Chapter 542
"I have no grievances or enmities with your company. Why are they hacking me for no reason? It's not your fault."

Fang Jing's tone was very flat, as if you don't hide everything, I know everything.

"It's really not me!" On the phone, Xu Jie was about to cry, and gritted his teeth: "My contract is about to expire, and if I didn't renew it, the company is clearly trying to frame me."

"Hehe, then the leaders of your company are really good at framing, and they even help you clean up the hot searches. How many do you know about such unscrupulous companies? Let me introduce a few too."

"Whether you believe it or not, I didn't do it anyway. I thought I didn't offend you. Everyone doesn't offend me. If you grab me, you won't be able to blow it up."

"Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Now that I'm alone, I can't compare to Mr. Fang. Your family has a great fortune. Let's fight to see who loses the most."

Listening to the strong tone, the corners of Fang Jing's mouth rose, "Okay, then you can try."

Fang Jing hung up the phone without waiting for the other side to speak.

"Teacher Fang, did you really have sex with that Xu Jie?" Fu Xiaotang asked excitedly.

Seeing the usually high-ranking big star speak so weakly in front of Fang Jing, Fu Xiaotang and the others almost didn't call 666.

That's Xu Jie, the little heavenly king who debuted for many years. He can't pull it off. He has a big celebrity. I heard that the director on the set is not as big as him. He can shoot whenever he wants.

Not to mention singing, Fang Jing was the strongest among the younger generation before his debut.

I didn't expect a phone call to open a door for them by chance. Teacher Fang is so stupid.

A chestnut was knocked on Fu Xiaotang's head, and Fang Jing was annoyed, "Be careful with what you say, I'm an actor, and I have basic lines of lines, don't pick my words."

Can he not hear the anus just now?

Today's post-zero girls are really little ghosts.

"What I'm talking about is..." Fang Jing stared at him, and Fu Xiaotang said weakly: "Forget it, don't explain, Mr. Fang, what Xu Jie heard is very powerful, don't be defeated, I will help you later Find someone to hack him on Weibo."

"It's not me bragging, I'm still the owner of the post bar in our school, and thousands of people have blown up his Weibo with a single order."

"I have a plan in mind. I ran to the top of his Weibo and first came to Bo's family tree to say hello, and then said that he was taking care of students, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and contacted several media to interview him, ruining his reputation."

"Come on, I support you." Patting Fu Xiaotang on the shoulder, Fang Jing said comfortingly, "Don't say you know me when you get accused later."

"By the way, before you do this, you must be prepared to go to court and go to jail. It's not much. After paying three to five million yuan, you will be out in one or two years."

Isn't it courting death for an ordinary person to compete with other celebrities?Just the deliberate smearing of Weibo can make them lose everything.

The reason why Xu Jie came to him in private now is because Fang Jing's people are all professionals, and the whole story is about black people, but they use possibilities. I heard that, I guess, this tone has never been affirmative.

If you want to sue, you can sue. It’s okay if you win the lawsuit. You can delete Weibo and apologize, and you won’t lose money.

"Ah!" Fu Xiaotang was frustrated, "This is not okay, then you will suffer if you quarrel with others, what if he jumps over the wall in a hurry and smears you?"

Fang Jing looked at the densely covered mountains and forests outside the car window, and said firmly, "He won't jump over the wall in a hurry!"

A top-notch artist wants to fight against a listed film and television company with a market value of tens of billions, unless his brain is flooded, and neither financial connections nor influential artists have an advantage.

Regardless of winning or losing, it is [-]% an artist who suffers in the end. If he fails, he will be banned and withdrawn from the circle.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, who hasn't found any black material, spend a lot of money to reveal it for you, and the relevant departments will intervene, and even if you don't die, your skin will peel off.

Fang Jing had just finished speaking when the phone rang again, and it was still Xu Jie.

This time, his tone was not as hard as before, it was as soft as a frosted eggplant and he couldn't lift his spirits.

"Mr. Fang, give me a way to survive. I'll set up a few tables to make amends myself."

There are more than a dozen media outside the company waiting to interview him. The leader just called and asked him to go out and explain clearly, so as not to discredit the company.

Over there, he was roasted on fire, while Fang Jing kept stabbing him from morning to night. He spent several million artificially to reduce the heat, and the pressure couldn't be suppressed.

Often as soon as this topic is suppressed, another topic about him pops up again.

Seeing that Fang Jing had nothing to say and remained silent for a long time, Xu Jie said, "The company took this opportunity to blackmail you because your Nanjing's summer TV series collided with us."

"Several popular artists in the company have signed guarantees with other film and television companies, and the combined profit for three consecutive years is not less than [-] million."

"This is a big project. The previous two years were just at the same level. This year there may be losses due to the salary limit order, but as long as we get involved, we can still complete the original commitment."

"But when your TV series collides with our company, it will definitely cause a fight. The company's loss to your side is a trivial matter and has little impact."

"But the guarantee agreement with over there is a big deal. Not to mention the injury, the stock will plummet, and I don't know how much the loss will be."

Nanjing's dramas are famous for their high quality, without them, Xu Jie's company would definitely be brilliant this summer.

Short and tall, compared to those Thor dramas hidden in the crotch, their company's production standard is still good, and it's not bad compared with other peers.

Fang Jing was the one who was afraid, this fellow had never missed a shot, and every time he made a move, the other colleagues would have nothing to eat.

Fang Jing counted with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Our company will release three dramas this summer, can you get over it?"

In addition to Flash Girl, there are also full-time masters and Ode to Joy. Once the three dramas come out, they will be fully booked this summer, so there are no other people.

"Mr. Fang, it's useless to tell me what you said." Xu Jie wailed, "This is a private matter between you and the company, not mine. Can you get rid of your people first? I can't handle it anymore. .”

After pondering for a while, Fang Jing said: "Okay, you paid the appearance fee, and you are helping me promote the movie, let's settle this matter."

"Mr. Fang, it's a bit difficult for you to ask for this. It's unreasonable for you to blackmail me and charge me an appearance fee! And I haven't left the company yet, so it's inconvenient to help you promote the movie."

Fang Jing's hundreds of marketing accounts are probably all mobilized this time, buying hot searches, operating them, "promoting" him, digging up black material, and a set is estimated to be 400 million.

This is only half a day, and the operating fee may double for each continuous day.

It's several million, not tens of dollars, so he doesn't want to be taken advantage of, and he has to pay for medical expenses if he is beaten. How can there be such a reason?
Fang Jing narrowed his eyes, "Brother, is this not cooperating? There is no need to tell the truth about some things. You know whether I have wronged you. You only came to see me this time. What did you do when you were benefiting?"

Even if this matter has nothing to do with Xu Jie, he is also an insider and beneficiary. As the sword of the company, he used to be silent when it was beneficial, but now he shouts pain when he hurts himself because of the sparks. Where is such a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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