Chapter 564 Fairness
Brother Chen Kai seemed to know what Fang Jing was thinking, and smiled, "I know what you young people are thinking. When you get a play, you want to do this and that, and put everything in."

"But directing is not so simple. Yesterday I took the time to watch your Flash Girl. From a professional point of view, it is very average. The whole story is led by compact and interesting stories."

"If it weren't for the good story and your level of director, Xuan, you would have to go up a notch if I were to make the box office. It's a pity that the story is so good."

If it weren't for Lao Chen's kindness and knowing that he didn't mean it, Fang Jing would have punched him long ago, belittling the things he worked so hard to shoot for nothing.

Doesn't this mean that he can't do it face to face?

"Don't be dissatisfied, wait for you to come to my group in a few episodes, and I will show you what a real director is."

The selection of actors and directors for the first phase is just the prelude to this show, and the real excitement is yet to come. The director chooses actors and leads them to shoot in person.

The shooting location is no longer a small sports center, but outside, everywhere.

In the later stage, there will only be a few actors left in the group, and the director will teach them word by word, and that is the dry stuff.

Fang Jingyile, "Okay, then I will choose Brother Kai to direct you, remember to choose me."

"Okay, if you perform well, I will choose you."

One old and one young laughed at each other, making the staff not far away tremble.

Two mornings later, the recording of the show began.

There are four directors in the middle of the stage, with actors sitting on both sides, but there will be a few fewer people.

Forty or fifty actors, divided into 25 groups, went on stage in batches, and those who didn't show up sat on the stage first.

The first group is Famous Icebreaker, the second group is Xiao Zan’s Sadness, the third group is Bao Wenjing, A World Without Thieves, the fourth group Niu Yase plays Tumor King, and the fifth group Fang Jing plays the legend of the cat demon... …

"Welcome to the actors, please take your seats. This show will be broadcast under the title of..." Wang Han read the names of seven or eight sponsors with a cue card.

These are the real sponsor fathers, and they must not be sloppy.

"Next, the first group will be Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan, bringing the ice-breaking action of the recent fire, please."

On the big screen of the stage, the image flashed, and it was raining heavily in the middle of the night, and Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan appeared in an ancestral hall.

Although it is a recorded program, the content of the acting is not recorded and broadcasted, but live. Ming Dao and the others are currently setting up the scene in the gymnasium downstairs, and the picture is coming from the camera.

The heavy rain poured down, and Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan's hair and clothes were soaked. Besides them, there was an extra actor on the scene, Li Chengru, who provided the two actors.


"Get up!" Ming Dao dragged up the supporting actor on the ground, and said harshly to Cheng Ruoxuan: "You have the ability to kill my father, and you will change your life for another, dare you? I will count one, two, three, let's start together!" Gun... come on!"

"Son, don't be afraid, remember to offer incense to me and your mother in the future." Li Chengru, who played the supporting role, said weakly.

"Stop talking nonsense, Li Fei! Three! Two! One!"

What Ming Dao and Cheng Ruoxuan performed was just one scene, very short, no, maybe half-time, less than 5 minutes before and after.

The two of them didn't have time to remove their makeup after the performance, so they hurried to the second floor and stood behind the screen. The door opened, and the actor appeared out of breath, with water still dripping from his clothes.

Wiping the drops of water on his hair, Mingdao heaved a sigh of relief and looked anxiously at the four directors on stage.

4 minutes on stage, off stage they spent two days rehearsing, staying up late at night until two or three o'clock, because there are few lines, they are beating every line, and they are constantly thinking about the priorities in a sentence.

"Ming Dao's acting is good." Brother Chen Kai spoke first, affirming Ming Dao's acting skills, "You two are playing two sons, in your eyes I can see that you love your father, and tears came out when you said you were not filial. "

The famous part is similar to that of Fang Jingjiao before. Brother Chen Kai didn't have too many surprises, which is not bad, but it's not his acting, which is a pity.

"Cheng Ruoxuan's problem is serious."

Brother Chen Kai's second sentence made Cheng Ruoxuan feel cold in his heart.

"Your father is going to die, and I told you to burn incense for him in the future. At this time, are you still going to do it? In your eyes, I didn't see at all that the person who was about to die was your father. Your eyes are too calm."

Nima, one word made Cheng Ruoxuan's heart shudder, brother Chen Kai said that, needless to say, it's over.

"I think Cheng Ruoxuan is pretty good." Li Shaohong has a different opinion, "It's normal that the performance is not perfect in a short period of time, but he is famous and has an accent! This is a minus point."

I'm going, the name is confused, the actors please take their place, the fight is acting, what's the matter with the accent?

"Obviously Famous Dao is better. Personally, I am more inclined to Famous Dao. Cheng Ruoxuan is young and lacks acting experience, so it's still not enough to watch."

It was rare for Zhao Wei to say something fair.

Accents are not a reason for poor acting skills. Artists on both sides of the strait have accents. 90.00% of actors in mainland China do not use original voices when acting, they are all dubbed.

"I think I have to say something at this time." Brother Chen Kai stood up.

"Come, come." Wang Han said, "I invite Director Kai, this way please."

Brother Chen Kai walked up to Cheng Ruoxuan, danced and taught, "First of all, your state is not right. The focus of this scene is the relationship between father and son. Remember, the opposite is your father. He is going to die, but you have the ability to replace him with yourself." life."

"As long as you put down the gun, your father can live. The contradiction is that the other party is a heinous villain, and you have to arrest him."

While talking, Brother Chen Kai also used Cheng Ruoxuan's lines to say a few words, teaching opera to this point is enough dedication.

"Give you one more chance, I'd love to see what you'll do next."

"Thank you Director!"

Cheng Ruoxuan was overjoyed, Mingdao forced a smile.

The duck in his hand flew away. Given the situation just now, he was sure of winning, and there was no suspense about being promoted, but Lao Chen personally gave a lecture to Cheng Ruoxuan and asked them to repeat it.

Anyone with long eyes can see that it's unfair to him.

The two went downstairs to repeat the replay, and the effect of the replay was indeed much better. Cheng Ruoxuan changed a lot, and his expressions after several pauses were all in place.

On both sides, the actors whispered.

"It's different after being pointed out, and it feels like it's coming up."

"A director is a director, and his focus is different from ours. He can discover many things that we can't."

Seeing that Fang Jing didn't speak, he seemed a little unhappy, Yan Yalun said: "I heard that you gave opera lectures to famous Taoists before?"

"En!" Fang nodded.

"Cheng Ruoxuan didn't talk?"

Fang Jing suddenly realized.

"The program team must be fair. Your actions have given Mingdao an advantage. Director Kai did nothing wrong." Yan Yalun smiled, "This is fair for both of you."

Brother Chen Kai is a great director anyway, so he doesn't want to bully Cheng Ruoxuan and favor Cheng Ruoxuan, but seeing that Cheng Ruoxuan is at a disadvantage, he wants to help him.

Fang Jing pointed out Ming Dao, he pointed out Cheng Ruoxuan, both of them were pointed out, and it was only fair to act again.

(End of this chapter)

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