Chapter 546

When the minibus arrived in the urban area, Fang Jing let Fu Xiaotang and the others into the car. Looking at the people who got off the bus, Fang Jing sat in the car, opened the window and said, "It's been a lot of fun these few days. The air tickets have been booked. When the time comes, I will Let the people from the company take you there."

"I'm a little busy here, and I have to run another drama promotion in the next period of time. I can't see you off. Send me a message when you get home."

"I'm sorry to bother you for so long. I'll have the musical instruments transported to the school, and you can pick them up when you get back."

"Fu Xiaotang's zither, Duan Qingxue's cello, Ye Qingyang's dulcimer, don't take them by mistake."

Hearing that Fang Jing gave them the musical instruments on the show, Fu Xiaotang hurriedly waved his hands, "Mr. Fang, I was joking with you before, and we are not tired of promoting it at all."

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm not tired, I can't ask for things."

Duan Qingxue shook her fist and said: "It's normal for actors to cooperate with the crew, these are what we should do."

The musical instruments on the show were not cheap. Guzheng, Yangqi, and cello were all top-notch brands and worth a lot of money. They had seen them before when they were filming the movie.

I thought Fang Jing was rented, but I didn't expect to give them away.

Stretching out his head, Fang Jing chuckled, "A little care is nothing, just accept it. I don't know when I will see you again this time. Think of it as a graduation gift from my teacher."

Several of them have graduated, and this year they will enter the university to live their own lives, and Fang Jing is busy with work, maybe they will never see each other again in this lifetime.

"Brother, where's mine!" Fang Hui jumped up and shouted, "I've been running with you for so many days, don't you have my gift?"

"You? You have built so many kennels for me and you still want a gift. It's not bad that I didn't cut you."

Fang Jing was angry about this in advance, he hadn't logged in to the Penguin for a long time, and he went up suddenly two days ago, and several loyal old readers and Chang He sent him frenzied messages.

He said congratulations on the release of the new book, it was written wonderfully, and they couldn't sleep at night after reading it, so he asked him to update it quickly.

Fang Jing was in a daze at the time, why didn't he know when he would release a new book?
I logged into the author account and found that I couldn't log in, and the password was wrong, so I directly searched the previous pen name on the reading point, and sure enough, a new book was published.

As for the content, when I came back days later, I saw my brother living in a kennel, and in a rage, I built dozens of kennels for my brother to live in in turn.

The subject matter is very familiar, he knows who wrote it without even thinking about it, and no one can steal his account except Fang Hui.

"Slightly slightly slightly!" Fang Hui stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, "If you don't give a gift, you won't give it. I will buy it myself. There are already publishers who are going to ask me to buy the copyright and publish a book."

Ever since she was a child, Fang Hui never thought that she had the talent to write novels. Publishers bought hundreds of thousands of copyrights. Apart from the website fees, she got more than 20 yuan.

The money came so fast, no wonder Fang Jing liked to write and draw so much before.

"How dare you! If you ruin my reputation, I will never end with you." Fang Jing almost jumped out of the window.

"How can I ruin your reputation by writing my own novel? Let's not talk about it, let's go, see you later! When the copyright fee comes, I will buy you a gift."

"Hey! Stop for me..."

Fang Hui walked away, even though Fang Jing shouted his throat, he didn't look back.

He took out his mobile phone and contacted the editor. Fang Jing planned to ask the website to delete the novel, but he didn't expect that they would not delete it, saying that Fang Hui was the author under this pseudonym, and there was nothing illegal about the content of the novel.

There was no way, Fang Jing logged into the author account of his book Zhu Xian, went to Fang Hui's book to read comments, and said that the person who wrote the book was not him, but his sister at home.

Anyone who tipped his name can contact the background, and he will refund the money.

It's okay not to make a sound, as soon as he leaves a message, more people will reward him.

"No! I'm going to read the novel, it's very well written!"

"I've read it, I can't sleep at night, please update it quickly, I suggest that the author greatly upgrade my brother's residence, how about the cowshed?"

"Fang Jing don't come here to make trouble, he wrote well."

"Thank you for the invitation. I'm in Mongolia. I just got off the aircraft carrier. I came here just because of the reputation. It's not enough to reward a Silver Alliance. Uncle, let's go and rest first."

"Hahaha, I really want to see the author's explosive photos, what is Fang Jing's younger sister like?"

What Fang Jing didn't know was that after he commented, the book was recommended one after another, and it became very popular. Within a few days, several publishers approached Fang Hui to buy the copyright.


Five days later, with the crew of the ice-breaking operation, Fang Jing arrived at the last publicity place, the Master Forum of the TV Art Festival.

This forum is very high-end, and there are not only major well-known media but also seniors from the TV industry sitting in the audience. Fang Jing was able to win a few minutes to speak because of others.

On the stage, I interacted briefly with the host and chatted about some things about the crew. For example, most of the actors in the crew wore light makeup, including him.

Policemen and soldiers are not idol niches, they don't have such delicate skin and tender flesh. After discussion, the crew unanimously decided that the male actors should not beautify their faces or smooth their skin.

So in the clips, you can often see the actors' faces with bumps and dark circles.Fortunately, Fang Jing's looks are durable, but he is still good looking, he is as handsome without makeup.

After staying on stage for a few minutes, Fang Jing bowed and stepped down, leaving time for others.

The weather was hot, and everyone was wearing formal clothes. When Wang Jinsong was approaching, he took off his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and came on stage in a white shirt.

He was originally one of the invited guests of the art festival, and the publicity was on the way.

Looking at the several pages of manuscript in Wang Jinsong's hand, Fang Jing's scalp went numb, and he said to Wu Gang, "Uncle Dong, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, let's read on."

Bad old man, I believe you bastard, seeing Wu Gang's expression, Fang Jing knows that he must know the truth.

Wang Jinsong has debuted for many years, and the roles he has played are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, from the eunuch of the Ming Dynasty to Tang Xiangming, the butcher who was a classmate of Qia, to the teacher of Scarlet Xiangxi, and in recent years, Langya Bangyanhou.

He has many masterpieces, his acting skills are also recognized in the industry, and his words are very appealing.

After a brief self-introduction, Wang Jinsong talked about some developments in the industry in recent years, such as affirming the salary limit order and strictly controlling bad movies and dramas.

Fang Jing put his heart down.

Talking about the quality and dedication of actors, Wang Jinsong raised his voice, "I often see fans on the Internet praising idols for their proficiency in reciting lyrics, because they never read numbers."

The corner of his mouth raised, and Wang Jinsong sneered, "I don't understand. When did an actor become a profession that should be praised for memorizing lines?"

Fang Jing let go of his heart and lifted it, sure enough, here it is, bombarding Xiao Xianrou, this is it.

Some time ago, a young idol posted a picture of the crew memorizing the script, and the comment area was full of applause, praising their dedication. This incident caused a lot of trouble because the fans also found a few cutout artists for comparison.

In fact, actors memorizing lines has never been dedicated, but their duty. What is dedicated, dedicated is doing things that benefit the collective within the scope of work, which should not be done by you.

It is quite normal for an actor to recite words!

(End of this chapter)

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