ling is also on, and sometimes Wang Han is on, whoever has time will come, and if there is no time, let other hosts replace it.

In this issue, He Ling recorded at Mushroom House that his longing for life could not come, so Wang Han naturally took over.

Compared with the entertainer He Ling, Wang Han's hosting style is more stable, there are few laughing and joking scenes, he will be heavy when it should be serious, and light when it should be light, occasionally throwing a few jokes to ease the atmosphere.

After reading the opening remarks and the sponsor's brand, he briefly said a few words, without wasting any more time, and the competition started directly.

Xie Na on the side didn't say a few words, with a forced smile on his face, he said the name of the next player and stepped off the stage.

If he was partnering with He Ling in normal times, Teacher He would at least accommodate her for 1 minute, and this 1 minute is the host's exposure time, but Wang Han has no idea about this at all.

No way, who let others be the leader.

Lin Qiuyue was the first to appear on the stage. Compared with more than a month ago, she has changed a lot now, her hairstyle has changed, her long hair is tied into a ball head, her upper body is a white cartoon blouse, and her lower body is light white jeans. She is a little less innocent. A little more naughty and mature.

Seeing her friend, Fang Hui was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up and waved her hands, shouting loudly, "Come on Qiuyue! I'm coming to see you!"

Fang Hui was not far from the stage, and Lin Qiuyue could of course hear her shouting so loudly, she nodded to Fang Hui with a smile on her face.

Seeing this scene, Xie Ting knew that it was the relatives and friends of the contestants, no wonder they were able to run to this position.

After bowing, Lin Qiuyue started to sing the song she wanted to sing when she was ready, um, it was still Fang Jing's, there was nothing to do with this wool, who made his popularity so high.

The key is no money!

That's what the manager said, if you can sing without money, there is no shop after this village, don't you see that other contestants have spent millions of dollars from the beginning of the competition to the present because of the copyright of the song.

"The dew on the grass leaves under the old trees at the head of the village has not dried up"

"In the morning mist, the ferry boat sang songs and crossed the creek"

"I lay on the roof with my arms under my head and thought about it all night"

"Who in the tile hall talked about Chang'an on paper?"

Lin Qiuyue chose the song Can't See Chang'an, which was her own choice. As the lyrics say, everyone has a Chang'an in their hearts.

And what she is doing now is to move forward on the road to Chang'an. As for whether she will think like the lyrics say at the end, Chang'an actually has a different look, and you won't know until you go to Chang'an.

Now all she has to do is advance, advance!
"I suddenly began to miss Chang'an in the story crazily"

"I travel day and night to travel through mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are long"

"Walk thousands of miles along the way to see how many times the flowers bloom"

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter winds caress my hair in turn"


In the judges' seat, Xie Tingfeng nodded slightly, and whispered to the judges beside him: "You sang well!"

Lin Qiuyue sang Fang Jing's songs along the way. He had long wanted to meet this legendary character, but unfortunately he couldn't meet him.

He made his debut at the age of 17, and ended the era of several kings in the Hong Kong music scene in his 20s.

In recent years, he has let himself go a little bit. In the eyes of post-[-]s, he is a chef, in the eyes of post-[-]s, he is an actor, and in the eyes of post-[-]s, he has always been a singer.

And Fang Jing is the same, one person ends an era, leaves a deep imprint on this era and then retires to make movies and become a director, this is too similar to him.

Hearing this, the judges smiled wryly, can you?Professional music teachers practice with me every day, and I practice for seven or eight hours. Even a pig is enlightened.

Lin Qiuyue has no background in music, and it is impossible to compete with other players in a short period of time, but if she only concentrates on practicing one song, the gap is not that big.

She has signed a contract now, and her agent is also very helpful. She pays for her to find someone to practice singing. After a few days, she looks good.

"You sang really well! Come on, Qiuyue!" After finishing singing, Fang Hui in the audience spontaneously joined in the show, and the camera even gave a close-up after seeing this.

In Shanghai, in front of the TV, many people watch the live broadcast of Super Girl, among which Lin Qiuyue's classmates are of course the most. Everyone is very curious about the former classmates becoming stars.

Suddenly, the camera lens turned and landed on a girl in the audience area.

"I'll go, isn't this Fang Hui? Why did she go to see the scene?"

"No wonder, I saw her post a picture of Yuelu Mountain in the space at noon, so I went to Shonan."

"Lin Qiuyue is so beautiful, I regret not chasing her, but if you look closely at the fen below..."

"Shut up, you are not allowed to call my girlfriend!"

Many students who had Fang Hui's phone took out their mobile phones and wanted to make a call, but they were turned off.

The classmates in the class were not very surprised that Fang Hui was able to go to the scene. She and Lin Qiuyue were at the same table, and they had a very good relationship.

After Lin Qiuyue sang, she bowed to the audience and the judges, and waved to Fang Hui, and then went backstage. The hosts Wang Han and Xie Na came up, first praised them, and then announced the second contestant to take the stage.

The second girl on stage sang Fang Jing's song, and the judges looked at each other with uncontrollable smiles in their eyes.

What is different from Lin Qiuyue is that this girl spent more than 30 yuan to sing this song. Why is it so expensive?Of course it's an adaptation.

Under the same circumstances, the contestant asked someone to arrange the music, added some instruments and changed a few tones. She didn't want to be exactly the same as Fang Jing. This would be an imitation at best, and she would never be able to surpass it.

Singing requires money, and the original author needs to be paid for adaptation. After several projects, I paid more than 30 yuan.

"I once turned my youth into her"

"Also popped up in midsummer at fingertips"

"Let's go with your heart"

The wind picked up, and the judges recognized the title of the song as soon as they opened their mouths, but the adaptation is really so-so. At the beginning, the original chorus was adjusted to the first sentence. There is a bright spot, but the later singing is still the same as the original version.

That is to say, the treble part has been changed, lengthened and aggravated a lot, in order to show off skills.

After listening to the first paragraph, several judges felt in their hearts that painting a tiger could not be an anti-dog, and the little girl jumped at it.

Not worried about this at all, Xie Tingfeng smiled to the people around him: "Did this girl get tricked by someone? Spending so much money to adapt it is a complete waste."

The judges were black-faced, "This is adapted by me."

"Ahem cough!!" Xie Tingfeng was embarrassed and could only give a polite smile.

On the stage, seeing Master Xie smiling so warmly, the young people who sang felt more confident. It seemed that the adaptation was a success.

She is also a contracted singer in Taili. The adaptation is a suggestion from the agent, and the agent is also looking for someone. She is responsible for paying the money.

More than half an hour later, the game ended, Wang Han announced the ranking of the players, and Lin Qiuyue was fifth. At this point, the last Super Girls came to an end.

Interestingly, when the judges were scoring, Xie Tingfeng asked Lin Qiuyue if she knew Fang Jing, and Lin Qiuyue nodded slightly without saying a word.

In an instant, the Internet exploded!
"I'll go. This is a related household, right? No wonder they sang Fang Jing's songs the whole time."

"Fang Jing is famous, and the judges will give some face when scoring. Lin Qiuyue took advantage."

"Network is also a kind of strength, and I can't blame anyone. What I'm curious about is the relationship between this girl and Fang Jing? It doesn't look like a girlfriend at her age, she's underage."

(End of this chapter)

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