Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 554 Choosing a Director

Chapter 554 Choosing a Director

Actors please take your place. There are complex factions on this stage. Some people come from various brokerage companies, some come from Shonan Satellite TV, some come from the team behind the mentor, and some are scattered people from all walks of life.

If Fang Jing remembers correctly, Wei Wei'an should be one of his mentors, an artist from Li Shaohong's company.

She should have been one of the insiders about the content of the competition and the lineup of mentors, but now it seems that most people in this room don't know.

Obviously, she didn't tell anyone.

After being stared at by Fang Jing for a few times, Wei Wei'an was a little horrified, and turned her head away from Fang Jing.

Anyway, she doesn't intend to offend this boss.

As for not telling others about the content of the competition, that's because the program group itself is not allowed to tell, everyone knows the content, so there is no mystery.

When the host made the announcement, everyone looked like that. The audience was bored watching it, and lost the purpose of the show.

"Everyone, you will be able to enter the arena in 10 minutes." The staff of the program team opened the door and came in. After seeing Fang Jing, they were taken aback, and their attitude was much more correct. "I will explain the process again. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me .”

"You are the first batch to enter the arena. Each group of four will enter in groups of four. There are four seats in the arena, and each side represents a mentor."

"These mentors are Director Chen Kaige, Director Guo Jingming, Director Zhao Wei, and Director Li Shaohong. The selected seat represents which director you have chosen, and you will be automatically assigned to his team."

"Is there anything else you don't understand now?" The staff looked at Fang Jing while speaking.

He was mainly trying to accommodate Fang Jing, otherwise there would be no need to talk about these small things. The director's name is on the seat, and the contestants can choose by themselves.

"No!" a group of people said in unison.

"Okay, now you all line up and follow me." Seeing that Fang Jing was pushed to the front, the staff smiled and said, "Teacher Fang will be at the end for the finale, and the newcomers will be at the front."


Without saying anything, Fang Jing stood at the last position, and in front of him was Chen Feiyu.

"Xiao Chen, which director do you choose later?"

"Director Li Shaohong, she is better, anyway, I won't choose my dad."

"Why, you still avoid suspicion!"

"This is also part of the reason. The main reason is that I am too familiar with him. I can't learn anything when I go to him, and the audience may scold me for going through the back door."

Chen Feiyu was not stupid, he was not the only one who was embarrassed by going to his old man's team, his old man was also the same, when it came time to eliminate his son or someone else, that was a question.

It's not fair to eliminate sons, and my own family can't do it. Eliminating others will be scolded by the audience, saying that their father and son protect each other, and they are not human inside and out.

"Mr. Fang, do you really want to choose my dad's team?"

"Yeah!" Fang Jing nodded, "I'm a few years older than you, just call me brother. Your dad is good at training actors, and he's not far behind in his team."

There are many famous directors in China, and many are better than Lao Chen, but when it comes to directors who are the best at training actors, Lao Chen dares to say that he is the second and no one dares to say that he is the first.

Every actor has different problems and different acting skills. Brother Chen Kai can often point out the shortcomings of this actor to the point. There is no other in China with the poison of vision.

Fang Jing came for him this time.

Hearing Fang Jing say that Lao Chen is the director who is best at training actors, Xiao Chen said seriously: "My dad is not that kind of person."

"Hahaha!!!" A girl in front couldn't help laughing.

The corner of Fang Jing's mouth twitched, the baby's brain circuit was a bit interesting.

In the recording hall on the second floor, Wang Han, as the host, introduced the contestants to enter the venue, "The next batch of actors entering the venue will be actors under three years old!"

Facing the empty scene, Wang Hanchu remained calm and blurted out the words he had memorized long ago.

There was no audience at the scene, and this was the first time for him to host this kind of host.

In another room, the four directors saw the performance of each entering actor through the big screen, which was their first-hand information about the actors.

"Wow, it's so hard to choose! I'm a bit tangled."

"Who should I choose? Every director is very good. Forget it, let's choose Director Zhao Wei."

"I choose Director Guo!"

As a "newcomer" with three years of acting experience, Fang Jing nodded to Wang Han after entering the stage, as a way of saying hello, and chose Brother Chen Kai.

In the director's room, when several directors saw Fang Jing enter the stage, they all had different expressions.

"Fang Jing is here too, it's interesting!" Guo Jingming was very interested.

Brother Chen Kai chuckled, "I approached him for my cat demon biography, but he rejected it at the time. I didn't expect him to choose my group."

"Actor with great potential." Li Shaohong nodded earnestly, "For an actor like him, it is a kind of courage to come here."

Zhao Wei didn't mention Fang Jing, and the topic turned to other people, "Director Chen, the black clothes are your children, right?"

"Yes, our second child, he is interested in this field, and I plan to let him try it, everyone, don't let it go!"

If the people on the boat don't work hard, it's useless for the people on the shore to shout their waists down. This is the status quo in the entertainment industry. Brother Chen Kai doesn't want to be popular just because he wants to be popular.

Those who can be popular themselves have the potential to be popular, what is lacking is a shareholder wind.

He didn't know if his son would be popular or if he would be popular with the audience. This time, the program group offered him a few places, but he only used one, and that was to put his son in.

If Chen Feiyu finds out that Chen Feiyu is not popular with the audience through this program, then this kid should go home and go to university honestly.

"Your children are very energetic and handsome. I think there will be drama."

"Director Chen, Feiyu's appearance is very suitable for idol dramas. He can make his debut just because of his looks. If you take him personally, his future achievements will be limitless."

Which adult doesn't like to hear others praise their son, and Chen Kai is the same. Although he knows that Zhao Wei and the others are all kind words, he still can't help being happy.

"This kid has been naughty since he was a child, so he won't make it to my group this time. If any of you are selected later, those who should be criticized must be criticized. I thank you."

"Jade can't be cut, young people can't get used to it, they can be scolded when they need to be scolded, and they can be beaten when they need to be beaten."

I believe in your evil!
Several people curled their lips, if they really beat Chen Feiyu, brother Chen Kai might be the first one to rush up to protect the calf.

In the recording room, Fang Jing chose the group of Brother Chen Kai and sat directly in the last seat. The C seat in the front row is not interesting to him.

The other three-year-old newcomers are also very interesting. Seeing the dozens of vacant seats, they know that there are still many people, and no one dares to grab the C seat in the first row.

Most of them choose the second and third rows, near the middle of these positions, and the one sitting in the back is Fang Jing.

They didn't expect to be the same as Fang Jing, he has no shortage of filming, no shortage of popularity, they come here just to play, how is it different to sit?Even sitting on the ground is not surprising.

The second batch of people who entered the theater were still under three years old. They were basically transparent and unpopular. Xiao Zan was one of them. After taking a look at the venue, he chose Guo Jingming.

Zhao Wei can't choose anymore, Fang Jing said that he should not deal with it, it should be the elder sister, she can't wear the little shoes when she goes.

"Director Guo, there is a handsome guy in your team." Li Shaohong's eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Zan.

Most of her plays use young people, most of whom have just debuted.

(End of this chapter)

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