Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 548 Actor Training Class

Chapter 548 Actor Training Class

"I, I don't have a movie to shoot. I came here to find some opportunities. My family is almost in trouble. If the company doesn't provide free accommodation, I can't afford the rent now."

It was rare to meet Fang Jing, and Xiao Zan complained for a while. When he signed the contract, he agreed to be a leading man, write songs and release an album, and then he came.

Fang Jing arranged a variety show for him and wrote a few songs for him. It was pretty good at first, but after that... there is no future.

It was said that he was asked to go to commercial performances first, and slowly start from the bottom. After a few years, he was almost unable to get up from the bottom.

"Mr. Fang, you used to tell me to hold your breath. I've been holding this breath for a long time, and I'm going to pass when I keep sinking. Now people don't invite me when the real estate opens."

Xiao Zan was joking when he said that he couldn’t get rid of the pot. He still has a deposit of 800 million, but there is no exposure and support from his works. Now his popularity has dropped sharply.

When Fang Jing wrote songs for him before, he was considered a second-tier artist, but now he has taken turns to be a third-tier artist, and the appearance fee is not as expensive as before, more than half less.

"Oh!" Fang Jing patted his head, annoyed, "Why didn't you say it earlier, I was so busy that I forgot about it."

I've said it hundreds of times, and reported countless times. It either said that it could not be arranged temporarily or asked to wait in line.

"Mr. Fang, so I have a chance to play the leading role?"

"Yes, that's necessary. Didn't I promise you at the time, but your image is a bit fat now, and you don't look good on camera. Find a personal trainer and you'll lose weight."

Xiao Zan had a dark face and a froze smile. He was quite happy in the first half of the sentence, but completely collapsed in the second half. He knew that as soon as he heard the word but, it was a turning point.

Think he is fat?Fang Jing is clearly just perfunctory, but perfunctory is perfunctory, anyway, he is determined to want the whole drama today, don't you want me to lose weight, then I will lose weight.

"Mr. Fang, then tell me how much reduction is suitable for me. I will come to you after the reduction."

He was on the bar, and he kept pestering Fang Jing until he got the drama.

"Eh..." After looking at Xiao Zan, Fang Jing stroked his chin and thought, "How much do you weigh now?"

"140 eight."

Xiao Zan is 1.8 meters tall, 140 meters in weight, not fat, and his appearance is also very uniform. He often goes to the gym to exercise.

"It's a bit fat, 140. After the camera is shot, it will probably be [-]." Fang Jing said seriously: "Let's reduce it to [-] first."

Xiao Zan didn't make film and television dramas before, he followed the route of a singer, and he was not so strict about his weight. Compared with Fang Jing, his height and weight are more understandable.

"Okay, Mr. Fang, give me one month, and I can reduce it in one month."

As long as he can film and still be a leading actor, it is still acceptable to lose [-] catties a month.

Fang Jing sweats profusely, why is this buddy so tough? "It's okay, you can reduce it slowly, there is no rush, two to three months, three to four months will be fine, I will wait for you."

There are not many directors in the company who are idle, but there are a lot of assistant directors, but there are not many who can carry a crew alone.

Nanjing is not short of money, nor is it short of actors. Over the past few months, a large number of investors, screenwriters and actors have sought cooperation with them, among them there are many first-line artists, movie kings, and Shidi emperors.

Many are willing to lower their pay.

But what Fang Jing lacked was a director, and there were only four or five who could do it. After each film was finished, they had to rest, so it was not bad to be able to film four or five films a year in Nanjing.

The problem now is that there are not enough directors, otherwise popular dramas like Ode to Joy would not cooperate with Noon at all.

Fang Jing didn't intentionally leave Xiao Zan alone, he was just waiting for the director's schedule, everyone wanted to be a male lead and female lead, and the director had to be able to film it.

"That won't work!" Xiao Zan shook his head, and said seriously: "I can endure hardships, one month is enough, by the way, when the time comes, which director should I find?"

I don't know which director to look for, but there are no crew members.

"Ahem!" Hanging Xiao Zan's shoulder, Fang Jing pulled him aside, "It's not that the company doesn't want to help you, it's because there are not enough directors and no time."

"I understand all these, I just... No, isn't Director Luo idle?"

"He was idle, but after directing a full-time master, he continued to help me with the Flash Girl crew. He didn't take a day off. It's been half a year and I haven't seen my wife and children. Do you have the heart to let the children see their father?"

"This..." Xiao Zan was a little embarrassed, he didn't want to disturb Luo Yongchang, but his own business was also a big one, "Can't other directors do it?"

"It's fine, but I'm not sure what skills those assistant directors have. I'm worried that if you invest 8000 to [-] million yuan and make a bad film, you'll be offended, the company will lose money, and you will have a bad reputation. There's no need for that."

"I still need an experienced old director to check on me before I dare to let go. This is also the purpose of the company to keep improving."

Seeing that Xiao Zan's face was cloudy and uncertain, Fang Jing was afraid that he might have some ideas, so he comforted him, "If it's really impossible, we can only outsource it to another company, and we all work together."

Outsourcing to others basically means that Fang Jing pays part of the money and the male protagonist, and the rest is up to others, so there is no way to check the quality.

It’s fine if you meet a good team, but if you meet a bad one, it’s like shit. The audience is disgusted by watching it, and they are also disgusted.

Patting Xiao Zan on the shoulder, Fang Jing sighed, "Think about it for yourself, I will save the drama for you, if you are willing to wait, then wait for three to five months, if you don't want us to find other companies to cooperate with you."

Fang Jing promised Xiao Zan the main male lead, and this won't change. Although he didn't say when to shoot, he felt a little embarrassed after being left out for so long.

If Xiao Zan agrees, he can also cooperate with other companies to shoot the drama.

"You don't need to rush to answer me about this matter, go back and think about it carefully, but before that, I will take you to watch variety shows, and I will give you interest."

"Don't compete with newcomers for things like actor training classes. It's rare for them to come across an opportunity."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang." Xiao Zan's expression brightened, and Fang Jing personally took him to watch variety shows.

After a hum, Fang Jing didn't speak, left Xiao Zan's side, and walked around the crowd. Ying Haoming, Zhang Mingen, Yang Zi, Yang Chaoyue and others were all picked out by him, and they were not allowed to attend the internal training class.

A group of newcomers cast grateful glances.

God knows how happy they were when they were notified by their managers that they had this training class. As the bottom-level artists of the company, they needed resources but no resources, needed connections and no connections, and wanted popularity but no popularity.

The only chance to get ahead is this training class. In addition to learning things in the class, as long as you perform well, you can also get attention.

But when Xiao Zan, Yang Chaoyue, Yang Zi and others joined, a basin of cold water was poured on their heads.

Why are these big guys here to join in the fun?Yang Zi is here, what else can they do?

Resources are limited!
Calling Yang Chaoyue and others to the office, Fang Jing said angrily, "What are you doing here?"

"My agent asked me to come." Yang Chaoyue said frankly, "It is said that the variety show is almost done, and the popularity is enough. Later, I can try to develop into an actor."

(End of this chapter)

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