Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 2 Acting?Who wouldn't?

Chapter 2 Acting?Who wouldn't?

"My fellow students, today is not only the day when I bid farewell to my alma mater, but also the day when I bid farewell to my past relationship"

"Four years, I have raised him for four years, I have had enough of his beatings and scolding, enough of his demands!"

"My first salary was given to him, and my first salary was also given to him"

"I bought him things, provided him with food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. I loved him with all my heart, but I still couldn't stop him from cheating."

"Chu Qing, I'm tired, let's break up"

Chu Qing in the employee passageway was still laughing, but Duan Peng beside him was dumbfounded!

He looked at Chu Qing, then at Cui Qiqi in the stands, his face turned red, and he opened his mouth to curse!

Duan Peng really wanted to ask Cui Qiqi on the stage, did you mean the wrong thing?
Who bought you the dress for your first interview?Who gave you the air ticket for filming?
Do you know how many jobs Chu Qing worked for these things?
Do you know that man who ate steamed buns and pickles for a week, just to save money and let you take the plane instead of the train?
Duan Peng's eyes were blood red, he was easily irritated like this.

But at this moment, he was firmly blocked by Chu Qing. Although Chu Qing was not as strong as him, but because of regular exercise, Chu Qing was also quite strong.

"Dapeng! Don't worry, I'll be on stage soon, so get ready to watch the show! Don't worry, I won't let her succeed!"

Hearing what Chu Qing said, Duan Peng slowly stopped struggling.

"Bitch, this bitch! Why did she treat you like this? Why?"

Chu Qing rubbed her hands with a smile and said, "It's normal, the so-called dog licking will kill you, and you're talking about people like me."

Duan Peng didn't understand this sentence, but asked, "How do you plan to solve it?"

Chu Qing patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Just wait and see."

As for Cui Qiqi on the stage, she had been peeking at Chu Qing and the two all the time. Seeing that Chu Qing hadn't rushed up, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But the temple was blown up in the audience, and countless "hot-blooded youths" have already begun to curse the streets with rhythm!
Chu Qing looked like he was enjoying the show, as if those people were not scolding him.

He was watching with great interest the juniors below who were swearing, when suddenly a pair of big hands grabbed his shoulders.

Looking back, Chu Qing saw Huang Ren asked with a livid face, "What's going on?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Teacher, do you believe it?"

Huang Ren shook his head directly and said, "I know what kind of person you are, I'm asking you, how did you get to this point!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I'm climbing a high branch."

"There are reporters on the scene today, this kind of thing must be unstoppable! How will this end? She is going to destroy you!"

"It's okay, don't worry, teacher."

Huang Ren looked at the angry students in the stands, hesitated and said, "Cancel the show! It's too dangerous for you to go up now!"

Chu Qing shook her head decisively and said: "I must go! Otherwise, this matter will be settled."

"But even if you go up and explain, how many people will listen? He is a celebrity, and you are an amateur. Who do you think is more trustworthy?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, teacher."

Cui Qiqi on the stage had already stepped down, but the students below the stage were still shouting.

"What the hell, let senior sister take care of you and still cheat, scumbag!"

"Go to hell, Chu Qing! You deserve to be a man!"

"I'll fuck you, don't let me see you, or I'll break your third leg!"

"Bastard! You bastard!"

Amidst the angry scolding, the host walked onto the stage. He looked at his hand card and said, "The next contestant on stage is broadcasting and hosting arts major, Chu Qing!"

Hearing the word Chu Qing, many students in the audience were taken aback.

Damn, we scolded Chu Qing just now, and now a Chu Qing comes up, could it be the same name?
It's really such a coincidence, this is that Chu Qing!
Huang Ren's face was as gloomy as water, and he looked at the place where Cui Qiqi left, speechless for a long time.

Duan Peng waved his fist and said: "Qingzi, you are bold! If anyone dares to talk to you, I will beat him to death!"

Chu Qing smiled and patted the shoulder of the big man from the north and said, "Don't be so impulsive, it's easy to suffer after entering society."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she straightened her neckline lightly, and stepped onto the stage.

After arriving on the stage, Chu Qing looked at the students in the audience.

The students at the moment were all silent, although they scolded fiercely before, but when Chu Qing really came up, they didn't know if this person had the same name!

Chu Qing approached the microphone and said softly: "Hi everyone, I'm Chu Qing, the person Cui Qiqi mentioned before."

As soon as Chu Qing said this, the audience exploded in an instant, scolding everywhere.

"You have the face to come out!"

"Get off! Don't dirty my eyes!"

"Get off! Get off!"

There were booing voices in the audience, but Chu Qing didn't seem to hear anything, he just looked at the direction where Cui Qiqi went down just now, and then laughed at himself.

This time, many students were taken aback.

There are many kinds of smiles, such as ridicule, sneer, wild laughter, hearty laughter and so on.

The easiest way to judge whether an actor is a good actor is to see his mastery of these expressions.

And Chu Qing's expression just now was absolutely amazing, anyone with eyes could tell that it was self-deprecating, not Cui Qiqi.

Chu Qing didn't seem to hear the cursing from the audience, but instead waved to the prop master in the audience. The prop master trotted all the way and came up with a guitar and a chair.

Chu Qing sat on the chair and adjusted the guitar.

The cursing from the audience continued, but Chu Qing didn’t seem to hear anything until he adjusted the guitar, then leaned in front of the microphone and said softly: “This is a song I wrote for Cui Qiqi. I'll forget it, it doesn't matter anymore"

Chu Qing once again showed a self-deprecating expression, and now there are fewer people scolding the street.

Chu Qing's other expressions may not be in place, after all, he learned broadcasting, not acting.

But he is absolutely skillful in using smiles!Because in the previous life, for performance and to become a good salesman, he devoted two hours every day to practice smiling.

What kind of smile, what kind of bitter smile, he is more professional than the average actor!
Seeing Chu Qing's wry smile and self-deprecating appearance, many students in the audience began to wonder, is this big boy really like what Cui Qiqi said?
He is also quite sunny, he doesn't look like a bad guy.

Chu Qing didn't pay attention to those, but lightly played the guitar, and slowly approached the microphone to sing.

"I miss you like a gentle transit"

"It turns out that flowers have sounds when they bloom"

"As long as you are in the way of my life"

"Don't be afraid of time passing by like a journey"

Just after listening to a few words, all the students in the audience fell silent.

There is no way, Chu Qing's voice is too magnetic!This is also one of the reasons why he learned to broadcast in the first place, the sound conditions are good!Patriarch enjoys the meal!

Everyone can tell that this is a love song, but listening to this love song now, why does it have a slight bitterness?
 Brothers, the new book "What to Do if You Accidentally Debuted" is in the hot serialization, and it is the first time that Shangui has no system, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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