Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 558 Playing Lonely Dog

Chapter 558 Playing Lonely Dog
"I see that dramas, stage plays, and musicals are all involved in your profile. It's not easy at such a young age."

People in their thirties are indeed young people no matter which stage they are placed on. Some 40-year-olds can't play a lot of leading roles.

As soon as Li Shaohong opened his mouth, everyone in the room exploded instantly. Isn't this a fake?
Let’s not talk about dramas. Musicals, which came from Europe in the early days, are a form of stage art that combines singing, dialogue, acting, and dancing.Through the close combination of songs, lines, music, body movements, etc., the story is revealed.

If you want to be on stage, singing and dancing are necessary basic skills, followed by acting skills.

Just singing and dancing alone can put 90.00% of the domestic actors on the ground. How many actors can act, dance, and sing?

Among the actors, some rough men are tone-deaf, and some have bad voices, all rely on post-dubbing.

The important thing is that the above three plays are all on-site, there is no rehearsal, and if you make a mistake, it will be over.

"It's really not easy." Ren Suxi smiled shyly, "But it will be fine after a long time, I like acting very much."

Li Shaohong then asked: "Professionalism is based on hard work, and human energy is limited. Among these three things, what are you best at?"

"I like all three of them. They each have their own styles, but if they are good at dramas, they are best at musicals."

"There are fewer stage plays, and more effort is required. I plan to study them later."

In terms of content, stage plays are divided into dramas, comedies, and tragedies. They also require singing and dancing duets, which are the most difficult of these three types of plays.

Comedies alone, tragedies can make people daunting. Take Xingye as an example, he is good at comedies, but he can't act in serious dramas. The audience wants to laugh when they see his face.

In his early works, there were many comedies, and in the later period, tragedy was added. Being able to combine the two into one is considered a master level in China, but even so he did not dare to touch the main drama.

Nodding her head, Li Shaohong seemed to have discovered a treasure, "You are a director of Chinese opera and graduated, why do you want to be an actor?"

Or graduated from directing?A group of people looked at Ren Suxi with wrong eyes.

Being able to sing, dance, act, and direct, it's a bit unreal, the key talent is in their early thirties, if it wasn't from Li Shaohong's mouth, they wouldn't believe it.

"Because no one hired me as a director, and I couldn't find funding." Ren Suxi was honest.

The current well-known domestic directors are all Ye Luzi, Feng Xiaogang, Lao Mouzi, etc., who either have mines at home or are well-connected and can attract funds to join the team.

Nowadays, there are not many people studying directing dramas. The reason is that it is not easy to get ahead after graduation. After graduating from the actor class, they can still play tricks, but they can't even get away with tricks.

Most of them are taken with a mobile phone every day!

Li Shaohong looked at Ren Suxi carefully, she was tall and thin, although she was not beautiful, she was very energetic and energetic, and she was not annoying to look at.

"Are you recommended by the agency this time, or by the program group?"

"Recommended by the school teacher."

"Well, sit down, let's play a little game and relax."

Ren Suxi's visit this time is simply to increase exposure. The school teacher thinks that she is good at acting, but she has not been popular. It is a pity. She hopes to be on the show so that more people can see her.

Chen Kai's team, a group of people squatted on the ground to perform, Fang Jing took a shoe as a walkie-talkie and a wooden stick as a gun, and crawled forward on the ground.

It imitates the plot of Master Xing Kung Fu football.

"Report to the headquarters, the position is almost untenable, there are too many enemies, the artillery fire is too fierce, call for support, call for support."

While speaking, Fang Jing took off another shoe and threw it out as a grenade, automatically dubbing. "Ah, da, da, da, boom!!"

"Hahaha!!" Beside, the other actors almost burst into tears.

Fang Jing's behavior was too funny, he acted very seriously, but for some reason, seeing him like this made him want to laugh.

"Okay, get up." Brother Chen Kai threw down the shoes on his table and said with a smile, "Very good."

"Yan Yalun, you smile very happily, come here again, just like Fang Jing just now."

"Pfft, hahaha!" The others laughed loudly, Yan Yalun laughed the most just now, they didn't expect to see him so soon.

"Got it."

As soon as the smile faded away, Yan Yalun lay on the ground and followed Fang Jing's example to shoot, crawling forward, with an exaggerated voice in his mouth.

"Ah! I got shot, my ass..."

"Duan Bowen, go try it." After Yan Yalun's performance, Chen Kai asked the craziest Duan Bowen to come on.

This young man came to win the championship, now give him the stage, if he can't pass this level, then it's a fart.

"it is good!"

In his 30s, Duan Bowen was a little awkward when he suddenly had to act in such a comedy scene. He is not good at acting in comedy, or in other words, he is not good at acting in comedy to make others happy.

"I'm 07, I'm 07, I've arrived at the designated place now, whether to start the attack, please instruct..."

Everyone laughed when Fang Jing and Yan Ya took turns, but there was no laughter when it came to Duan Bowen. Brother Chen Kai asked him to play a comedy, but Duan Bowen played Lan Bo.

"Okay, get up, Mingdao."

In terms of acting in comedy, Ming Dao and Duan Bowen are on a par, except that one is playing Rambo and the other is a fake fighter, and the sparse laughter can be heard.

Standing up, Brother Chen Kai came to the crowd with a serious face, "You have seen the specific situation, the four of you in this team have never learned formal acting."

"I'll ask everyone to rate, who do you think is the best performer?"

"Teacher Fang is the best. He is relaxed and relaxed."

"His posture with the gun is standard, and his movements such as crawling forward are exactly the same as those of a soldier."

"Teacher Fang is open, such a big idol can still learn this kind of plot, but I can't if I am in his position."

"Yeah!" Chen Kai nodded and said, "Fang Jing received formal training when he acted in Operation Red Sea, and those movements are normal, plus points."

"Another classmate said that there is a degree of relaxation, which is very good. This is the first time I have seen Fang Jing perform this kind of scene. Before acting, I thought he would be awkward. I didn't expect it to surprise me quite a lot."

"Everyone has a self in his heart. All the students in the acting school know that the first class is to break yourself. Only by breaking yourself can you be able to play any role."

"Duan Bowen's acting style is very heavy, and he can't play a role that subverts himself at all. He can't pass that level psychologically. He needs to learn, and the same is true for fame. Don't think that you can't play this kind of role when you are old. Zhou Xingchi played Kung Fu football back then. It was about the same age as you are now."

"Director, I haven't played this kind of role before." Duan Bowen said, with dissatisfaction written on his face, "Fang Jing can act because he is young, and because he is young, he can let go."

"Yan Yalun has a strong sense of variety. They often sing and laugh on stage. This is very simple for them."

"If you give me time to prepare, I can act very well!"

Turning his head to look at this underappreciated buddy in surprise, Mingdao was embarrassed to follow suit.

Everyone has their own area of ​​expertise, he is not good at comedy, which is normal, there is no shame in it, but there is a real shame in making excuses.

"Young, do you really think you can act well when you are young, let it go?" Brother Chen Kai pointed to a young girl in her early twenties and said, "Let's play a lonely stray dog."

She is a pretty girl who wants to play a lonely stray dog. The girl takes a deep breath and kneels on the ground to learn how a dog crawls. There is silence at first, and then barks a few times, which is a bit lonely.

"Fang Jing, come and try." After the girl's performance, Brother Chen Kai glanced at the scene.

"You don't treat me like a human being!"

Taking off his coat, shoes, and socks, Fang Jing tousled his hair, knelt on all fours, bowed his head, his eyes were gray, and walked around the room in silence.

Like a downcast, homeless dog who has been starving for days.

Judgment in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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