Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 563 My porridge is not even cold, blowing cakes for others

Chapter 563 My porridge is not even cold, blowing cakes for others

Coming out of the scene, Fang Jing wandered around to see how Xiao Zan, Yang Zi and their group performed.

Especially Xiao Zan, he feels that he has changed a lot. After Fang Jing stood up for him yesterday, Lao Guo has a different attitude towards him today, and he personally gave him pointers several times.

Along the way, Fang Jing stopped at the ice-breaking operation team.

"Come on! I'll count one, two, three, let's shoot together and see who dies first."

"Father, the child is unfilial!"


"See how it works?
"I think it's okay. When we perform again, we stand a little farther away, so that the close-up of the face is much clearer."

"Well! Yes!"

"Hey, Boss Fang is here." Ming Dao raised his head, just in time to see Fang Jing not far away.

Cheng Ruoxuan didn't watch the replay of the machine any more, and followed him with a look of joy, "Mr. Fang, this play is yours, can you give me some advice?"

"Everyone has their own performance style and direction, and what I said may not be correct." Walking into the setting room, Fang Jing looked around, "You are not me, so there is no need to imitate me."

"Mr. Fang, I've watched this show all night, and I don't understand a lot of things, so please give me some pointers."

Almost 40 years old, Ming Dao asked Fang Jing for advice in a low voice. For the competition, he really put his face in his trouser pocket.

What does face matter? Children only care about it.

"Haha, don't call me President Fang, call me Fang Jing. From yesterday to now, each person has said one sentence to President Fang, and quickly called me a domineering president."

After watching the acting of the two of them, Fang Jing said seriously: "Actually, this scene is not difficult to say, but also simple to say. There are four people in the play, two sons, and two fathers."

"Now the two fathers are in the hands of both parties. Li Fei wants Lin Can to change his father, but Lin Can will not change, but he is not a cold-blooded person. Just act out the feelings. The result is not important, what matters is the process."

Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan listened carefully to being able to get the original film actors to explain it in person. They both got the script yesterday, so their understanding of the characters is definitely not as good as Fang Jing.

After listening to it, the two suddenly realized that before they discussed the character's heart and Fang Jing, they were completely different from each other.

What Cheng Ruoxuan understood was that Li Fei had justice on the one hand and family affection on the other, while what Ming Dao understood was the supremacy of rights.

Looking at Mingdao, Fang Jing said: "It's probably because I haven't seen the original film. Your posture with the gun is wrong. The gun has recoil, and your posture will only jump yourself."

Mingdao was shocked, "Fang, Fang Jing, can I trouble you to demonstrate it for me?"

It's not that he doesn't have acting skills, but he has never acted in a military movie, and he doesn't know how to hold a gun. The scene of the ice-breaking operation has not been broadcast yet, and he can't see how Lin Can holds the gun. It all depends on his own feeling.

The audience may not be able to see the wrong posture of holding the gun, but he is not acting this scene for the audience, but the four directors on stage, Chen Kai and the others can definitely see it.

With such a big flaw, one day the performance will be [-]% dead!

"In this way, Cheng Ruoxuan acts as a hostage, you stand opposite me, and I will act for you."

Holding a prop gun, with his head behind Cheng Ruoxuan, with his left foot back, his arms bent upwards, the muzzle of the gun kept pointing up, his lips trembling, and weeping: "Dad, the child is not filial!"

With hard eyes, Fang Jing gritted his teeth and shouted one, two, three word by word.

"Okay, that's it." With a wipe of tears, Fang Jing returned to normal, "Don't hang down the muzzle of the gun, remember, it's always on the hostage, and take half a step back as a support point."

Thank you again and again, Fang Jing's acting is better than him this time, and it is more touching. It shows Lin Can's inner conflicts, especially those two tears, expressing that Lin Can is not a heartless person, and he also has love for his father. .

But then he gritted his teeth and shouted one, two, three and shot at the same time to express his ruthlessness.

"Brother Fang Jing, what about my problem?" Seeing Ming Dao's eyes shining, Cheng Ruoxuan became a little anxious, and he also wanted to improve himself.

In just a few seconds, Fang Jing played a different Lin Can. As a hostage, he could clearly feel the helplessness and deep love of his son behind him, sad and understanding
After Fang Jing's guidance, Famous Dao must have improved properly, and he would not be scum in a second in comparison.

"Your is..."

"Ahem!" Before Fang Jing could open his mouth, Chen Kai's face turned black at the door, "Fang Jing, you are very busy. I didn't cool my porridge, so I came here to help blow cakes."

"The program team didn't arrange anyone to give them guidance, but just wanted to see their understanding of the performance. What do you mean by pointing at the side? Why don't you do the math."

Fang Jing smiled resentfully, "Sorry, let's go now."

"Then you should go!"

Looking back at the pitiful Cheng Ruoxuan, Fang Jing cast a sympathetic look, and walked out of the scene under Lao Chen's murderous gaze.

He pointed out Ming Dao, but did not point out Cheng Ruoxuan. The latter is definitely not Ming Dao's opponent, and he will attack this time.

Originally, Ming Dao was an actor who debuted for more than ten years, and his acting skills and experience were beyond his reach. Now that Fang Jing mentioned it, he has a deeper understanding of the characters in the script.

Outside, Brother Chen Kai said in a bad mood: "You and Yu Xiaotong's performance is not very good, and you still have the heart to point others, you are really good."

There are cameras in every scene, and the director is very clear about the actors' rehearsal situation. Brother Chen Kai also rushed over when he saw Fang Jing teaching the play.

I have to say that Fang Jing is still very good. After a few months, when he performed the ice-breaking action, his expressions were still online, and tears came whenever he said it.

"What? I'm not doing well? Director Chen, tell me more about it."

"Don't tell me, it's not fair to other people. Anyway, the acting is really not very good." Seeing Fang Jing's eager gaze, Chen Kai chuckled, "But I can tell you about Mingdao."

"Don't mess around, teach, play."

"You have little experience as a director. You don't know how to treat different actors in different ways. Famous people are not newcomers. He has his own ideas and styles in acting."

"You take the lead in playing the role of Lin Can. It's completely dead-on character image. Let's see, he will act like this in the future. His eyes and movements are exactly the same."

"To treat actors like them, it's best for the director to teach them seven points, and leave three points for them to express themselves. Actors should have room for flexibility, you know?"

"I have been taught, I understand, I understand." Fang Jing kept nodding his head as if he had misunderstood his younger brother.

"Also, don't change my cat demon biography randomly. You only read it a few times and then came up to change it for me. No matter how I shoot or edit it, it's all intentional. Don't tell me I haven't thought about it for a year. How good is the hour?"

What Brother Chen Kai was talking about was of course Fang Jing's doodle script, which changed the length of the clips. Some scenes should have been cut in ten seconds, but Fang Jing left a few seconds longer, or a few seconds shorter.

At first glance, these few minutes alone have not changed from the original, but the whole has changed. If you look at the previous plot, there are basically two styles when you get here.

"Ahem! Director Chen, didn't you say that actors can play freely?"

Fang Jing was depressed. One second old Chen told him not to interfere with Ming Dao and let them play by themselves, but the next sentence told him not to do that.

As soon as the upper lip touches the lower lip, you always have the final say on everything.

(End of this chapter)

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