Chapter 549 Crying Poor
If you act and you are good, you will sing, and if you sing and you are good, you will act. This is what the Xiangjiang entertainment circle played in the 90s. It is similar to the current traffic realization, but it has changed the routine.

Newcomers in the entertainment industry come out in large numbers, one crop after another, and the worst thing is traffic.

Now the entertainment industry is also starting to play this game, regardless of variety show cafes or singers, comedians, sketch actors, and cross talk talkers, they all want to step on a few boats, and as long as there is traffic, they will go all the way to the TV and movie circles.

The bigwigs in the music world don't want to lose their reputation, they don't have the nerve to enter the film world, they are afraid of being scolded, but Yang Chaoyue and the others don't care.

Before Yang Chaoyue debuted as a singer, Fang Jing gave her a few songs, and she started to become famous with these songs. The company bought a few songs for her to put together an album, and the sales were very good.

Originally, Yang Ning wanted to let Yang Chaoyue follow the route of a singer, but she didn't expect this girl to be on the right track. She is very talented in variety shows, she is easy to pick up and let go, and she is not as introverted as ordinary girls who just debuted.

The company tried to arrange a few variety shows for her, but at a loss, Yang Chaoyue's performance was remarkable, and she was frequently searched, and the variety shows looking for her followed one after another.

All the way down like this, relying on her appearance and personality, she has won countless fans, and she has almost finished watching domestic variety shows.

"My agent said that there are no good variety shows right now, and the audience will get tired of watching me sooner or later. I can't be a variety show guy for the rest of my life. I wonder if I can develop as an actor and expand the market."

Yang Chaoyue's words made Yang Zi, Ying Haoming and others feel ashamed when they heard them, and they all turned their heads as if they couldn't hear them.
It's so heartbreaking, they have to queue up for a variety show, and they can't be in the queue for ten and a half months, usually three or four months.

This girl is good, she dislikes too many variety shows, she is tired of it, and wants to try being an actress.

Eldest sister, how about we switch?
I also want to try what variety shows are like, half a day for one episode, millions of dollars for one episode!Tens of millions in one season, and the top actor's income for more than ten years in the entire three to five seasons.

Fang Jing drank some water to moisten his throat, and Fang Jing was also a little speechless, "You are a good actor, you have never learned this aspect of acting, it is very hard, half a year's salary is not as much as your few variety shows."

Yang Chaoyue had never studied acting, Fang Jing didn't dare to let her out to harm the crew, and with her popularity and popularity, most directors wouldn't dare to offend her.

She can't be beaten, scolded, or talked about. If she is allowed to develop, the drama produced will not be much better.

"So didn't I come to the actor training class for training?" Yang Chaoyue smiled, "I can film after I have practiced my acting skills. You don't know how many scripts I have rejected over the past year."

"Dozens, that's all money!"


Invisibly, Yang Zi and the others felt that they had been stabbed in the heart again, it hurt so much!
Is it human to reject dozens of scripts?Eldest sister, don't give me a few, we don't meet a few here every year.

The scripts that can find Yang Chaoyue must be female protagonists, and the dramas of major film and television companies on the market use their own people, and there is too little capital without family prejudice.

Yang Chaoyue is so lucky to meet so many people, this kind of opportunity is too rare.

Zhang Mingen took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Yang Chaoyue, and said with a smile, "Sister, I will hang out with you from now on, next time there is a play, I will definitely take it, remember to take me with you."

"It doesn't matter if you have acting skills. I'll train you, give you individual drama lectures, one-on-one tutoring mode, including teaching and meeting."

"Get out, don't spoil others." Ying Haoming shouted, turned his head and said to Yang Chaoyue with a playful smile: "Don't listen to his nonsense, how can he have so much time to teach you?"

"I'm free, I'll come!"

"Brother Ming, you're not being interesting. I'm the one who cooperated first. Do you understand? Line up!"

"Cut, Sister Chaoyue didn't say anything, but you've agreed to cooperate, who agrees?" The voice changed, Ying Haoming said with a sad face: I'm older than you, time is running out, you still have a long future, let me go No. "

Fuck!No more faces!

Zhang Mingen was convinced, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he opened his eyes to Yang Zi.

Instantly comprehended, Yang Zi followed suit and said, "And me, Sister Chaoyue, next time I have a chance to take me to a variety show, I haven't been there a few times."

"The golden age of women is shorter than that of men. After 20, there will be no commercial value. I am now in my [-]s. It will be a few years before [-], and I will soon die."

Being praised one after another by these three people, Yang Chaoyue was a little at a loss, and said innocently: "I, I will try to ask, but I don't know if they want you."

Fang Jing raised his forehead, "The three of you don't sing together, don't think that I don't know what your plans are."

"You can really find something for me. Yang Chaoyue hasn't solved it yet, so the three of you will come together."

The three of them didn't think there were any variety shows, they thought there were too few dramas, and they all came to cry poorly, especially when they heard Xiao Zan complaining outside and made a variety show.

Crying children have milk to drink, and they will also be in charge when they cry to death in the office this time.

"Mr. Fang, you have to be reasonable." Zhang Mingen complained, "You arranged the first movie I just joined the company, and I found the subsequent movies myself, or they took the initiative to find me."

"Except for the company's help in publicity and endorsement, it can be said that I am self-reliant these years."

"I have given a lot of opportunities to the company's juniors, allowing them to thrive, and indirectly saving the company a lot of effort. There is no credit but hard work."

"But I can't let the company ignore me if I have some resources on hand. It's all a company. My contribution is no less than others, and I can't favor one over another."

Just as Zhang Mingen finished speaking, Ying Haoming continued: "Boss Fang, it stands to reason that I just played a full-time master, so I shouldn't speak at this time, but strike while the iron is hot, actors my age are no better than young people, you know."

"It's rare to catch fire. If you don't hurry up and work, it will be even harder to think about it when the heat goes down."

Yang Zi said weakly: Mr. Fang, you promised me, the heroine..."

"Stop, stop!" Fang Jing was overwhelmed, why all these people were staring at him all of a sudden, he shouldn't have stayed in the hall just now, and shouldn't have called them over.

"You should talk to your agent about these things. The agent communicates with the senior management or Yang Ning. It's useless to tell me."

"It works!!!" The four said in unison.

Yang Chaoyue said: "Mr. Ning said that she doesn't understand these things, and it will be right when you come to find you."

"Looking for me?" Fang Jing's eyes widened, "I haven't been to the company a few times in half a year, and I don't even know the man at the gate, so what's the use of looking for me?"

"I don't know. Anyway, Ning always said so. From now on, you will be in charge of the company's actors, and he will take care of the logistics."

Ying Haoming and the others nodded in agreement, anyway, that's what the manager told them.

"You guys wait first." Fang Jing scratched his head, took the elevator upstairs after going out, and walked towards Yang Ning's office.

The two had a brief meeting. An hour later, Fang Jing entered the sage mode and came out. He just remembered when he got into the elevator.

"What am I here for?"


"Cough cough!"

Entering the door, Zhang Mingen was not there, Fang Jing sat down, seeing Ying Haoming and the others looking at him, Fang Jing was embarrassed, "Well, I'm tired after waiting for so long, drink some water."

"Hic! I'm full." Yang Chaoyue burped, and if you don't come back, we will drink up the bucket of water. "

"Where did Zhang Mingen go?"

"I drank too much water and went to the toilet." Ying Haoming took out a pack of snacks from somewhere, and sat on the sofa to eat, "Mr. Fang, how did the talk go?"

"It's almost there!" Just now, Fang Jing went back to Yang Ning and told him about the company. She really gave him part of the company's affairs, saying that he has a good vision and a strong view of the overall situation, and it would be a waste of talent to act every day.

Yang Ning admires Fang Jing from the bottom of her heart. From the acquisition of copyright a few years ago to investing in Big Fish and Begonia, The Return of the Great Sage, Detective Chinatown, Wolf Warrior 2, and in the name of the people.

Along the way, Fang Jing has never made an eye-opener, and every decision is to make money.

The money earned from investing in these film and television dramas is countless times higher than Fang Jing's salary in recent years. It is true to say that he wasted his talent as an actor.

"Let's talk about Yang Chaoyue first." Fang Jing straightened his body and said seriously: "Don't go to the actor training class, find a few teachers to teach you, and learn performance experience while attending variety shows. Don't delay both sides."

"Besides, you are debuting as a singer. Don't let go of this aspect. You should distinguish between the main and the secondary. The actor is the auxiliary. After a while, I will make a few songs for you when I am free. I will release an album in the second half of the year to attract popularity."

"Hee hee, thank you Teacher Fang." Yang Chaoyue was overjoyed and happy to get Fang Jing's song again.

This big guy hasn't written a song for someone for a long time. A few days ago, Xu Jie sold a song for tens of millions, which is scary.

That is to say, she is her own person, Fang Jing wrote songs for free, and felt that he had earned tens of millions overnight.

After Yang Chaoyue was arranged, Fang Jing looked at Yang Zi, "Your show will start preparations in autumn, and it will be launched at the end of the year. Before that, let me check out variety shows."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang. Actually, there is no rush." ​​Yang Zile blossomed, "The main thing is not to delay your work."

A variety show and a drama, sure enough, the crying child has milk to drink. Before that, he was foolishly considerate of the company, thinking that Fang Jing was very busy.

Now she understands what the agent often said, thin-skinned, not enough to eat, thick-skinned, enough to eat.

"As for you, Zhang, your age is really not suitable for variety shows, and you probably won't be able to let go. I just asked, the company has several cooperative dramas, all of which are anti-Japanese themes. You should try to pick one."

Although the investors are swearing by it, Fang Jing is actually not very optimistic about anti-Japanese dramas. There are very few high-quality dramas of this kind in recent years.

But it's not bad to be a step up for Ying Haoming, at least he is the male number one.

"During the filming of the drama, I will arrange a supporting role for you, Chasing the Murder in the White Night, together with Brother Xiaowei, next year your value should rise to a higher level."

Due to Ying Haoming's age, he is doomed not to be a popular niche. Next year, he will be arranged several variety shows, and the major film and television crews will run twice and three times. After a few years, he is regarded as a powerful group. It depends on whether he can stand out.

But even if he can't become popular, he will not be short of performances in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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