Chapter 551

But it's not like they don't have a chance to make a comeback. You are right in Nanjing, but you can't broadcast dramas 24 hours a day.

You take the prime time in the evening, let me take a step back and take the head office in the afternoon. Although the afternoon is almost there, there is still a market.

"Boss Xue, it's not good, Nanjing has a new drama, our drama can't be aired!"

When Xu Jie's company was preparing to put the drama on the market, another drama in Nanjing was aired, the location was Yang Ma, and the time was from [-]pm to [-]pm.

"I'll go to his uncle, there's no end to it, does Nanjing belong to the old sow? New dramas are broadcast one after another. Let's see how the quality and reputation of their new dramas are. If they don't work, we will."

"Mr. Xue, let's say this show has a higher score than Ode to Joy. The actors' acting skills are so good that they are all praised." Seeing that Xue Jian's face was not very good, the secretary changed his words: "This is what the audience said, uh, However, it is not ruled out that they wrote the comments themselves."

"It's so evil, what's its name, I'll see for myself."

"Operation Icebreaker!"

At this point in time, the ice-breaking operation has already been aired, and it can be found on the Internet. Manager Xue Jian turned on the computer to search for the ice-breaking operation.

The beautiful female secretary closed the door wisely, poured a glass of water and put it on Xue Jian's desk, it was common sense for the secretary to do something and pour water for nothing.

As a professional filmmaker, Xue Jian watches dramas differently from ordinary people. He watches dramas from beginning to end, including producers, actors, directors, producers, cooperative companies, screenwriters, etc.

When Xue Jian saw Wu Gang, Ren Dahua, Wang Jinsong, Fang Jing and others starring, Xue Jian's heart sank, and he lit a cigarette in melancholy.

With three old drama characters and one square scene, it's hard to think whether this drama will be popular.

Wu Gang has acted in the name of the people, and the role of Secretary Dakang is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now it is on fire. Wang Jinsong's Langya Bangyanhou and Sparrow Li Moqi are all popular roles, and they are recognized as veteran actors.

Not to mention Ren Dahua, who has been an actor for several times, his acting skills are nothing to say.

Fang Jing is even more popular. Action Red Sea has a multi-billion box office. He is the successor to the king of music, and he is the biggest traffic in the country.

A drama with several people teamed up can attract a large audience to watch with this lineup alone.

In the first episode of the ice-breaking operation, at night, when it was pouring rain, a few plainclothes policemen wearing raincoats entered the village and squatted on the wall to arrest people.

Within a few minutes, Li Fei, played by Fang Jing, and others were besieged by hundreds of villagers armed with hoes, sickles, sticks and other offensive weapons, and fled.

"I'm Li Fei from Dongshan City. I'm handling a case right now. Get out of the way!"

"I don't care who you are, let my brother go!"

"Let people go, let people go, let people go..."

The guns were right in front of them, and hundreds of villagers showed no fear at all. Lin Shengwu took the lead, and would fight if there was any disagreement.

These people are crazy and lawless!This was Xue Jian's first reaction, and he was shocked.

With the barrage open, the comment area was also shocked.

"This group of villagers is so cowhide, it's just TV dramas, and in real life, a team of urban management makes him kneel every minute."

"Wrong, it's true. The prototype is Boshe Village back then. Every household has guns, grenades, and AKs. Outsiders don't know how they died when they entered."

"The local people said that it is a basic operation. I heard from the older generation that it was even more exaggerated than this. The ice rink in this village is comparable to the Golden Triangle, and each processing is done by the ton."

"Uncle Dong is here!!" In the video, there was a shout, and the director of Tazhai Village went online.

Hearing the sound of opening the way, those who didn't know it thought it was an ancient frontier official, the governor of the Eight Houses who was armed with Shang Fang's sword.

Black leather shoes, mid-length custom-made Chinese clothes, rimless glasses, thin face, and meticulous hair. Lin Yaodong, a man in his 40s, appeared on the stage. He was gentle and bookish. This was the first impression.

Stepping in the rain, with someone holding an umbrella beside him, followed by the elders of Tazhai, Lin Yaodong glanced at him casually, his eyes were domineering and dark, hundreds of people were silent and gave way one after another.

Lin Shengwu, who was so crazy before, didn't dare to fart, his eyes were full of fear, every time Lin Yaodong walked, it felt like he was stepping on his heart.

"I'll go, Niu Pi, the strongest village director in history, with this look, this domineering look."

"Uncle Dong Niupi, there is not a single line in just a dozen meters, the village director has stepped out of the mafia boss."

"Domineering, mighty!"

"This is the real actor! You don't need lines, but rely on your eyes and facial expressions to hold up a scene. It's amazing."

There were too many barrages, densely packed all over the screen, Xue Jian couldn't see it, so he simply turned off the barrages. Wang Jinsong's acting skills are nothing to say, this scene is definitely at the textbook level.

When he came to Li Fei, Lin Yaodong took off his glasses with raindrops, wiped them on the back of his hands, put them on again, and said calmly, "Comrade policeman, please call Lin Shengwen out, I promise he won't run away."

Asked lightly, Li Fei's heart trembled, this man was too powerful, he would definitely be a hero in troubled times.

In fact, Fang Jing was also shocked by Wang Jinsong's aura when he was acting, as if standing in front of him was not the village director, but a mafia tycoon who covered the sky with one hand and killed without blinking an eye.

Lin Shengwen was brought out, Lin Yaodong only had two words, right?Seeing that he didn't speak, he sighed slightly, turned around and said to the villagers in a deep voice, "Give way to the police comrades."

"Uncle Dong, we can't let them take Shengwen away!" Lin Shengwen's expression was full of unwillingness. It was his younger brother who was arrested, and someone else got stolen and got several catties of semi-finished ice.

This thing will be shot in tens of grams, how many kilograms?One shuttle is not enough to hit.

"Shut up, isn't that embarrassing enough?" Behind Lin Yaodong, the second room in the village shattered Lin Shengwu's hope with a single sentence.

"Brother, save me!" Lin Shengwen burst into tears, "I don't want to die!"

Seeing his younger brother being escorted away, Lin Sheng's force was not up to his expectations, he held the pickaxe tightly in his hand, and his eyes were on Lin Zonghui, the leader of the third house.

Lin Zonghui nodded imperceptibly. After receiving the hint, Lin Shengwu stabbed the evidence in the hands of police member Song Yang from behind with an iron pick.


The plastic bag was punctured and fell in the rain, and a group of villagers rushed forward, and the evidence disappeared in an instant.

"Ah!" After watching the first episode, Xue Jian put out four or five cigarettes in the ashtray, and sat on the sofa in a secretary's professional short skirt and black stockings for a long time without any reaction.

"Notify the film and television department, don't leave after get off work, have a meeting!"

Withdrawing the file, it cannot be withdrawn, the ice-breaking action is too strong, it is more cowhide than Ode to Joy, Wang Jinsong's lines in the first episode are dozens of words, and his acting skills explode.

The plot of the story is fascinating, and the ups and downs of reversals one after another are very enjoyable to watch.

Fang Jing's acting skills are also online, not bad, even Lin Shengwen's acting skills are better than those of ordinary professional actors, Wu Gang and Ren Dahua, who didn't appear on the stage, needless to say, are the top of the top.

It's not just their company's dramas. On this day, several "big production" dramas that were originally planned to be released in the near future have all been withdrawn, and they have staggered the time, planning to put it at the end of August.

From [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] is the ice-breaking operation. After watching the ice-breaking, the audience will have dinner and then watch Ode to Joy.

Three dramas, three generations of old, middle-aged and young people are all caught up, this summer is called the summer of Nanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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