Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 541 Guess I Believe It or Not

Chapter 541 Guess I Believe It or Not
Huang Lei disagrees with the idea of ​​becoming famous and becoming a star, earning tens of millions of dollars in a single play, putting all his youth and wealth in the entertainment industry, and making money if he doesn't succeed.

No need!
There are many opportunities to become famous these days. A short video or an interesting story can make passers-by rise, but an unprepared accidental rise cannot survive the beatings of the market. After a few days, the traffic is consumed and everyone will be wiped out.

Those who can make it to the first and second tiers all have spent a lot of hard work. You only see the brilliance of others, but you don't see the dedication of others in private.

Some artists can count on one hand the number of times they go home in a year, staying in hotels every day for several years at a time, who would have thought of such a day?

The family lives in the ICU, the artist can't go back, and he has to play games on stage to pretend to be happy for the effect of the show.

The entertainment industry is not so easy to mess around, you can play for fun, but forget it if you are serious, ordinary people really can't mess around.

"What route does the little girl plan to take in the future? I think your image is okay, and it's okay to pack it up and be an idol."

"No! I'm a capable person." Duan Qingxue pouted and said, "I want to be an actor, not a bad movie."

"Support! The ideal is very good, come on!" What else can Huang Lei say, he can only cast an encouraging look.

Newcomers are like this, when they get out of the society, after a few beatings, they will understand that it doesn't matter whether a bad movie is bad or not, as long as there is a movie, it will be a success.

A group of people sat and chatted for a while, and after ten o'clock, Fang Jing ran to the kitchen to cook and asked Huang Lei to rest.

The age difference is dozens of years, Huang Lei and these little girls have nothing to talk about, let He Ling take them to chat, while he runs and plays with his mobile phone.

Swiping and swiping the phone, a few hot searches came into view, and the little heavenly king Xu Jie's private affair was exposed, not just one or two, but fans, assistants, and artists in the studio.

The screenshots of the chats have been exposed, and there are pictures and real images, and the content is unsightly.

This matter had surfaced some time ago, but the reaction was not very big, and it was quickly suppressed. Xu Jie's studio posted a Weibo to refute the rumor, saying that it was purely a rumor and had been handed over to a lawyer.

It wasn't supposed to lower the heat like this, but it just so happened that Fang Jing's bad drama as a director was exposed, and it quickly attracted the firepower of most netizens.

Unexpectedly, what happened in the past will come up again overnight!
Don't think about it, Fang Jing must have done it!
"Teacher Huang, why are you smiling so happily?" Seeing Huang Lei suddenly grinning silently, He Ling asked curiously.

Fu Xiaotang and the others followed suit.

Huang Lei handed the phone to He Ling, "Look for yourself."

Taking the phone, He Ling took a look at the trending search rankings and knew what was going on. He was the one who told Huang Lei that Fang Jing was hacked yesterday.

As the pillar of Shonan Satellite TV, he has hosted Kuaiben for more than ten years, and he has a strong network. If there is any trouble in the entertainment industry, he will know what is going on with a phone call.

"It's nothing to be concerned about, and it's none of our business." With the phone on the gazebo table, He Ling said with a relaxed smile, "I'll help Fang Jing cook."

"Wow!!" Fu Xiaotang stretched out his head to look at the trending searches on his mobile phone, opened his mouth wide in surprise, and the fire of gossip was strong, "It's true or not, I didn't see this kind of person."

Duan Qingxue followed with contempt and said: "It must be true that it's all on the hot search. He didn't run away. Usually, I can see that he is not a good person. Bah! Scumbag!"

"Hey! You two pay attention, I'm still recording a show." Huang Lei's mouth twitched.

Thanks to him being the investor and producer of the program, he can cut this part out in post-editing, and it will be put on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV. The most popular words of that station are guests who attract attention.

It is best to be aggressive, and the ratings will be the result of broadcasting!

As for whether your guest offends others, that's none of their business.

"Sorry, sorry." Duan Qingxue smiled awkwardly at the camera, squinted her eyes and waved her hands: "Brother, don't shoot this part, I'm going to be in the entertainment industry in the future."

"You still know that you want to be in the entertainment industry? With your unguarded mouth, you will drag Teacher Fang into trouble sooner or later."

"One person does things and the other person is responsible. Don't worry, Teacher Fang won't be hurt."

Shaking his head, Huang Lei put away his phone, and said calmly: "You are not famous, who cares about you, people will look for Fang Jing if they want to look for it, just read this kind of frivolous news, don't take it seriously, and don't speak up."

"Misfortune comes from the mouth, and you will know in the future, how many artists are bad with one mouth."

"Oh!" Being criticized by Huang Lei, Duan Qingxue lost face.

At noon, Fang Jing came out with dishes, and everyone ate in the gazebo. Halfway through, his phone rang six or seven times, but he didn't answer it, and finally turned it off directly.

He Lingyun glanced at the name of the caller ID, continued to eat, and said casually: "Fang Jing, if you have something to do, answer it, this won't be broadcast."

Longing for Life needs to record more than 20 hours for each episode, and it only takes more than one hour when it is broadcast. Most of the clips are unnecessary, and only a small part is taken.

"A bitch, it's okay, he will call later."

He Ling couldn't help laughing when Fang Jing compared Xu Jie to a slut. He looked at the name of the caller ID just now, and he probably came to sue for peace.

If you continue like this, you will lose your reputation and retreat from the circle.


After eating, let Fu Xiaotang and the others wash the dishes, Fang Jing packed his luggage and prepared to leave, this time Huang Lei sent them to the entrance of the village for the first time.

Usually he doesn't give it away.

In the business car, Fang Jing turned on his mobile phone, called back, and answered within a few seconds.

"Brother Xu, what do you want from me, I was a little busy just now, sorry."

Hearing Fang Jing's call, the people who were playing around in the car quieted down.

"Boss Fang, I didn't offend you, did I buy seven or eight trending searches early in the morning?" Xu Jie growled on the phone.

It's not just a hot search on Weibo, hundreds of marketing accounts are also posting about him, and it spreads all over the Internet in a few hours, and they can't even sue him.

Some marketing accounts are still very rampant, here is just a warning, and the other replied that he has found a lawyer and wants to file a lawsuit with him, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The lawyer's letter warning didn't work anymore, and on the contrary, he even took the initiative to file a lawsuit with him. What the hell is it that no one tells him who to believe?

Ordinary netizens and self-media authors are afraid of lawyers' letters, but some people are not afraid, such as artists who do not deal with them or rival brokerage companies.

Manipulating from behind, providing funds and black material, you want to file a lawsuit?OK!Seven or eight lawyers from the legal department are waiting for you.

Provide hundreds of thousands to accompany you in the lawsuit, let you go to the court to have a heart-to-heart talk every three days, and delay for three to five months can make you collapse.

Keep the phone away from your ears, and after a few seconds, Fang Jing said slowly: "Brother Xu, don't talk nonsense, when did I buy you Hot Search?"

"As a public figure, you have to be responsible for what you say. After all, no one wants to be wronged, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jie calmed down before speaking: "I admit, your matter has something to do with me, but it was not arranged by me, it was done by the agent and the company."

"Why are you so rich and powerful playing with a small person like me? It's boring. If you have the ability, go and start a company."

"Oh! Do you think I believe it or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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