Chapter 562
"Thank you master, you just control the cat, and leave the word to me."

The prop master has gone 99 steps. Fang Jing has no reason to let him go the last step. It’s just a correct word. An actor’s basic skills, practice more, it’s not a big problem.

"Thank you, Teacher Fang, for your understanding." The master who set up the scene was grateful, and he was really scared.

Before Fang Jing came, they started to set up the scene, with a few artists on the side to guide, this will not work, that will not work, we need to add this and that.

Ma De, at that time I really wanted to give each other a plank. We don’t know about acting, but setting a scene is a professional, so I still need you to point fingers?
It's a pity that they are big stars, they dare not complain, they can only do it honestly, even if they are pointed at their noses by young people as old as their children.

"It's okay, thanks for your hard work." Patting the scene builder on the shoulder, Fang Jing said with a smile, "Let's go eat first, I'll leave later."

"Teacher Fang, why don't you act a few times before leaving?"

"Forget it, everyone has to act a few times, and you can't call it a day until noon tomorrow."

Hearing this, the stage builder almost burst into tears. It is rare to meet a considerate person. Even if there are more than 20 celebrities present, even if one person performs it once, it will take a few hours.

They had to wait for the stars to finish their performances before opening the scene, and it took until noon for everything to be finished.

Stars are fine, they go back to the hotel to sleep comfortably after the performance, they have to have a meeting for inspection after finishing, and continue to go to work at [-] o'clock in the evening.

Walking up the steps of the auditorium, Fang Jing clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, "Everyone be quiet, I have a few words to say."

"Everyone stays up late at night to watch the script and rehearse. This kind of spirit is very good, but considering that it is not easy for the scene master, we have to wait until we finish the rehearsal to unpack the scene and seal the box. They also need to rest. Be considerate and don't rehearse. .”

"That's all for today, let's go back, tomorrow I will discuss with the stage, let you get your own scenes, and find a place to rehearse."

The worst thing about the sports center is the venue. There are no competitions and there are almost no people. It is not troublesome to find an open space and spend half an hour setting up a scene.

"Boss Fang is right, we didn't think about it well, and the scenery builder also needs to rest."

"Well! And some teams didn't come, so we practiced secretly first, which was a bit unfair to them."

"Mr. Fang, let's go. Come back tomorrow."

Regardless of whether they accept it or not, at least the artists in the arena did not oppose Fang Jing on the surface, they packed their things in twos and threes and left the gymnasium.

If someone else said this, he would have been scolded long ago. Who are you?Let's go as soon as we go. I come late at night just to perform better on stage. It's none of my business whether the scene builder rests or not.

As for the other groups not coming, isn't it fair?I bother!It's just right not to come, they are all competitors, I am happy to have one less Lao Tzu, I wish they all would not come.

"Your group should come back too." Fang Jing went to Guo Jingming's group, "Director Guo has worked hard."

"It should be. Mr. Fang is also working very hard. He came here at night to deliver food and to show consideration for the set-up workers."

"Damn! I originally wanted to find my feelings. I realized that it was wrong to do this after seeing these workers and masters. It shouldn't take up other people's time."

Looking at Xiao Zan, Fang Jing continued: "You have no acting experience, it's rare to have this opportunity, learn more from Director Guo, listen and ask more, Teacher Li Bin and the others are very good actors, so ask people for advice if you have nothing to do."

"Well, I see Mr. Fang."

"A newcomer in our company, you made fun of Director Guo."

In front of so many people, Fang Jing didn't hide at all that Xiao Zan was an artist from Nanjing. Let Xiao Zan come to this show to increase exposure and learn something.

The ten episodes lasted for three months, and it was a rare opportunity to communicate with so many outstanding actors and directors face to face every day.

"It turned out to be from your company. I said why he is so handsome. The guy is very nice and works hard."

For the first time, Guo Jingming set his sights on Xiao Zan, a little transparent. There are countless third-tier artists in the entertainment industry, so he doesn't know who is who.

There are artists from various companies who come to this show, and he doesn't bother to check them one by one.

"Director Guo, don't worry, let's go, everyone rest early, see you tomorrow." Nodding with a smile, Fang Jing walked away.

Guo Jingming waved, "You guys go too, don't wait."

"Goodbye, Director Guo."

"See Director Guo tomorrow."

"Go to rest early, Director Guo, don't be too tired, you've worked hard today."

It is not surprising that there are so many people, the artists bid farewell to Guo Jingming one by one, and left the sports center together.

Just after leaving the sports center, some people went back to the hotel to rest, and some made an appointment with an actor they just met today, and went out to play together in twos and threes.

Many friends have many paths, making connections is also part of the mixed entertainment industry.


The next day, Fang Jing reported the night's incident to the station, and the program team immediately circled a piece of land for everyone to set up a scene.

After lunch at noon, a group of actors gathered at the sports center, and each of them found their own scene to start the scene. The scene was set up, and then there were costumes. Fang Jing's Tang suit has arrived.

With no make-up on their faces, wearing a headgear and clothes, Fang Jing and Yu Xiaotong started to play against each other. For the first time, the two of them first checked the lines, and then practiced with the camera to move the camera when they were familiar with the lines.

"Help, pull the coffin away."

"Have you found anything?"

"Pull it away first."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?"

"I understand."

Fang Jing and Yu Xiaotong just had a scene with a cat demon. There were not many lines, and there were dozens of sentences back and forth. The two of them were fine, and the next step was to cooperate with the camera to take the camera position.

This is the most troublesome one. The characters are walking in the process of acting. You can’t do it again in NG. You have to take one shot to the end. To discuss.

In order to shoot this episode, Fang Jing used his directorial skills and specially drew up the script, and the arrangement looked good.

in the afternoon.

"Let's rest first, everyone has worked hard, rest for half an hour and let's continue."

"Huh!" Yu Xiao exhaled heavily, wiped the cold sweat off his head, and ran to the toilet.

Fang Jing had the final say in this scene, he didn't dare to complain, he just co-operated obediently, if he made a bad impression, Fang Jing would say a few words outside in the future, fearing that no director would dare to use him.

The situation of the other groups is similar to Fang Jing's side, they are all famous and well-known, and the other artist cooperates.

A group of Duan Bowen...

"You can't do this, listen to me, put a glass of water here, it's [-]% full. When I'm talking, I'll say first, you don't answer, we'd better make eye contact, I was puzzled first, you are enchanting and charming."

"But that's not how it was played in the original film."

"The original film is the original film, and the two of us are not actors in the original film. If we act like it, there is no difference from imitation. The audience's first subjective opinion is the original performance, and neither of us need to act."

Mao Xiaohui was aggrieved, she disagreed with Duan Bowen's point of view, but the one in front of her was so stubborn that she couldn't listen to it at all.

It doesn't matter if you change your own play, even her play has to be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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