Chapter 555

Li Shaohong's agency has a characteristic. It only signs young people, such as Yang Mi, Yang Yang and others. It is said that Yang Mi's ability to study at Beidian was due to Li Shaohong.

It's a pity that none of the artists in their company became popular, they all became popular after going to court and running away. It's amazing if there are any, one after another.

Seeing that Xiao Zan chose his own group, Guo Jingming said with a smile: "These young people have great development potential and strong plasticity. I actually like this kind of actors with a blank sheet of paper."

Brother Chen Kai nodded in agreement and pointed out the benefits of newcomers, "The older the actor, the longer the acting experience, and the heavier the style, it is difficult to change. I am the same as Xiao Guo in this regard, but I choose people mainly because they are pleasing to the eye and in line with my own style."

"Huh?" Zhao Wei's eyes widened. "I'm the opposite of you two. I prefer to use experienced actors. They can understand a lot of things, and they don't waste time at all. It's too tiring to train newcomers."

"Film and TV is the art of directors. Actors only help the director complete the work. It is good to choose anyone. Each has its own style and advantages. Young people are not necessarily bad, and old people are not necessarily good. The important thing is to be suitable. "

Li Shaohong looked at Fang Jing in the picture, and continued, "Actually, I really want to cooperate with an actor like Fang Jing. He is very malleable, famous, and almost perfect in all aspects."

Rumor has it that Fang Jing's acting doesn't stick to trifles, he can endure hardships, and his salary is still low.

The most important thing is that he is not short of money. With such a big company, he must be able to act because he is passionate about it. He works hard and has talent. He might inject capital into the crew every minute. There are not many directors who don't like this kind of actor .

"Director Chen, if he chooses my team in the next round, don't blame me for stealing people."

"Hahaha, it's okay, just grab it, Fang Jing is an actor with his own opinions, and this kind of person rarely changes what he believes. This time he chose me to refine himself so that he can enter the film industry in the future."

Among the four directors, Li Shaohong has directed the most TV dramas, more than a dozen. Fang Jing's chance of choosing her is very small.

Among the other three, Zhao Wei and Fang Jing couldn't deal with each other and would not choose her. Needless to say, Guo Jingming, Fang Jing probably didn't want to act in the sequel of Little Times yet.

Brother Chen Kai deduced that Fang Jing would stay in his team and learn things if nothing unexpected happened.

In the field, all the new actors within three years appeared on the stage, followed by actors with five years of age. The actors of this level are basically "acquaintances" in the eyes of the audience.

Those who can act in dramas for five years and be invited by the program group to come to this program are all well-known artists, and those who play tricks will not appear at all.

The first one to appear was Shen Mengchen, one of the hosts of Shonan Satellite TV. He introduced himself as a host for ten years and has been in the theater for five years.

The other actors below were whispering, and the expressions on their faces were wonderful.

"She's an actress too? I thought she was the host all along."

"Have you ever played any role?"

"Not impressed at all."

Shen Mengchen looked at the seats under the stage, her face remained unchanged, and walked towards Guo Jingming's first team with a smile.

She is indeed an actress, as long as she has acted, she is an actor. There is nothing wrong with it. I did act five years ago. Can you say that I am not five years old?
Seeing that the camera was pointing at his face to capture his expression, Fang Jing coughed lightly, waved his hand, and turned his face away.

Shen Mengchen's acting years are none of his business.

Some of the people who come to this show are not related to each other, at least 90.00% of the people present can't name him, and he is probably a supporting role in several dramas.

Not to mention the second brother, everyone is pretty much the same. In terms of commercial value, they are not as good as Shen Mengchen.

The second batch of five-year dramas came out, and Zhang Mingen was among them. He had been in dramas during college, and it was indeed five years. He was not selected for Chen Kai, and he sat in Li Shaohong's team.

A dozen or so five-year-old actors appeared on the stage, and several of them were popular. The three-year-old artists who had been sitting in the second and third rows gave way one after another.

Those who didn't get a seat consciously sat back. After five years, it will be ten years. After ten years of acting, they are not surprised to have a few first-line artists.

Hurry up and give up your seat before they come, won't you be embarrassed to stand next to you when they come later?

Holding the cue card, Wang Han introduced: "In my opinion, if three years of acting is considered a rookie, five years is considered a senior, and ten years of acting should be considered an old man in this industry."

"The following are artists with more than 15 years and less than [-] years!"

More than ten years of acting experience is scary, and the faces of new actors under three years are all pale, ten years!To be able to hang out in this circle for ten years is definitely a big brother and big sister.

Sure enough, Yang Zi, Li Xin, Jiang Mengjie, and Liu Junfeng came out first.

Yang Zi and Liu Junfeng have sons and daughters who have debuted. It has been 12 years now. Li Xin and Jiang Mengjie are a little older, almost thirty, but their maintenance is similar to that of 23.

The two have acted in Dream of the Red Chamber for [-] years, one played Baochai and the other played Daiyu.

What's interesting is that Yang Yang, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying also entered the audience's attention in this drama, but they played supporting roles at the time.

Seeing this group of ten-year-old actors, several directors smiled at the same time. Ten-year actors, even at their level, they already have acting skills and are famous enough.

The important thing is that you are young, and you will be very malleable in the future.

"Director Shaohong, which team do you think they will choose this time?" Guo Jingming asked with a happy smile.

A few directors are bored, and now as soon as someone comes out, they guess which team these people will choose, and take pleasure in it.

"I don't know about that." Li Shaohong smiled forcedly, "It should be your team and Director Zhao Wei's side."

Zhao Wei gave Guo Jingming a wink, telling him not to talk about this topic, but he didn't expect Guo Jingming to mention which pot he would not open.

"Director Shaohong, among the actors in this group, Li Xin and Jiang Mengjie have acted in your play."

Covering his face, Zhao Wei turned his head, with a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

The others are okay, but Jiang Mengjie can't mention it. Back then, Jiang Mengjie signed with Li Shaohong's company to play Dream of Red Mansions. A few years ago, he had to unilaterally terminate the contract for some unknown reason.

Li Shaohong's party asked for 3000 million yuan!

Later, in the lawsuit, Jiang Mengjie spent all of his eight-year savings before getting out, and has never had any contact with his old club since then.

It was rumored that this girl left because she did not accept the unspoken rules, including Yang Mi, but the truth was unknown, and the person involved did not explain in public.

It's not that friends don't get together, I didn't expect Jiang Mengjie to be on this show, and even hit Li Shaohong at gunpoint.

With an uneasy face, Li Shaohong said vaguely: "I did it, it happened many years ago, but I left later."

Hearing this, Guo Jingming also realized something.He kept silent about Jiang Mengjie, but shifted the topic to Yang Zi.

On the stage, Jiang Mengjie looked at several mentor teams, bit his lip, and walked towards Li Shaohong's team.

"Director Shaohong, I should learn a lot from you, from your company..." Guo Jingming was talking, when he caught sight of Jiang Mengjie standing in line from the corner of his eye, he opened his mouth, and his voice stopped abruptly.

What's the situation, didn't you say you can't deal with it?
(End of this chapter)

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