Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 547 The Full-Time Expert Broadcast

Chapter 547 The Full-Time Expert Broadcast
"There are also those who never recite their lines. From an actor's point of view, the words are the gun you went to the battlefield. Can you tell me that you didn't take the gun when you went to the trenches? How shameless you are?"

After bombarding Xiao Xianrou, there was warm applause from the audience. Many actors felt the same way. They usually dare not speak out when they are angry.

It was originally a scene of parting and parting, and I was so emotionally brewing for a long time that I couldn't cry. Your tearful 1234 made me laugh out loud.

After blasting the little fresh meat, Wang Jinsong aimed his gun at the old fresh meat.

"Recently, in the circle of friends, I often see that the TV series starring so-and-so has broadcast billions, the number in the country, and how many people watch it. These become his bragging capital, bragging about his acting skills."

"TV dramas are a bridge between actors and audiences. A complete TV drama includes investment from investors in the early stage, script writing by screenwriters, and creation by directors."

"In the mid-term, there are shooting, editing, dubbing, not to mention makeup, lighting, group performances, props, art, a work completed by thousands of people."

"Good drama, this is not due to you alone, it is the result of the hard work of the entire team. As actors, we are so lucky to be part of this team."

"I also hope that my colleagues will not disappoint this luck."

"it is good!!!!"

As soon as Wang Jinsong finished speaking, the audience burst into applause and thunderous applause.

Fang Jing clapped his hands with a bitter face, and said to Wu Gang beside him, "I don't know if our ice-breaking operation will be popular, but Uncle Dong may really be popular this time."

A speech scolded the popular little fresh meat, top traffic, and some middle-aged actors who are popular. There has been only one person in the entertainment industry for decades, and they were all offended.

"It's the truth." Wu Gang sighed, "Who can calm down seeing the things that I once loved and spent dozens of years of youth being messed up."

"We won't be able to act anymore in a few years. The future is yours. The entertainment industry will really come to an end sooner or later if it continues to develop like this."

Wu Gang's words are not alarmist. What has become of the entertainment industry in recent years?Actors who really have acting skills can't get ahead at all.

Dozens of film and television companies and hundreds of brokerage companies on the market control the market, and they only use their own people or acquaintances for filming.

It's the same with investors, they put their juniors and juniors into the group after investing money, and there are not a few of them who directly replace the first female and the second female.

Sky-high film remuneration is newly launched, and the value of artists is soaring. Whoever has traffic and commercial value will get the highest salary, ranging from 6000 to [-] million yuan to as many as hundreds of millions for a play.

With decades of development in the film and television industry, this kind of remuneration is unheard of, and Hollywood has been dumped dozens of streets.

If it weren't for a series of measures such as the above-mentioned measures such as the salary restriction order, the Korean restriction order, and strict control of film and television dramas, the entertainment industry would not be finished if it was allowed to develop like this.

Knowing Wu Gang's stubborn temper came up, Fang Jing didn't argue with him, just nodded and said a few words in agreement.

While Fang Jing and others were in the forum, outsiders, full-time masters began to broadcast the first episode. The TV series was broadcast on Xiangbei Satellite TV, and the webcast was broadcast on iQi Video.

The online delay is half an hour, members watch an episode in advance, and order an episode in advance for three yuan.

This set is very familiar, very Martensian style.

"Wow, Yang Yang is so handsome, I came here for him."

"Well, it's okay. The scene and the location of the Internet cafe are all restored to the novel. The protagonist is also very handsome, even more handsome than Ye Xiu."

"Did no one find that the female lead is cute? I feel that Nazha is very suitable for acting in this kind of urban drama."

"The fly in the ointment is that there is no picture of smoking with one hand, and the non-smoking Ye Shen has no soul."

"Those upstairs are thinking too much. Once this picture comes out, it will be 404 minutes."

"After waiting for so long, it's finally aired. I ordered two episodes in advance to test the waters."

The full-time master is adapted from the novel, telling the story of Ye Xiu, the professional master who was forced to retire, picked up the trumpet and started all over again.

To put it simply, it is the story of a professional player who started leveling from a small account, and went all the way from Xinshou Village, the village in the city, to the city center to pretend to be aggressive.

What's too much is that this professional master is still hanging out, and the weapons are different from others. There is only one in the whole server, and it's called the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Don't have to.

The novel was very popular when it was serialized, and it occupied No.1 on the best-selling list for a long time. Later, it published comics, and the sales were also good. It was not until Fang Jing bought the copyright that it was fooled, and it took several years to see the light of day again.

"The graphics of this game are good. They are so sophisticated. You can see the blood vessels and gun lines on the back of the character's hands."

"Wow, that's true. I almost thought it was a real game. The face and facial features are all restored to the real characters."

There was a fly in the ointment in the full-time expert TV series in the previous life, that is, the game screen in it was too ugly. In order to solve this, Fang Jing specially hired someone from the game company to design and develop, and every frame was paid for.

Word of mouth comes only when the quality is good, and some things cannot be saved.

On this day, the author of the full-time master specially opened a single chapter to promote the TV series "full-time master", calling on readers to watch it and support it.

There is also congratulations in the Internet circle, and everyone is congratulating Phalaenopsis.

The adaptation of novels is not new in the past two years. There are many authors who have sold their copyrights, but few of them can wait until it is broadcast after selling their copyrights.

Now they are all well-educated, and they only sell copyrights to big companies.


After the publicity of the ice-breaking operation, Fang Jing returned directly to Nanjing.

Wu Gang and Wang Jinsong directly gave them a vacation, resting for two months before working.

"Hello, Mr. Fang!"

"Hello, Mr. Fang!"

"Boss Fang is here, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Jing was a little puzzled when he saw that the company suddenly had a large group of people, so he asked Xiao Zan who was in the crowd, "What are you doing today?"

"Ah, Mr. Fang." Xiao Zan was taken aback by being patted on the shoulder, turned his head and saw Fang Jing, and said with a smile, "Mr. Ning said that he is holding an actor training class internally to improve everyone's acting skills."

"Does our company have so many artists?" Looking at the hundreds of people in the hall, Fang Jing clicked his tongue.

Every artist has his own team, assistants, managers, make-up artists, bodyguards, drivers, behind an artist at least a dozen people, dozens of people.

From this point of view, isn't there a few thousand people in Nanjing now?This is just the artist team, not counting the company's clerks and employees of various departments.

"Most of them are newcomers who haven't made their debut yet." Knowing that Fang Jing had misunderstood, Xiao Zan explained it carefully to him.

Now in Nanjing, the only criterion for judging whether a person is an official artist is his debut. An actor has at least played a supporting role, and a singer has to release an album.

The trainees who don't stick to both items are the trainees who wear overalls.

Looking Xiao Zan up and down, Fang Jing was weird, "Then what are you doing here? This should be a chance for newcomers to make their debut, didn't you make your debut?"

Fang Jing guessed what Yang Ning meant, the company had a lot of newcomers, and the purpose of holding an actor training class was to give them a chance to show off, and if there were good seedlings, they would increase their efforts to cultivate them.

But Fang Jing glanced at it, and there were not only those like Xiao Zan who had debuted for a few years in the crowd, but some who were doing well, such as Yang Chaoyue, Zhang Enming, and Ying Haoming.

(End of this chapter)

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