Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 544 A Song Worth Ten Thousand

Chapter 544 A Song Worth Ten Million

"Why don't you talk, are you so happy?" After a while, Fang Jing's voice came from the phone.

"Haha! I'm really happy, thank you!" Gritting his teeth, Xu Jie bit hard on the word thank you.

If you don't buy it, you can't do it. As a singer, he doesn't have a single song, so is he still a singer?
Although 1000 million is a lot, it is still affordable. After some operation in the later stage, it will be earned back in a few months. It is not a loss, and Fang Jing's songs are famous and guaranteed, so he is at ease in this regard.

"OK! I'll send you the song right now, and I'll give you the money after you're done with it. I'm not in a hurry."

There is such a good thing as inspecting the goods first before giving money, Xu Jie was touched at this moment, Fang Jing is a good person.

"My Nima!"

Seeing the song from Fang Jing a few minutes later, Xu Jie almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"The rivers of the world contain the rivers of heaven"

"The person in front of me is singing the song of the old man"

"You in the next life meet me in this life"

"Will you still remember"

"We will eventually be reincarnated to Yukuo"

The lyrics are a bit familiar, not only is it familiar, it is his song "One Bow to Heaven and Earth", only a few pronunciations and words have been changed. What's too much is that the title of the song has not changed, it is still called "One Bow to Heaven and Earth".

Is this to amuse him?

Picking up the phone, Xu Jie called Fang Jing, trying to suppress his anger, "Haha, Mr. Fang, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, doesn't it look familiar?"

I am more than familiar, Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Fang, this is my song. You just changed a few words. Isn't that how you copy and paste?"

"No copy." Fang Jing chuckled, "The stories we tell are different. This is the experience of two men truly loving each other, which is different from the previous lover you met in your dream."

"Besides, can you use copy and paste to talk about musicians? You are insulting my music."

Xu Jie...

Copy and paste, the code words of novels are not so rampant.

I also changed the content of the story to Lao Tzu, saying that it is a story about a pair of men who really love each other, and I love you uncle.

"Ahem! Mr. Fang, although this matter is harmless, you can't copy all the titles of my song, right? I can't buy this song, and I can't sing it even if I buy it. I will be sued."

At this point Xu Jie was ready to hang up the phone, Fang Jing didn't have any sincerity, he was just playing with him, he took pleasure in seeing him make a fool of himself, what a villain.

It’s still so rampant to copy and paste and change a few words, bah!Don't be embarrassing!

"Don't worry, who dares to sue you, I will sue him for you."

"Sue, how do you sue?" Xu Jie smiled, "The copyright belongs to the company, so you can still say that white is black?"

"That's right, it's just saying that white is black." Fang Jing sent a screenshot of an email record to Xu Jie, "You can sue with this."

Seeing this screenshot, Xu Jie was stunned. The time of sending the email was ten years ago, the sender was Fang Jing, and a landline phone number and bank card were attached at the back.

The content is the lyrics and music of worshiping heaven and earth.

In an instant, the memory was brought back to ten years ago, the Korean trend was blowing up in China, and Korean artist groups were very popular.

Xu Jie is from the three eastern provinces. He was discovered by scouts because of his good looks. He was only in high school at that time, and then he signed a contract with a brokerage company. The company packaged him and asked him to go to Korea to make his debut as a trainee. He will come back after a while and export to domestic sales. .

At that time, he came back to watch a few variety shows and became a popular niche. One day, the studio received an email, and someone voted for a song.

It is nothing new for folk musicians to vote for singers. Huang Bo once voted for the kings of Xiangjiang.

As soon as he received this song, he knew that it was a popular song, but the price was too high, [-] yuan, and he had to retain the copyright, that is, the name in the column of lyrics and composition could not be changed.

Money is not a problem, but people who have just debuted need fame too much. This song is not bad. If it is written by him, it will definitely increase the popularity.

Fame and fortune move people's hearts. With the help of their manager, they hacked the song and changed a few words and tunes to make it their own. At that time, there were many people who did this kind of thing, and it was not uncommon.

Sure enough, the author of the latter song didn't bother too much, and they didn't spend a penny, so the matter was left alone.

If he hadn't seen this email today, maybe he wouldn't even be able to remember it, and it would forever be dusty in his memory, and he wouldn't even talk about it when he died.

"Does it look familiar?" Fang Jing chuckled, "I'm laughing at my clumsy work from junior high school."

In an instant, Xu Jie's face turned pale, and he was sweating profusely. He had the urge to hang up the phone immediately. No wonder Fang Jing didn't like him all the time, and he didn't look good when meeting him in public. It turned out that this was the problem.

Whoring his songs for nothing, it would be strange if I could wait to see them.

Xu Jie didn't speak, Fang Jing continued: "I don't want to mention the past, take this email and you go to the company to sue, and they have to spit out all the money they have made from this song over the years. You spent 1000 million, right? ?”

"Of course, we are two songs. Although there are some similarities, but in art, some similarities are normal. I understand. I am a person who keeps my word. I said that writing a song for you is on the same level as worshiping the world. It’s the same level, it’s not bad.”

"I'll give you money for your QQ number, and it's up to you whether you want to delete your mailbox records yourself or go to the company to file a lawsuit."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Jing posted on Weibo, "I haven't opened for three years, and I've had three years since I opened. Today I sold a song to Brother Xu for 1000 million. Thank you for your support!"

"Old iron 666! A song has 1000 million, how dare you speak."

"This is no longer a matter of daring to speak up, but someone actually bought it, and it is probably a record-breaking for a song. It is worthy of Fang Shen."

"It goes without saying how powerful a celebrity is at attracting money. An internet slob song can earn tens of millions. I don't think it's too much for Fang Jing to sell 1000 million."

"Waiting for Xu Jie to release an album, I can't wait to hear what it feels like to hear a song with 1000 million views."

Xu Jie's company, not long after Fang Jing posted on Weibo, there was a loud noise in the manager's office.


A teacup smashed to pieces on the ground.

"Okay, Xu Jie, I just talked on the phone not long ago, and I even bought the song, it seems that I want to leave a long time ago."

"He also told me that he had no choice but to be forced by Fang Jing. If he touched his lips, he would make sense of everything. Okay, it's very good."

Holding the QQ number given by Fang Jing, Xu Jie and his team of lawyers knocked on the office of the head of the company. They bought a QQ number for 1000 million yuan. Who would believe it?
Now that this song belongs to him, it is impossible for the company to spit out the money they have earned all these years. After all, part of the money fell into his pocket, and he is also one of the beneficiaries.

What he wants to do is to use this matter to negotiate with the company and let the company release his other songs.

For a listed company, reputation is very important. If there is news about the song of Fang Jing who is a prostitute, the stock will fall.

Two hours later, Xu Jie came out of the office with a contract. From now on, he can sing all the previous songs, but every time he sings, he needs to pay the company a certain amount of money.

Liquidated damages haven't changed, it's still the same.

If you lose money, you lose money, Xu Jie is already very satisfied, with these songs, he will have the capital to make a comeback in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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