Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 10 Visiting the door

Chapter 10 Visiting the door
The two came to the breakfast stall excitedly, and each ordered a bowl of wontons.

While traveling, I ate and read the comments below, sometimes frowning, sometimes joyful.

"Begging for the original music, may I ask if this is a cover song?"

"Which platform is this song released on? I want to download it as a ringtone."

"The song TMD is so good, who wrote it?"

"This handsome little brother, someone wants it but no one wants it, and no one wants me to take it away."

"It's not your turn to take her away. This is Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend."

"Are you fucking international kidding, this kind of person will be the scumbag she said, and the acting is too similar."

"That is to say, if this kind of reaction can be acted out, why go to the broadcasting department, and just go to the acting department."

These are relatively positive comments, and the rest are some extreme ones.

"Scumbag, you are the only one who deserves to be with my Qiqi."

"Shameless singing here and pretending to be pitiful"

"That's right, we've seen through your true colors"

"You have exposed your true colors, and you still have to act here. Are you a green tea whore or are you shameless?"

Chu Qing was not angry after reading these comments. He remembered what Mr. Guo said in his previous life, that it is impossible for an artist to be liked by everyone.

Just like charcoal, if there is red, there must be black!If a piece of charcoal is all red, then he is not far from being turned into ashes.

Only half red and half black is the long-term way.

Chu Qing is also more self-aware, he is not a soft girl coin, how can everyone like him.

But the comments did remind him of one thing, and that was that the copyright of the song hadn't been registered yet.

One of the better things about this world is that it is more convenient to register copyright. You can log in to the official website with your mobile phone for review. After the review is successful, you can pay a certain amount to complete the registration.

Just eating wontons, Kung Fu Travel has already uploaded its own work and registered its copyright.

After breakfast, he had just checked out when his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, it was Teacher Huang Ren calling.


"Mr. Huang!"

"Why didn't you know you could write songs before?"

Teacher Huang Ren's tone on the other end of the phone was relaxed, as if there was a hint of happiness.

Chu Qing has always respected this kind elder who has been taking care of her.

After hearing Huang Ren's teacher's question, Chu Qing hurriedly answered.

"Teacher, you're flattering me. I don't know how to write songs. They're all made up out of feelings."

"Xiao Chu, I'm going to criticize you now. Excessive modesty is pride, don't you know? At first I wanted to ask a few old friends to support you, but now I finally believe what you said before, you can do."

"Thank you teacher, I appreciate your kindness. If you really encounter a hurdle that I can't get through, I will definitely trouble you."

"What? I'm your teacher. I don't care who cares about you. Chu Qing! Work hard, the future belongs to you young people. You have to live up to your parents' expectations of you, and your teacher's expectations of you."

"You can rest assured"

After chatting with Teacher Huang for a few words, Chu Qing hung up the phone, and saw Duan Peng on the side, looking at him enviously.

Chu Qing asked amusedly: "What are you looking at? I haven't seen it before."

Unexpectedly, Duan Peng sighed and said: "If I had known that there would be such a good teacher in the broadcasting department, I would have gone to the acting department! You don't know, our teacher scolds me like grandson, then I really don’t save any face.”

Chu Qing laughed loudly and said, "That's because your teacher values ​​you! In fact, the same is true for Teacher Huang Ren, who often scolds me like hell!"

Chu Qing laughed and looked up at Chaoyang.

Cui Qiqi, you ruined my life in the last life, it's my turn this time.

Don't you like to be green tea?White lotus?
This time I will let you see what is real green tea, learn a little bit, smelly sister!
After the two had breakfast, Duan Peng left.

He is a fitness freak and now works as a part-timer in a gym.

Every day at this time, he has to help pack up the equipment and then exercise.

Chu Qing returned to her rental house and began to conceive of the next plan.

He even found a blank notebook to record his next thoughts.

After writing his plan, he will scrutinize it repeatedly, find the loopholes in it, and repair or rectify it.

If a workman wants to be good, he must first sharpen his weapon.

No matter what you're going to do, preparation is important.

Chu Qing was lying on the bedside table beside him, earnestly writing his dark little plan.

There was a knock on the door, at first Chu Qing thought it was a wrong knock, but the other party kept knocking tirelessly for a full minute.

In the end, Chu Qing had no choice but to open the door, only to see a slightly fat young man standing outside the door.

He was wearing a decent suit, and it seemed that the price should not be cheap.

When she saw Chu Qing open the door, the other person's eyes lit up, making Chu Qing wonder if this person was gay.

"Hi, my name is Song Dawei."

The opponent stretched out his hand first.Chu Qing didn't dare to shake hands with him, for fear that he was an old glass, after all, any man would look at him with that kind of eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Song, what can I do for you?"

Chu Qing's voice was very polite, but there was also a hint of indifference, repelling people thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Chu Qing, hello, I'm a music manager. I listened to your overdone song last night and thought you are very talented in music. Do you plan to become a singer?"

Hearing this, Chu Qing looked at the other party carefully. There are too many scammers and tricks these days, so he must be more careful.

"Become a singer?"

Chu Qing asked in an uncertain voice, and the other party smiled.

"Yes, a singer."

After speaking, he looked into the house.The voice is gentle.

"Aren't you asking me to come in and sit down?"

Chu Qing felt that the other party wanted an old glass, and stood at the door and said.

"Sorry, I have no intention of becoming a singer"

After he finished speaking, he planned to close the door.

"Hey, Mr. Chu Qing, I'm serious. You should have heard of my name. My name is Song Dawei. It's Liu Kai and Zhao Xin, their managers before their debut."

Everyone else must know this, but Chu Qing is from a parallel world, so he doesn't know the people he mentioned at all.

Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, Song Dawei hastily proved himself, took out his mobile phone in his pocket, typed the three words Song Dawei on the search engine, pressed the search button and handed it to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing took the phone and looked at it, and saw the person's detailed information on it.

He is indeed an agent, but he is a solo agent, and his channels are much worse.

And the first condition to become a broker is precisely the channel!

(End of this chapter)

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