Chapter 540

Huang Lei and the others were about to leave Jichao, and Fang Jing couldn't say anything, and even after being cut three or four times in a row, the show became more and more boring.

The reason for the cancellation was that someone reported with his real name, saying that the content was vulgar, that celebrities running all over the street affected traffic and spoiled young people.

After rectification and rectification, Yan Ming probably got annoyed after several downtimes. The recording was from outdoor to indoor, from daytime to midnight now, but there are still many people reporting.

In the past, there were problems with the recording format, such as explosions, high altitude danger, etc., but now it is recorded in the middle of the night, and positive energy topics are also added. It stands to reason that everyone is happy.

But new problems emerged, and the game was reported as plagiarism.

The staff of the program team was originally Korean, and some games added Korean elements, so they were caught, and some people bought hot searches every now and then to blackmail them.

The key point is that the game has no copyright, and everyone can play it, but the audience doesn't listen to it. As long as you have played other programs, you will be plagiarized if you play it again.

"Fuck!" After eating the last mouthful of noodles, Fang Jing took a big mouthful of soup from the bowl, rubbed his belly and said, "It's fine to leave, you are already old, there are old and young, you should spend more Spend time with your family."

"It's not like us, where one person is full and the whole family is not hungry, so you can spend as much time as you want."

"Lang, be careful not to die." Huang Lei frowned as he cleared away the dishes, "I heard that you have a lot of gossip on the Internet recently. Today, I just squatted in the toilet and found three or four things about you."

"The unscrupulous media is hyping for traffic. I happen to have another topic these days. It will be fine in a few days. Teacher Huang, you have a good craft. Are you interested in opening a store together?"

"Don't change the topic, I opened a shop a long time ago, and I lost a lot of money."

As early as a few years ago, Huang Lei set up a restaurant with some celebrity friends, opened it in Shanghai, and it was quite popular at first, but there were a lot of complaints later, either because they disliked the taste or thought it was expensive.

To be honest, the chefs he hired in his store were all trained in star-rated hotels, so there is nothing to say about their skills.There is nothing he can do about it being expensive, the city is very expensive, and the wages of shopkeepers and chefs are expensive, so the only way to make money is to raise the price.

A bowl of noodles for 15 yuan is barely acceptable to ordinary people in terms of star effect and decoration appearance, but no one can sell it for [-] yuan.

The picture of eating one or two meals is fresh, and what you eat every day is a fool. It’s only 15 yuan next door, and it’s [-] yuan to walk a few hundred meters to the side of the alley.

Poured himself a glass of water, Huang Lei took a sip and said: "Someone is targeting you, blocking you from trending searches, and you are so stupid that you don't know."

"Block trending searches? Who is it?"

"Who else can be, push forward a few days, whoever is on the cusp will be the one."

Thoughtful, after thinking for a few seconds, Fang Jing still didn't realize that he didn't pay much attention to gossip and gossip in the entertainment circle, most likely it was hype, so there was no need to watch it.

"Go back and think about it for yourself. I closed the stall. See you tomorrow. By the way, remember to implement the variety show. I will give you the list in a few days."

Carrying the water upstairs, Fang Jing took out his mobile phone to call back to the studio after arriving at the room. According to Huang Lei's reminder, he learned a name within a few minutes.

Fang Jing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and asked the studio to arrange for the other party as well.

If you want to press down your own scandals and use him as a shield, how can there be such a good thing, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun together, it is fun together.

The next morning, Fang Jing got up early and started running at dawn. When Fu Xiaotang and the others got up from the bed, he had run [-] meters.

Because it was jogging, it took him an hour. Usually, he can finish the run in 45 minutes on the football field in the community. The result is not too high, but it has surpassed many ordinary people, which is considered good among amateur runners.

As for the world record of more than 20 minutes, he didn't dare to think about it. It's not something that can be achieved through hard work. Those guys are not human.

Even the 10-minute club, those without talent can't get in at all, and they can't run until they die.

"Fang Jing, come to exercise so early?" In the yard, He Ling came over with milk and bread.

"I'm used to it, it's rare to have a chance to run more."

Raising the milk box in his hand, He Ling asked, "Do you want milk?"

"Drink! I like it the most."

The milk is provided by the sponsor's father, and it costs tens of millions a season. Of course, they have to promote it, and they will drink it for the guests when they come.

But those who are not used to drinking milk do not force it. Some people are really not used to drinking milk, and they will vomit as soon as they drink it. Often it is He Ling and Huang Lei who drink it separately.

Fang Jing smacked his mouth after taking half of the box in one bite, "This stuff is still natural, delicious and nutritious."

Seeing Fu Xiaotang and others coming out, Fang Jing said: "Xiaotang, you should drink some too, so you can grow up."

"I don't want it! I don't like pure milk, give it to Qingxue, she's used to it."

Looking at the three boxes of milk in his hand, Duan Qingxue wanted to cry, but Huang Lei just went downstairs and gave one box by himself, saying that it was not enough to take more.

Fu Xiaotang and Ye Qingyang didn't drink because they had nothing to ask for, and they didn't plan to be in the entertainment industry in the future. They weren't afraid of offending people, but she couldn't.

Now that she has made her debut anyway, she is a star when the movie is released, she may deal with He Ling and the others in the future, and she will not offend others.

Gritting her teeth and stomping her feet, Duan Qingxue closed her eyes and there was a box, and she spilled a lot at the corner of her mouth. Seeing this, the camera quickly moved the camera away. This scene must have been 404ed after the show was broadcast.

Sitting in the gazebo to enjoy the breeze, Fang Jing said to Fu Xiaotang and the others: "Leave after lunch, pack your luggage first, and let's go to another place to continue promoting."

"Are you still going?" Fu Xiaotang said with a bitter face, "Didn't you say you're traveling?"

"One day you only think about traveling, is there any future for you?" Duan Qingxue patted Fu Xiaotang on the shoulder, and shouted: "We are actors, and we should follow the crew to run publicity."

"Of course you want to run every day, and you can be on the show and appear in the camera. My mother even asked me to go home early and wash the dishes."


Hearing Fu Xiaotang's complaint, a group of people laughed. There are not many such simple children. The guests who used to come and go on the show wished for more shots and stayed for a few minutes longer.

Looking at Duan Qingxue, He Ling smiled and said, "Little sister, do you want to be an actress in the future?"

"Um, don't listen to her nonsense, it's not because she thinks about it, it's just for fun, haha, I don't have much idea yet."

Seeing Duan Qingxue's embarrassed expression, He Ling shouted into the room, "Mr. Huang, there is someone who wants to be an actor, come and have a look."

"Who wants to be an actor?" Huang Lei rolled up his sleeves and showed his unshaven beard.

Greasy, fat, and sloppy, it's hard to imagine that this is someone who used to play Xu Zhimo without makeup,

Putting it in a restaurant like this is the back chef.

"Duan Qingxue." Fang Jing wiped the sweat off his head with a towel, "This girl has a mine at home, so she has nothing to do and plans to come to the entertainment circle."

"Amateur interest? This is a good thing. During the winter and summer vacations, you can play tricks and play roles. You can run around in great rivers and mountains. You can increase your knowledge and cultivate your sentiment."

You can learn a lot on the set and get in touch with all kinds of people every day. Huang Lei very much agrees with the entertainment industry in the way of amateur interests.

When he was a child, he liked to run to the theater and watch other people's performances. Sometimes it was very interesting to watch them all day.

(End of this chapter)

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