Chapter 537 Get Out

In the top ten competitions, the stardom will be different after each ranking rises. To be more realistic, when an endorser finds someone to represent an advertisement, they must always look for someone with a high ranking.

The rewards for some commercial activities are also paid according to their worth. In the top ten Super Girls, everyone has a different price. Lin Qiuyue is No. 5. She dares to pay [-] to [-] for appearance fees when she goes out. Does the sixth, seventh, and eighth person dare?
We are all one company, with different rankings and different resources behind it, such as publicity and variety shows.

Lin Qiuyue used contacts to take away what they deserved, and they were already angry in their hearts.

Not daring to choke on the boss, it's okay to choke an outsider, Fang Hui is hitting the muzzle of the gun himself.

"Don't you know that outsiders are not allowed in here?" Wang Ning sneered, "The security guards outside are really serious. All cats and dogs are put here."

"Qiuyue brought me in, but the security guard didn't say no, the dog meddles with the mouse."

Seeing this yin and yang tone, Fang Hui felt uncomfortable. She is not a patient person. Anyway, she is not in the entertainment industry.

"You... Are you educated? This is our lounge, no outsiders are allowed in, get out!"

Looking at Fang Hui's ordinary clothes and 80 yuan cloth shoes on her feet, a girl sarcastically said, "Qiuyue is also unlucky. Poor relatives came to the door just after getting No. 5 and before she debuted."

Another girl went on to say: "The key person has a bad temper and doesn't pay attention to us at all. Lin Qiuyue is only No. 5. If she is No. 1, she will be fine."

"It's normal for one person to ascend to heaven. Everyone in the Lin Family Village will stand far away when they see people in the Lin family village. If they make them unhappy, they will be beaten carefully."

Unable to bear this person's sarcasm, Fang Hui put away his phone and said angrily, "Let's go, I don't care too much about this. A few [-]th-line artists who haven't debuted yet, people like you will be popular all your life." No, bah!"

The more popular a celebrity is, the more he cares about his face and reputation. Occasionally, Fang Hui heard Fang Jing say something about a big name. Most of them are very easy-going, and they always treat the staff with a big thank you.

On the contrary, artists who are half-popular but not popular are the most difficult to serve. They are the same before and after. Today, she knows each other.

"Hey! What did you say? Can you say it again?"

"In the little girl's video, believe it or not, I tore your mouth off?"

On a big day, they will be debuting tomorrow, and someone said to their faces that they are young artists who have broken the [-]th line and will never be popular for a lifetime. This is the same as cursing their husbands on their wedding night!

Looking at the few people who came up, Fang Hui was not afraid at all, "Why, want to hit someone? Go ahead and hit, there are still dozens of media outlets at the door. After the beating, I will invite them to come over for interviews."

A few people looked at me and I looked at you. A girl who had raised her palm timidly put it down.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Fang Hui pushed away the person in front of him and strode towards the door.

Worried that Lin Qiuyue could not find her, she did not go far, but found a wall not far away, and squatted down to play with her mobile phone.


"Sister Wei, there is a big event tomorrow, the appearance fee is 40, and you need to have a meal after singing."

"Don't eat!" Walking in front, Liu Wei listened to the report of the assistant beside him, paused, turned his head and frowned, "I said it many times, and I will not accompany you to eat or drink outside activities."

"This is written into the contract, if they agree, they agree, and if they don't agree, it's fine."

"But Miss Dan said..."

"Sister Dan, do you listen to Sister Dan or mine? If you are so capable, you can just be her assistant. I spend money to let you solve things for me, not to add trouble to me."

Today, Liu Wei is no longer the rookie who was at the mercy of others. She debuted for four years, reached the peak of the second line, and half-stepped the first line. This is her achievement.

In the early days, she had no network resources, and she had to rely on her agent to receive advertisements and endorse commercial activities. Now that she has grown up, her agent is just a link to the leaders in the station, a mouthpiece, nothing more.

In many cases, she finds and talks about variety shows by herself.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wei, I was wrong, and I will change it."

"Never again."

After getting out of the elevator, Liu Wei was about to leave the building when a figure caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl was squatting on the ground playing King of Glory.

Triple kill came from the phone from time to time! Quadra kill! Penta kill!It's hard not to get noticed.

Walking by, I accidentally glanced at this girl, who looked familiar.

"Little sister!"

"Ah!" Fang Hui looked up.

Liu Wei smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Why, don't people sit on the ground?" Fang Hui said angrily, "Aren't you being reasonable? I'm not even inside. I'll leave when my friend comes."

After thinking for a few seconds, Liu Wei said, "Your friend, Lin Qiuyue? The No.5 one?"


"You came here alone?" Knelt down, Liu Wei continued to ask, "Where's your brother?"

"I, you know my brother?"

"I know him, I've known him since he debuted." With a smile, Liu Wei secretly said: I called your brother last time you competed in the Shanghai Division.

"I said you look familiar. I met you last time in Shanghai. Are you also a star of Shonan Satellite TV?"

"Yes, signed artists." Did not talk about this topic, Liu Wei asked: "Why do you sit here, if you wait for someone, find a place to wait, and it will not work out there for a while."

When Fang Hui mentioned this, she became angry, and told the story of being kicked out like an upside-down bamboo tube.

"Sister, you don't know that the people in your stage are too arrogant and domineering. If I didn't run so fast, I would be beaten."

"What? How dare they beat someone?" Liu Wei was startled.

This hasn't debuted yet, what's the deal with it?
She didn't doubt Fang Hui's words, she was driven to sit outside, facts speak louder than words.

"This rest room is public, they have no right to drive people away, come, sister help you get justice."

The players' lounge is not here. Anyone can use it here. Some staff members in the station will rest here when they are tired.

It is said that it is only for artists because once an artist comes, other people will leave consciously and will not be bored.

But if you don't leave, no one will tell you!
His eyes lit up, Fang Hui stood up, "This relationship is good, sister, you are a good person!"

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've heard someone say that I'm a good person."

The assistant gently tugged at the corner of Liu Wei's clothes, blinked and said, "Sister Wei, the car is waiting outside, the organizer..."

"The activity will start tomorrow, what's the hurry?"

well!Sighing, the assistant was helpless, of course she knew that the event was tomorrow, reminding Liu Wei that she wanted her to stay out of her own business, or that it wasn't worth wasting time for such a little girl.

I work so much every day, travel back and forth between four or five cities, eat and sleep in the car, how can I have time to play with a little girl I don’t know.

(End of this chapter)

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