Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 552 There are no small roles, only small actors.

Chapter 552 There are no small roles, only small actors.

In Jiangnan Province, the crew of Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky.

After several months of filming, Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky came to an end. Compared with a few months ago, Wang Chengyang, who has been following the crew, is much darker and more energetic.

Unknowingly, after a play, he has completely "integrated" into the team.

"Xiao Wang, put the machine away, it's going to rain, so we'll call it a day early."

"Xiao Wang, help me and pull the slide rail."

"Xiao Wang, will we go and sing K later? Brother Liu treats us."

"I said, Wang Chengyang is an actor in the group, you are treating people like coolies, and you will become a big star someday for you to wear little shoes."

"Hahaha! He is just a small actor, he can't become a star, how can there be a star who does heavy work with the crew every day."

Pooh!Who said I can't be a star!

Wang Chengyang looked at the young lady who was the make-up artist of the crew, and said with a smile: "Sister Qing, don't make fun of me, I'm just a small role, and I don't know when I will become a star."

There are no small roles, only small actors!
This is a sentence I saw on the actor's self-cultivation. He likes it very much. He has always regarded himself as a small role. He is not a small actor. It is a curse word in the industry.

"Wang Chengyang, put down your things and come here." At the door of the director's booth, the director stretched out his head and shouted.


Wang Chengyang put down the work he was doing, and apologized to the camera brother, "Brother Hu, I'm sorry, I'll move it for you later."

Apart from the director, the crew can learn the most from the camera. Wang Chengyang has been hanging around the camera for a few months.

Even if you can't learn shooting techniques, knowing more about the basic principles of this profession will help you a lot when acting in the future, and controlling the camera.

"You boy, go ahead. The director's business is important. Maybe it's a good thing. I want to sign you."

"How is that possible? I'd be so happy to sign the contract."

Ignoring the jokes from the camera, Wang Chengyang clapped his hands and flicked the ashes on his clothes. Seeing that the cuffs were stained, he simply rolled up the sleeves.

The corners of his mouth were raised, showing a kind and unaffected smile, and he strode towards the director's booth.

"For low-level actors, every meeting with the director is a hard-won interview." This sentence was said by Zhang Yi inadvertently, and he kept it in his heart at the time.

Since then he has been at his best every time in front of the director.

The effect is still there. After going back and forth dozens of times, the director can now call out his name.

"Director Xu, you are looking for me." Standing by the door, Wang Chengyang asked.

"Come in."

While staring at the screen on the monitor, Xu Ding said, "Do you know Mr. Fang?"

"Mr. Fang? Oh, I know him. During the ice-breaking operation, I was in the same team as him and had a rivalry."

Wang Chengyang was stunned for two seconds before he realized who Mr. Fang Xu Ding was talking about. Naturally, only Fang Jing could come out of his mouth.

Of course he knew Fang Jing, but Fang Jing probably didn't know him.

But this does not hinder the answer to Xu Ding's question. If you asked me if I knew him, I would not be lying if I said I did. No one in China knows Fang Jing.

"No wonder, I remember that he recommended you to join the group."

"Yes, Mr. Fang asked me to come. Thank you Director Xu for taking care of me for so long. He gave me many roles and taught me a lot."

Although I don't know what Xu Ding means, but it's right to follow the topic.

Don't care what he means, Lao Tzu picks up nice words and says, "Thousands of wears, ten thousand wears, flattering never wears."

Turning around, Xu Ding faced Wang Chengyang, "You have played many roles in the crew, I have an impression of you, your acting skills are good, and you can endure hardships."

"Director Xu has won the award, thanks to the brothers and sisters in the crew who took care of me and gave me a lot of advice, and thanks to you for giving me such a chance to show myself."

"I'm stupid, and I have better talent than others. I just have to work harder and endure hardships. These are the things I should do.",

"You boy, you are very experienced in your words. No wonder Mr. Fang pointed out to you. I was going to recommend you to a group, but now I don't need it."

Looking back at the monitor again, Xu Ding said without turning his head: "I will report to Nanjing headquarters by myself before the end of the month, and the company will sign you."

"Oh, I know, I just... huh?" Wang Chengyang was stunned, and looked up at Xu Ding in disbelief. He wondered if he heard it wrong.

"That's right, I just want to sign you, and I don't know what luck you have, Mr. Fang actually called me in person." Xu Ding joked: "Remember to take care of me when I get angry in the future."

"Thank you Director Xu." Wang Chengyang was excited, "I will never forget what I learned in the crew, thank you for taking care of me, I..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go by yourself, I'm still busy watching movies."

"Goodbye, Director Xu."


Turning his head to look at Wang Chengyang's back, Xu Ding raised the corner of his mouth, "You look like a young man."

Fang Jing called him, but at first he didn't say he wanted to sign a contract, but asked whether Wang Chengyang was still on the set and how he was doing.

He told the truth, and even praised the young man, which is why Fang Jing asked Wang Chengyang to go to the headquarters to sign the contract.

Back on the set, Wang Chengyang worked very hard, as if his whole body was exhausted, and the joy that could not be concealed from the corners of his mouth was almost splitting to the back of his head.

"Did you win the lottery?" Brother Hu couldn't help asking, "What are you doing silly?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little bit of fun. By the way, Brother Hu, I may be leaving the crew tomorrow. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Li Hu frowned, "Why are you leaving? The show won't be finished for more than half a month. The director doesn't want you?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Director Xu. It's a good thing to say at night."

Li Hu, a big man from Dongshan, has taken good care of him since he joined the set. He is one of the few friends he has on the set. Before leaving, he treats guests to a meal, which is regarded as a formal farewell.

As for the others, he didn't intend to inform them. The production team is a small society, and there are too many people who do one thing face to face and another behind the scenes. When he first arrived, he would be bullied a lot.

If it wasn't for smoking two cigarettes a week and helping with things back and forth, it would have been a matter of not being able to carry it until now.

He is an actor appointed by Fang Jing, and the chances of acting in roles are gone, so many people are jealous.

Because of this, many people said in private that he is a young actor and that he will not be able to make his mark in his life.

In the evening, at the barbecue stall, Wang Chengyang told Li Hu about his signing with Nanjing. The two opened a case of beer and got very drunk.

In a daze, Li Hu was still saying congratulations, congratulations and other words.

The next day, I packed my luggage, said goodbye to the director, and Wang Chengyang left.

The Ice Breaking Action was so popular that a few days later, the crew found out that Wang Chengyang played the yellow-haired Lin Shengwen in it, and when they wanted to make a relationship with him, they couldn't find anyone.

In fact, Fang Jing was also aired in Operation Icebreaker, and I didn't think of Wang Chengyang until I watched a few episodes.

The two had a rivalry scene in the ice-breaking crew before, and he found that this young man's acting skills were very good, and he completely beat Xiao Xianrou.

In appearance, he is plain and malleable, he can act as a buffoon, a villain, a younger brother, and a decent person. If he cultivates it a bit, he may be able to add a hero to Nanjing in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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