Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 1 The Party of Rebirth

Chapter 1 The Party of Rebirth

"Get ready! Get ready!"

"Chu Qing! Let's talk about you! Sleep ass! Get ready for me! It's time for you to appear!"

At the scene of Huaxia Communication University, the head teacher Huang Ren roared angrily.

Chu Qing rubbed her head and raised her head in a daze. She looked around and was a little dazed. Where is this?What about customers?I drank too much and was sent to a private room by a client for a massage?
Something is wrong?Why does this technician look so much like my head teacher in college?

"Look at the hammer! Get up quickly! It's your turn soon!"

Chu Qing was dumbfounded by the scolding, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this person was his university teacher, so he subconsciously called out.

"Mr. Huang?"

"Hey, it's great that Master Chu still remembers my name, hurry up and get ready!!!"

At first, Huang Ren spoke softly, but then he roared, which startled the surrounding dancers.

Chu Qing looked around again, what the hell is going on?Are you drinking too much and dreaming?How is this the scene when I graduated from college?
Thinking of this, he pinched his thigh, and there was a sharp pain, this, this is not a dream!

"Ding! The parallel world fusion is complete, please cherish the chance of rebirth!"

Just when Chu Qing was in a daze, a computer-synthesized voice suddenly came out of his mind. The voice could not be identified as male or female, like a robot in an old movie.

Chu Qing was in a daze when he was suddenly bumped by someone from behind. When he turned around, he saw a big man standing behind him.

This person is at least 1.9 meters tall, wearing a black suit, with muscles all over his body, it feels as if his muscles are about to explode the suit!
Chu Qing laughed when he saw that it was him. This person was his buddy Duan Peng. The two of them were from the same elementary school, middle school, high school, and university!
"Qingzi, what's wrong with you? Did you drink too much fake wine last night?"

Chu Qing rubbed her head and said with a smile: "That's okay, what kind of appearance are you acting like?"

Duan Peng smiled and said: "You are stupid, I just finished the show, hurry up and follow me, and Qiqi will perform!"

Chu Qing was shocked when she heard this. Qiqi, whose full name is Cui Qiqi, is from the Department of Acting. She is his girlfriend in college. She is very good-looking.

When I was still in my junior year, I was signed by a scout and became an actor of Chinese Entertainment, and even starred in a recent TV series that was popular!
The reason why Chu Qing has such a deep impression on her is because she would break up with her at the graduation party, and in her mouth, she is a soft-bodied and scumbag who does not seek to make progress!It belongs to the kind of parasites who lie in the rental house and do nothing!

In the previous life, Chu Qing was so irritated by this incident that she didn't even perform the prepared show, so she took Duan Peng up to argue with others, and finally the two were arrested and squatted for two days.

After the two of them came out, news about Cui Qiqi's "unfair relationship" was everywhere.

"Let's go! I won't be able to see Qiqi performing in a while! Let me tell you, you have to work hard, or she will abandon you sooner or later."

After Duan Peng laughed and teased, he pulled Chu Qing and walked towards the employee passageway.

At this moment, Duan Peng didn't know that his words were about to come true.

But Chu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, he is no longer the foolish boy he was back then, and he has figured out many plots of what happened back then.

To put it simply, the main reason for Cui Qiqi to do this is to establish a personality for herself!
She was also very successful in doing this. In her last life, she became a first-line star within a few years, with constant film appointments.

Chu Qing's reputation is bad, so he can only change his industry and become a salesman.

And now, since I have the opportunity to start again, I will let you do it?
actor backstage
Cui Qiqi was wearing a white evening dress, with delicate makeup on her face, and the whiteness of her chest was covered by a diamond necklace, making her look even more graceful and luxurious.

But at this moment, she was a little nervous, taking deep breaths all the time.

Two or three meters behind her was a man with a ponytail. Seeing that she was nervous, he walked gently behind her, put his arms around her waist and said, "Why are you nervous? You should Excitement is, after tonight, you will be a hit!"

Cui Qiqi said nervously: "Brother Song, will this be too cruel to him?"

The manager smiled and said, "He is just a passer-by in your life. Do you feel that you are at a disadvantage if you use a passer-by in exchange for your success?"

After Cui Qiqi's eyes flickered, she became firm: "I understand!"

The manager patted her on the shoulder lightly and said, "Go ahead, it's your turn to play. After today, you can say goodbye to this place."

Cui Qiqi took a deep breath, and walked out the door holding her skirt.

In the staff corridor, Duan Peng found two stools somewhere, handed one to Chu Qing, and sat on one for himself.

"Qingzi, I don't seem to be seeing clearly here, why don't we go to the auditorium too?"

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile, her eyes were slightly fascinated and said: "It's clear enough, it's enough."

Chu Qing felt that he was ready, but when the white figure appeared on the stage, his heart still twitched involuntarily.

This face was the one he had scolded and cursed countless times in his previous life!
But, it was also the first time he loved someone.

For this person, he learned to drink and get drunk.

In the end, I also learned to accept reality.

The other party is a star, a big star!And what about myself?I'm just a little trash with a rotten reputation.

But now, she is not popular, and she is not smelly, so why not have fun?
Chu Qing smiled, the smile was somewhat weird.

Duan Peng watched Cui Qiqi's performance and said in admiration: "This singer, even if he doesn't become an actor, he can become a singer! Chu Qing, you've got it!"

Chu Qing also laughed and said: "Yes, it's on, Dapeng"


"Promise me, no matter what happens for a while, don't get excited, be quiet, you know?"

Duan Peng made a fuss and said, "What are you talking about? What can I get excited about?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Qiqi's song on the stage ended.

She bowed to the audience in the audience, but couldn't get up for a long time.

The audience in the audience were all students of Huaxia Communication University, and they couldn't help talking about it.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?"

"I do not know"

"Did the contact lens fall off?"

"Your glasses fell off and you kept bending over?"

While the students were guessing, Cui Qiqi raised her head, her eyes filled with tears.

Seeing this, Chu Qing showed a familiar smile on his face: "Sure enough, he is a good actor, and his acting skills are really good, but he is a little worse than me."

 Shan Gui has opened a new book, thanks to the support of new and old readers, the rules of adding changes remain unchanged![-] recommendation votes plus [-] update!One more update for the rudder leader, ten more for the leader!Add one update to the [-]th floor of the comment area!It can be built repeatedly~


(End of this chapter)

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