Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 538 Say hello for me

Chapter 538 Say hello for me
Liu Wei pushed open the door of the lounge, and several young girls were eating with their legs crossed, some of them were wearing shoes and putting their feet on the tea table.

There are a lot of peels around the trash can, which should not be thrown in.

With a cold face, Liu Wei frowned and said, "Who asked you to drive people out? Why didn't I know that the public room has become private? Who brought it?"

After three consecutive questions, the girls got up and stood up straight, silent like a cicada, not daring to speak.

Liu Wei's status in the company is much higher than theirs, and they are not on the same level at all. He was trained to have no temper at all, and he offended the eldest sister, and turned around and didn't know what shoes to wear.

"It's her, it's her, it's her."

Standing behind Liu Wei, Fang Hui pointed at a few people like a dog's leg and said, "They chased me away and wanted to beat me. If I hadn't said that there are media reporters outside, I'm afraid I would have been beaten."

The girls gritted their teeth and dared not speak. If eyes could kill, Fang Hui would have died hundreds of times.

"Whoever wants to hit you, hit back!" Liu Wei whispered.

Fang Hui was stunned, "Huh?"

"I said, whoever wants to hit you, hit her, and be bullied like that."

Who hasn't been bullied in the years since his debut. Liu Wei's guest appearance in the first two years of filming was faked by someone who actually did it. In a slap scene, the opponent deliberately made seven or eight mistakes, and his face was almost swollen.

Waiting for the filming to finish, she slapped each other directly. The two have never been in touch with each other until now. They usually still fight each other on Weibo. If one has something to do, the other will like it.

"Sister Wei, we didn't want to bully her, we were just joking." Wang Ning smiled forcedly, never expecting Liu Wei to help this ordinary girl out.

The rest of them were about to cry, how could they offend this great god.

"Sister Wei, it's really a misunderstanding. I apologize to this sister. It's because we didn't speak well, but I really didn't want to hit her."

Ignoring all this, Fang Hui rolled up his sleeves, eager to try, and tried to ask, "Is it really a fight?"

"You are reasonable, what are you afraid of, hit!"

Seeing that Liu Wei didn't look like a joke at all, Wang Ning became anxious, stepped back a few steps and said, "Sister Wei, you must be reasonable. We didn't hit her, so why don't you apologize?"

"No, if it wasn't for his cleverness, I would have been beaten by you today. I did it for your own good."

If Fang Hui was really beaten here, it would be no surprise that Fang Jing would have to trouble these girls later, they don't have to mess around in this circle.

Asking Fang Hui to fight back is for the benefit of the girls. Fang Hui won't sue when he goes home after he's relieved, and Fang Jing won't come to his door.

Otherwise, if Fang Jing thinks about it, these people may have a hard time in the future.

"Sister Wei, we are all in the same company. We are not under your control. If you really want this outsider to beat me, I have nothing to say, but I will ask Sister Hong to come and judge."

I'll go to your uncle for my own good!A few girls complained in their hearts, I want to give you some of this kind of goodness.

They are all in the same company, Liu Wei is more popular than them, and has more acquaintances and connections, but this does not mean that they will be able to accept it. Anyway, it is not good for anyone to make a big deal.

Helping outsiders beat their own people, the company's senior management knew that Liu Wei was unreasonable.

"Okay, just find it!"

Ten minutes later, Fang Hui squatted at the door to play games, and the room behind her was crying and didn't know what to say.

She wasn't too worried, anyway, it was Liu Wei who asked her to hit her, and it was these people who wanted to hit her first.

After another 5 minutes, there was no movement inside the door. Fang Hui was not in the mood to play games, and put her head close to the door to hear what was being said inside.

"Fang Hui, why are you sitting here?" At the corner, when Lin Qiuyue came back, she immediately saw a figure squatting at the door.


Putting her finger to her mouth, Fang Hui whispered what happened just now.

Lin Qiuyue covered her mouth, opened her almond eyes wide, and opened her mouth in disbelief, "Did you really hit me?"

She wanted to fight too, but never had the chance.

Those people usually talk and criticize Huai, and they often mock her in a strange way. Once she found a needle in her shoe. Although she didn't know who put it, there were only a few people targeted.

"Yeah! It's just a light blow, and I'm a little scared." After speaking, Fang Hui bowed his back and pulled Lin Qiuyue to run away. "Let's go, it's time to find out in a while."

"Go, where are you going?" The door opened, Liu Wei leaned against the door and chuckled, and the eyes of the people in the room also cast their gazes, "I was interrupted by you before, did you come with your brother?"

"Well! He's longing for life, and he won't be back until tomorrow, sister, can I go? There are still things at home."

Seeing the piercing eyes of seven or eight people in the room, Fang Hui felt a little scared for no reason.

"It's okay, go, see him and say hello for me."


Pulling Lin Qiuyue, Fang Hui ran away in a flash, and disappeared a few seconds after pushing open the glass door of the building.


There was another noise in the room, and only one voice roared: "Are you insane? Why don't you just go and beat Fang Jing's sister?"

"Woooo, I don't know, she didn't say either?"

"If you don't say it, you will beat someone? Do you think that everyone is as good as you and talk about your family? Stop your work for half a month and go back to reflect."

Ignoring these trivial matters, Liu Wei shook his head, put on the toad mirror and left. She still has work.

When he just debuted, it was the time when Starway had the highest popularity in the early stage. Compared with a slap in the face, stopping work for half a month is a real disaster. During this half month, I still don’t know how many endorsements and commercial performances I missed.

Well now, it's all cheap for others.

On the commercial vehicle, the assistant gave Liu Wei a thumbs up, "Sister Wei, you are amazing, you have helped Fang Hui so much, Fang Jing must thank you very much later."

"You think I'm trying to thank him?"

The smile froze, the assistant didn't speak, but there were three words written on his face?

Looking out of the car window, Liu Wei propped his chin and didn't know what to think. After a long while, he calmly said, "Fang Jing and I have known each other for a long time. We debuted on the same show. At that time, he even helped me write songs."

"Later we signed with the same company, trained together, and ran commercial performances together. Later, he terminated the contract and left. When I came to the singer show, I knew few people at that time, and I couldn't find anyone in the singing part. He sang."

"At that time, he was already very famous, and I was just a little-known third-tier singer."

"From his debut to the present, he has helped me a lot. Although I have seldom contacted him in the past two years, he has always been my best friend in my heart. Without him, I would not be where I am today. Being a human..."

Turning to look at the assistant, Liu Wei laughed at himself: "Forget it, why tell you these things, remember, I came to you to do things for me, not to find things, talk less and do more, if you don't understand, just ask, and I will give you more Half a month, if not, you can go home."

There are many opportunities for assistants to get in touch with her at ordinary times, and there are things that can't be hidden when we are together every day. She doesn't want an assistant arranged by the company, who is like eyeliner.

This assistant is a relative in the family, a cousin.

When I was a child, I grew up behind my ass, and I knew her very well. Arranging her by my side was for peace of mind, and my own people would not cheat my own people.

But it's just for peace of mind. After all, I'm not a professional. I'm not good at work, and I have to learn a lot of things slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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