Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 553 Actors please take their place

Chapter 553 Actors please take their place

The three major dramas of Nanjing are currently on the air. After half a month's break, Fang Jing took the company's people to ask the actors to take their seats.

He doesn't have to worry about Flash Girls. It has been released for more than 20 days, and it will be released in a week. The current box office is more than 4 million, and it is estimated that it will reach [-] million in the end. Fang Jing is very happy with this result, and it is already a big profit.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that the instructors of this program are all famous, so they won't be easy to get along with?" Xiao Zan asked cautiously when he arrived in the car in Shacheng.

"If I am scolded, do you think I should swallow my anger, or push back?"

He doesn't know the lineup of mentors, not only him, Yang Ziying Haoming and others don't know, but I heard that they are very famous, have a great background, and often swear at others.

"Repeat, go ahead." Fang Jing was powerless to complain, "Don't say you know me if you reject me, and don't say I didn't remind you if you get banned in the future."

"It's so hanging, the instructor can still block us?"

"I don't know if other mentors can ban you, but these few can definitely. Not just you, Zhang Mingen, Yang Zi, you all pay attention."

"Why, you can even block us?" Zhang Mingen was a little unbelieving.

He is no better than Xiao Zan, he is a second-tier artist, and he is backed by the big tree of Nanjing. He does not look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. As long as he does not break the law, there are not many people in China who dare to ban him.

Fang Jing leaned on the seat, closed his eyes and hummed softly, "You guys are not enough for a tutor to play together."

Except for him, the other people in this car are really not enough to fight outside.

"Then I have to keep a low profile." Ying Haoming chuckled, "Boss Fang, you have to cover me when you're on stage."

"As long as you don't commit crimes or mess up, no one can do anything to you, but I can't save you if you hit someone at the gunpoint. Get a vaccination, and some of the mentors don't deal with me."

Fang Jing only got the list of mentors this week, and he didn't expect Taili to invite her here.

It's okay not to agree. He is one of the participating investors and brokerage companies. He was only hired for the benefit of the stage, and Yang Ning also agreed.

With a sinking heart, Yang Zi was worried, "Mr. Fang, tell me your name first, so don't really hit the gun."

She just got hot, and she doesn't want to be so cold.

Without mentioning his name, Fang Jing just casually said that he will know when the time comes, making a fool of himself.

The car arrived at the hotel, and in the afternoon, the group went to the recording location.

It's not at Shonan Satellite TV, there is not such a big venue there.

When I came to the sports center, there were several entrances with strict security, and the entrances and exits were sealed off from a distance, and people who were not from the program group could not enter at all.

Passers-by didn't know what was going on inside, they were just curious.

Under the guidance of the guides from the program group, Fang Jing and the others entered the sports center and came to an indoor basketball hall, which can accommodate thousands of people.

The basketball hall is more than ten meters high and has three floors. The first floor is a wide basketball court. It used to be a backboard, but now it is gone, and it has become a large open space.

The second floor is a separate room around the U-shaped basketball hall, and the third floor is the same.

The staff of the program group separated Fang Jing and the others, and led each to a room. Fang Jing was lucky, his room, bah, his team had a lot of girls.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

Knocking on the door, Fang Jing pushed it open and went in, there were seven or eight girls and a few boys inside, "Hello!"

"Wow, Teacher Fang, please take a seat. I didn't expect you to come to this show."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm your fan, Mr. Fang, can I have your autograph later?"

As soon as Fang Jing came, everyone in the room got up and lined up to shake hands and say hello.

This is a real boss.

"Hey, Peng Xiaoran, you're here too, long time no see." Fang Jing saw half an acquaintance.

Peng Xiaoran, had worked with Lao Jiumen before, but this girl is not very famous, and she only played a small supporting role, but Fang Jing remembered this name because of the rivalry.

"Hi Mr. Fang, I didn't expect you to remember me."

It has been several years since the old nine gates, and Peng Xiaoran is not the main character. Fang Jing can call her name out of nowhere, which really surprised Peng Xiaoran.

After one set, Fang Jing felt familiar with only three, except Peng Xiaoran, and another girl younger than him, named Wei Wei'an.

The familiarity is not because of the name, this girl has not yet graduated from Chinese opera, so she is not famous at all.

The familiarity is because this girl has acted well in previous lives, playing the role of Su Mingyu in Yao Cheng's youth, and Fang Jing happened to have seen this drama.

The remaining boy is Chen Feiyu, the post-zero, this year, should be the youngest.

Mr. Chen's family, it's okay if you don't know him well.

Holding Chen Feiyu's hand tightly, Fang Jing smiled gently, "I didn't expect to see you here, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Uh, you know me?" Chen Feiyu was a little embarrassed, he hadn't revealed it yet.

After ten minutes, few people in the room chatted with him. When asked about his age, did he play any roles?No, then there will be no more, and I have been sitting dry until now.

Fang Jing smiled brightly, "I know, how can the second son of the director's family not know Brother Kai, will you choose your father's team or which one?"

Hearing that this kid was actually the son of Brother Chen Kai, all the people in the room were stunned. They felt that they had missed a great opportunity to make friends, regretted it, deeply regretted it.

Second son of the Chen family, this is a big ship.

Chen Feiyu shook his head, "I don't choose my dad, can I choose you?"

Fang Jing laughed, this guy thought he was one of the mentors, "I am a player like you, not a mentor."

"You are so popular and come to this kind of show?" Chen Feiyu's expression was exaggerated.

In his opinion, it's unbelievable for Fang Jing to be a guest like them. Fang Shen, super first-line, a leader in the music scene, movies with billions of box office, and TV shows are all popular.

This kind of character actually plays variety shows with people who have not debuted for a few years. What is the difference between this and the number one student in the college entrance examination going to kindergarten?
"I'm not too popular." Sitting on the sofa, Fang Jing smiled and said, "I've only debuted in the field of acting for a few years, and I have a lot to learn. I'm going to choose your dad's team in a while, so please say hello to me." , let him take care of me."

"I can't do this." Chen Feiyu waved his hand, and said embarrassedly: "I'm not sure about his temper, how can he listen to me, but you are so good, no matter which director group you join, you will be taken care of."

Seeing the young Chen Feiyu, Fang Jing shook his head and smiled. For the impression of this young man, he still stayed at an award ceremony in his previous life.

In the night, Chen Feiyu won the award. When he gave his speech, his mouth was bald, and he said to his father, "I want everyone to know that Chen Feiyu is your father."

"Mr. Fang, can you reveal some inside information about this variety show? Director Kai will also participate?"

Seeing Fang Jing shut up, the girl next to him finally interjected. They still don't know much about the competition system and mentor lineup of this variety show.

Taking a meaningful look at Wei Wei'an, Fang Jing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll know soon."

(End of this chapter)

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