Chapter 543


Xu Jie was depressed. He did know about this before. He was bored and kept silent earlier because he wanted to fish in troubled waters. Anyway, he didn't do it. When Fang Jing came to him, he would just find the company, and it had nothing to do with him.

Who knows that Fang Jing doesn't play cards according to common sense, so now he is sure to pay him an appearance fee.

If you don't give money, you can't do it. If you don't pay money and continue to make troubles, things will be a mess. If you continue to deal with it, he will really quit the circle.

"Okay, I'll give the money, but let's forget about the promotion. My contract will expire in half a year. Isn't it a little bad to help you promote the movie at this time?"

When he said this, Xu Jie was bleeding in his heart. There were millions of them, and they were gone in a flash. If he had known that he would have called Fang Jing and explained clearly, he would not have suffered such a large amount of blood.

Money can be given, but the promotion of the film is really embarrassing for him. Originally, the two companies are competitors, and he also helps Nanjing to promote the film, and it is fine to pass it back to the company.

I don't know how many people pointed at his spine and called him a white-eyed wolf.

Tapping the car window lightly with his fingers, Fang Jing smiled and said, "What are you afraid of if you are going to leave? From now on, you will never communicate with each other and have no business relationship. What can they do with you?"

"Besides, it's because they were unkind first, so don't blame you for being unrighteous. It's decided, when will you repost the movie promotion for me, and when will I remove the trending search, hang up!"

"Fuck!" Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Xu Jie was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone.

Fang Jing is forcing him to his death, breaking up with the company, this is not a matter of never being in touch with each other, getting along well and breaking up and offending others are completely two different things, right?
After a few minutes, Xu Jie sighed, sat down in front of the computer and reposted Fang Jing's new movie Flash Girl's Weibo.

"A very good movie! Everyone must support it!"

God knows how much effort it took to play these Xu Jies, and his fingers were trembling.

"I'll go, haven't these two been fighting each other? See you soon, Xu Jie actually promoted the movie to Fang Jing."

"Old Xu, you are missing, bah! Didn't you get kidnapped by Fang Jing?"

"As we all know, Xu Jie and Fang Jing don't have a good relationship. This time, when they are in crisis, they can let go of their prejudices and don't forget to help Fang Jing promote it. This shows that this movie is really good."

"Even Xu Jie helped to promote the movie regardless of past suspicions. It seems that Fang Jing's movie is not bad this time, so I will focus on this one. I will definitely watch it when the time comes."

In the car, Fang Jing smiled, and then commented on Weibo, "Don't talk nonsense, brother Xu and I have always been good partners, and we often chat and talk on the phone."

"Brother Xu, the future is bright, come on!"

Xu Jie's company, the director of the artist department watched the interaction between the two, and his veins burst out of anger.

"Okay Xu Jie, why don't I renew the contract? It turns out that I have found my next home. Nanjing is indeed a good place to go."

"Want to leave? Hmph! How can it be so easy, can you leave without spending 5000 million?"

There is still half a year left in the contract to expire, but the company will not arrange work for Xu Jie for this half year, and will not allow him to take over the job. Just keeping it cold for half a year is enough for him.

If you want to leave early, you can. First, pay the liquidated damages. It was set at more than 5000 million, but after all these years, the contract is about to expire, so pay [-] million.

do not give?If you don’t give it, you will refrigerate it for half a year. If you have the kindness, you will go out after half a year to see how much popularity is left.

What?If you want to sue, you can. The lawyers in the legal department are raising millions of dollars a year. Do you think it's just a show?

Fang Jing returned to the city by car, and as soon as he returned to the hotel, he received a call from Xu Jie, crying for his father and mother, crying.

"Mr. Fang, you have hurt me. Now the company wants me to lose money, more than 3000 million. The worst thing is that I can no longer sing my own songs, including those famous songs."

After all, they had a falling out. Xu Jie explained Fang Jing's threat to him, but the company didn't listen at all. They originally planned to knock him out, but now they had the opportunity.

All of his songs were bought by the company and written by others. None of his songs are his own independent copyright. Now all of his songs have to be taken back, and he can't even sing.

As long as he dared to open his mouth, he would be waiting for a lawyer's letter.

"Calm down, don't panic." Fang Jing took out the computer from the room and went to the sofa, opened the notebook with one hand, and answered the phone with the other hand, "You only have a few famous songs, take them away."

"Pfft!" Xu Jie wanted to vomit blood, after waiting for so long, Fang Jing said this to him.

You have so many songs, of course you are not afraid, you also know that I only have such a few famous songs?

Fang Jing searched for information on the Internet, and after a while he said with a playful smile: "By the way, they also took away your song "One Prayer to Heaven and Earth"? Didn't you write the lyrics and music yourself?"

"Ahem! It's true that I wrote the lyrics and composed the music, but the arrangement, post-production, and release of the album are all done by the company. These things naturally belong to the company."

"You also know that I was not popular at the time, and I spoke lightly. The copyright was all given to the company, and I had to do whatever they said."

"Understood! That means this song is completely owned by the company now? It has nothing to do with you?"

"Well, you can say that." With a deep sigh, Xu Jie felt distressed, "I don't care about other songs, but this one is a pity. It is my painstaking effort, my child, do you understand?"

This song has brought him 5000 to [-] million in revenue. In addition to money and fame, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a parent, let alone a child.

As long as the song is there, he has a chance to turn around, and he can make a comeback at any time in the future. Who hasn't made connections after so many years?
But if there is no song, he will sing in the future, even if people are willing to invite him to a variety show, what will he do?Singing joyously with a microphone?

Fang Jing couldn't help laughing, "I am also the creator of nature, I understand this kind of feeling, you can see if this is okay, I will write a song and sell it to you, don't worry, it is completely on the same level as your song Blessing Heaven and Earth."

"Really?" Xu Jie's heart skipped a beat.

A crying phone call comes with such a good thing?Who doesn't know that Fang Jing hasn't written a song for a long time, there is no market for it, and someone offered 800 million to ask him to write it, but he didn't write it.

He wants Fang Jing's songs, but he is afraid of what this broken company is doing, so he can leave whenever he wants.

With his current popularity and energy, it is not impossible to reach a new level in his career.

"You're not worth the money I'm deceiving right now. If you want to talk to me, forget it." Fang Jing's tone on the phone was a bit impatient.

"Yes, yes." After agreeing, Xu Jie was a little hesitant, and he asked him for a sky-high price for the photo of Fang Jing, assuming that he would not buy it.

"Well, Mr. Fang, you know what's going on with me now. After paying liquidated damages and endorsements, I don't have much money left. The price isn't..."

"Don't worry, the market price." Fang Jing said righteously, "Do I look like the kind of person who takes advantage of others' dangers? 1000 million, no discounts."

1000 million, still live without discount, I'll fuck you.

Xu Jie only felt that his blood was surging and his eyes were red. Why is the song so expensive?It doesn't cost so much money to inlay diamonds for each word, right?
(End of this chapter)

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