Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 545 Luxurious Minibus

Chapter 545 Luxurious Minibus
With Fang Hui and Fu Xiaotang and others, Fang Jing ran around for publicity in the next few days, interviewing platforms in first- and second-tier cities, TV stations, and major media.

Often I am in this city in the morning and go to another city in the afternoon. Most of the time I am either on the plane or in the car.

Just after the interview, I ran to the next interview location non-stop.

After seven or eight days, let alone Fang Hui and the others feel bored, Duan Qingxue, who was originally keen on TV, couldn't bear it, her face almost stiffened from laughing.

Just after leaving the TV station, Fang Hui said with a bitter face: "Brother, please take me home, we are about to start school, and the teacher is urging me very much."

"School starts?" Fang Jing smiled playfully, "Didn't you say that it was still early a few days ago, that it would be fine to go back to school after playing for a week?"

"Ugh! Didn't the teacher notify me at that time? Now it's a temporary notification. I'm in the third year of high school, and my studies are tight. I can't be sloppy. Why don't you buy me a plane ticket and I can go back by myself."

Fang Hui doesn't want to stay in this ghostly place anyway, it's too boring, and he doesn't know how Fang Jing managed to survive, he always says the same thing to reporters and media every day.

It's okay to repeat it once or twice a day, isn't it tiring to repeat it seven or eight times a day?

"Teacher Fang, I can't do it anymore, we have to start school." Fu Xiaotang echoed, tears welling up in his eyes, very pitiful.

Over the past few days, she felt that her legs were not her own, she was so tired, and her whole body was completely numb.

Fang Jing had an expression that you thought I was an idiot, "Didn't you start school at the end of August?"

"I, I want to go to see the school scenery in advance, feel the university atmosphere, and cultivate sentiment."

"What about you, you also want to go to college early to cultivate your sentiments?" Fang Jing looked at Ye Qingyang.

"I'll listen to Teacher Fang. I'll go after the teacher's movie is publicized. There's no rush."

Looking at this unsatisfactory comrade-in-arms, Fu Xiaotang lightly pinched Ye Qingyang's back from behind.

With his head down, Ye Qingyang didn't dare to look at Fu Xiaotang. Her mother's medical expenses were all paid by Fang Jing, and it was Fang Jing who asked her to play the leading role, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, which reduced their family's burden a lot.

Such a great kindness cannot be forgotten.

Now it's just a few cities every day, it's tiring, it's nothing compared to Fang Jing's kindness.

"Look, it scares you, so where is it?" Fang Jing laughed, "Today is the last day, and I will go back tomorrow."

"How much money you take and how much you suffer. Money is not easy to earn. This time, I will let you experience that it is not easy for your parents to make money. This is just the entertainment industry. Ordinary people who want to earn hundreds of thousands have to work ten times harder than you do now."

Seeing Fang Jing's understatement, Fang Hui felt distressed, "Brother, you haven't been here all these years, have you?"

After the words fell, a few pairs of eyes looked at Fang Jing.

If you want to wear the crown, you must suffer. Although Fang Jing is so famous and earns so much money, they know that his daily life is not as glamorous as it is on TV.

Being both a father and a mother in the film crew, she was the last one to sleep every day, and after the filming of the film, she had to take them to promote the show.

The hosts on the stage were all competing to interview him, they were the most relaxed, and Fang Jing was the one who was tired.

"No!" Fang Jing said carelessly: I usually film in the crew, and I shoot for several months and half a year. Every day after a few scenes, I go to bed, brush my phone, and write novels when I have nothing to do. "

"After all, I'm a big star, so I'm not so tired. After the filming, delicious food and drinks are in front of me, and I'm happy to sleep on the massage chair in the car."

"There is a special person in charge of the company's affairs. I just go to see it once in a while. Sigh! I don't have to do my homework every day, and I don't have to go from [-] to [-]. Not to mention how comfortable it is."


Fu Xiaotang...

Duan Qingxue...

Ye Qingyang...

They felt sorry for Fang Jing for a moment just now, but for some reason, after hearing what he said, they felt no sympathy, and felt a little impulsive to hit someone.


The next day, Fang Jing and his party boarded a plane to Shanghai.

"Teacher Fang, my home is not in Shanghai? Is the route wrong?" Just after getting off the plane, Fu Xiaotang looked around.

"The route is correct. You have worked hard these past few days. I will ask Fang Hui to take you around, such as Disney, Oriental Pearl Tower, and museums. I will pay for it."

"It's a good relationship!" Duan Qingxue cheered up.

Now Fu Xiaotang is not in a hurry to start school, she takes out her mobile phone and checks the travel guide of Shanghai. She has never been to Shanghai since she grew up.

The impression of this city is all derived from film and television dramas.

When I came out of the airport, I was picked up by an ordinary-looking minibus. The driver and assistant Wu Jiajia were waiting early.

Fang Hui's eyes widened, "Hey! Brother, your car has changed? It's so dirty."

Other people's pick-ups are Mercedes-Benz BMW, Audi Bugatti, or even a car or commercial vehicle with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I don't know, but I thought they were going to the county seat.

"What do you know?" He slapped Fang Hui on the head, and Fang Jing said angrily, "The car is not for appearances, the more ordinary the better, my car is usually only the leader can sit in."


When they got into the car, their mouths widened in surprise. It turned out that the car had been refitted, and the seats had been reduced by more than half. There was a monitor behind the driver, where they could watch TV and karaoke.

All seats are equipped with massage function, and there is a small kitchen next to it, refrigerator, and induction cooker.

The rearmost seats are folded down in proportion, and the spacious two rows are a bedroom.

Fu Xiaotang lay on the massage chair, snorted comfortably, got up a few seconds later, and said excitedly: "Mr. Fang, I have seen your car before."

"Last year, it was aired in the name of the people, and the boss of Sha Rui Sands was in this kind of minibus when he went out to investigate."

"At the time, my dad said that it was unreasonable for such a big official to ride in a minibus. Now I understand that there is nothing special on the outside, but there is a world inside."

Fang Jing smiled and didn't say a word. This car is nicknamed Inspection No. [-]. It is a standard equipment for big bosses to travel. It is a must for factory inspections and unit inspections. The car can be used for meetings, rest, leisure, eating, drinking and having fun.

Two 300 million nanny cars are like younger brothers in front of it, and they are not of the same class at all.

There is a lifting glass between the driver's seat and the compartment, which is completely sound-proof, and there is a special speaker for communication. If you want the driver to see what's going on inside, you can also change the color of the glass.

It's okay to call a few secretary assistants over for a meeting, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Putting his feet on the massager in front of the seat, Fu Xiaotang closed his eyes and enjoyed it while saying: "Mr. Fang, you are too polite, even in Shanghai, you still arrange this trip."

"Take out this artifact of yours as soon as possible. If I risk my life to accompany the gentleman, I will have to promote it with you for another seven or eight days."

"That's right!" Fang Hui complained, and said with a pouted mouth: "I should have driven this car earlier, but the broken car I sat in two days ago made my butt hurt, and the space is too narrow, so I can only sleep with my pout. , the bones are broken."

"What are you thinking, this car is not for you guys." Fang Jing laughed, "I still have a play to promote, after I send you guys away, a group of old people will come up later, I prepared it for them .”

"You're treating them differently, gender discrimination!" Fang Hui stared.

"Stop talking nonsense, get off at the side of the road after entering the urban area." Fang Jing didn't listen to Fang Hui's protest at all, "Take these sisters to have fun, and I'll transfer some money to you later."

"Don't stay in a hotel when you rest at night, go where you are."

(End of this chapter)

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