Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 559 Who is playing?

Chapter 559 Who is playing?

After Fang Jing's performance, Chen Kai looked at Duan Bowen with a cold face, "You still think you can let go at a young age? This girl just graduated from a professional college and has learned to release her nature, but how does she compare with Fang Jing's?" ?”

"In terms of status, Fang Jing should be the highest in this program. You may not know that this program is a cooperation between their company and Shonan Satellite TV."

"At the order of the director, he is worth tens of billions. The most popular actor can crawl like a dog on the ground. Is this something young people can let go of?"

Everyone's heart sank. They didn't expect Fang Jing to be the partner of this show. It's really not luck to be able to hang around until today.

"Fang Jing, tell me why you want to learn how to crawl like a dog?" Brother Chen Kai looked at Fang Jing.

"Uh, isn't this normal." Fang Jing scratched his head in confusion, "Although our show is a variety show, the content is the interaction between the director and the actors, which is similar to the set."

"I am an actor here, and you are a director. If you ask me to act, I will act without thinking too much."

Look, this is the gap. Brother Chen Kai appreciates Fang Jing very much. Once he arrives on the set, he will position himself as an actor!

In the industry, I have never heard a director say anything bad about Fang Jing, and the crew and director who worked with him all mentioned him as compliments.

When some people arrive on the set, they can’t get rid of the burden of being a star. They have to be fed and fed, and if they delay work for a few minutes, they will scold their mothers.

"Then why do you think about messing up your hair and taking off your coat and shoes?"

"This is what Teacher Wu Gang taught me. Actors use props to make themselves more in line with the role. I wear a seven or eight thousand coat, hair is meticulous, and brand-name shoes. No matter how well I act, I don't look like a stray dog."

"Well said." Brother Chen Kai took the lead in applauding, "Characters are dead, but people are alive. Remember, people give life to characters, not characters to you."

"Duan Bowen, now you can see the gap between you. You have a long future and you need to learn a lot. Young people should be calm. Moreover, sometimes directors don't just choose good acting skills. Shang Jing used to be a director, you can just ask him."

Brother Chen Kai's words chilled the students' hearts, why don't they have good acting skills?He must be mentally ill, but judging by his serious appearance, it doesn't seem like a lie.

"The first scene is a PK between two students, and the director will select the candidates. Before that, I won't teach you too many things, because you are not my students yet."

"Now let's divide into groups, ten people, exactly five people, Fang Jing and Yu Xiaotong are in a group, Duan Bowen and Mao Xiaohui are in a group, Yan Yalun and Wang Ze are in a group, Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan..."

The first period is divided into the first half and the second half. The actors in the first half choose the director, and the director chooses the actors in the second half.

Each team is divided into groups, two actors form a team, and the director rehearses for the topic by himself, and then performs on stage. The winner stays and chooses to join one of the director's teams, and the loser enters the elimination waiting area.

"Fang Jing, your topic is The Legend of the Cat Demon." Brother Chen Kai chuckled, "You were not asked to act before, but this time I made up for it. You and Xiaotong decide the content yourself, any one will do."

"Director Kai, I'm at a disadvantage with my height." Yu Xiaotong was puzzled, "No matter which role I play, it's not easy to play."

With a height of 1.9 meters, he definitely stands out from the crowd.

Being tall is not necessarily a good thing. The reason why he has had few roles these years is because he is tall and cannot find a role that suits him.

"You are not good at acting? Then you find me someone who suits your height." Chen Kai was a little angry, "There are no small roles, only small actors. You can't act in this, and you can't act in that, so why are you here?"

Since entering the arena, Chen Kai lost his temper for the first time, everyone was silent, and Yu Xiaotong was even more stunned.

He played a supporting role in Chen Kaige Mei Lanfang's crew in the early years, and the relationship was pretty good at that time, but this time he thought he would be taken care of when he came here, so he naturally spoke a little casually.

Unexpectedly, when Lao Chen came up, he would reprimand him.

"Sorry director, I was wrong."

Ignoring Yu Xiaotong, Chen Kai looked at Mingdao's group, "You guys acted out the ice-breaking action of the recent fire."

"Didn't Duan Bowen want to prove himself? Here's a difficult point for your group. Playing Green Tea, you'll play the part where the male lead is stuck in time to go home and visit the female lead. Do you have confidence?"

As soon as Chen Kai's words came out, Mao Xiaohui's face in Duan Bowen's group changed.

Green Tea is about the heroine Wu Fang who has a dual personality. She will change from a traditional and conservative female doctor to a fashionable girl with various styles at a fixed time every day.

When the male lead visits the female lead, the girl has to switch between two personalities, which means that one person plays the second role, which is very difficult.

For a fledgling female student, this kind of topic is no less than super difficult.

"No problem!" Before Mao Xiaohui could speak, Duan Bowen began to assure her.

As he said, he didn't come here to play or study, but to win the championship. How to win the championship is of course outstanding acting skills. Acting is difficult.

At this moment, Mao Xiaohui wanted to strangle someone to death.


Each director's team is assigning tasks. After the assignment, the director doesn't care, and he goes to the air, let the students rehearse by themselves, and communicate with the program team after deciding the scene to be performed.

The rehearsal time is two days.

In the room, Fang Jing and Yu Xiaotong are discussing which part to play. The two male protagonists of Cat Demon Legend, the monk Kong Hai, and the poet Bai Letian, these two characters must be the most lovable, and the story revolves around them.

After discussing for a long time, no reason came out. Yu Xiaotong said that he wanted to play Kukai, but Fang Jing asked him to tell him about Kukai's selling points, highlights, and acting points, but he couldn't tell.

There are so many scenes in one movie, it is only fair that which part of the two of them plays the best, so that both parties can play a good story.

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about it now, it's still early, let's go to the cat demon to read it, and choose slowly." Fang Jing got up, and was going to ask his assistant Wu Jiajia to bring his mobile phone and read the cat demon's biography.

"This is fine, I listen to you."

Yu Xiaotong didn't dare to show off in front of Fang Jing, and honestly focused on Fang Jing.

"Mr. Fang, wait." Ming Dao stopped Fang Jing, nodded and smiled, "I'm thinking about which one is better to act in the ice-breaking operation. You are the leading role in this play. Could you please give me some advice?"

Cheng Ruoxuan followed suit, "That's right, Mr. Fang, we are both unfamiliar with the ice-breaking operation, and now we are completely blind."

After pondering for a few seconds, Fang Jing said, "I see you two have discussed it for a while, do you have any idea?"

"Yes, yes, I want to act in the first scene where Li Fei enters the village to arrest people and gets blocked, but I don't know if it will work."

"No!" Fang Jing directly denied the name, "That scene was difficult, but the difficulty was not with Li Fei, but with Lin Yaodong. Where can you find an actor like Mr. Wang to support the play for you?"

"How about the part where Li Fei interrogated Lin Shengwen?" Cheng Ruoxuan continued.

"It's possible, but it's not fair to one of you that Lin Shengwen has more roles and Li Fei has less roles in that scene."

(End of this chapter)

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