Chapter 9 video is on fire
Looking at Chu Qing's injured appearance, Cui Qiqi didn't feel any intolerance, she only had resentment and hatred in her heart!
I use you as a stepping stone, it should be your honor, why don't you die!Go to hell!

Although it was said that Song Jiji was behind this plan, how could she, as the person involved, know nothing about it?If she doesn't cooperate, how can this plan be implemented?

To be honest, at the beginning, she really felt a little guilty in her heart.

After all, no one is stupid. She knows better than anyone what Chu Qing has treated her in the past three years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is meticulous.

But there is no way, she is already popular now, even if she gets married in the future, it is impossible to marry a TV station trainee like Chu Qing!
A person who can't even afford a house in Yanjing, why should he be with himself, a future superstar?
Not to mention that there is a young and powerful manager like Song Jiji beside her. Isn't it obvious who to choose?
Since Chu Qing loves himself so much, then he should dedicate everything to himself!
There was a quagmire in front of her, she didn't want to step into it, so she wanted to put Chu Qing in it.

According to her understanding of Chu Qing, when she suddenly heard the news of her betrayal, she would definitely be furious. Even if he couldn't, the brother named Duan Peng beside him would too!
When the time comes, make things big and let their yellow mud fall off their crotches, it's not S or S!
Unexpectedly, instead, he staged an infatuated play on the stage.

During the day, I made such a video to disgust myself!
She was a little horrified to find that she no longer knew Chu Qing, and it felt as if Chu Qing was a completely different person!
He is no longer impulsive, but thinking!
Will even seize the moment and use it to his advantage!

What's even more disgusting is that the video was clearly filmed by the two of them, but they pretended to be a candid film!

This made fans who didn't know why look, oops, one side is Cui Qiqi, who only speaks bad things about the man, and the other side is Chu Qing, who doesn't want to discredit the other party even after breaking up.
For this reason, he discussed with Song Jiji for a long time, and the last method he came up with was to contact other artists, and everyone joined together to accuse Chu Qing!
Let him take the blame first, and then let other artists make a scandal or something to divert everyone's attention. At that time, he will not be able to take off the blame even if he wants to!

As a result, who would have thought that he actually posted another song at night!

And looking at the current data, it is almost certain to be a big fire!Thinking of the influence of this song after it became popular, Cui Qiqi felt dizzy.

She hated Chu Qing even more. That scumbag kept saying that he loved her, but in the end he didn't even tell her that he could write songs. Is this love?This is concealment, this is deception!
Didn't he cheat in a relationship? What kind of thing is this?I'm not married to you, I can accompany whoever I want, I don't owe you anything!

Cui Qiqi tightly pinched the phone!

Absolutely not!Chu Qing must not be turned around!If Chu Qing makes a comeback, then the abyss awaits her!
She has worked so hard and paid so much to climb up, she must not give up!
The next morning, Chu Qing got up in a daze.

He was woken up by a burst of snoring, and when he turned his head, he saw Duan Peng lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

A pile of empty wine bottles was thrown under the coffee table, and the sofa in Chu Qing's house was a bit short, and Duan Peng's calf could only be hung outside to sleep, which seemed uncomfortable.

Chu Qing yawned, went to the bathroom to wash up, then walked to the sofa, and gently patted Duan Pengdao.

"Dapeng! Wake up, wash your face and let's have breakfast"

"Huh? Well, what time is it?"

Duan Peng was also sleepy, and Chu Qing touched his pocket, only to remember that the phone was still on the bedside table.

Walking to the bed, picking up the phone and turning it on, he was blinded.

Ding ding ding ding ding~!

A series of beeps almost made his phone crash on the spot!Duan Peng woke up instantly after hearing this voice, and hurried over and said: "Fuck! Listen to this voice, this is a fire!"

Chu Qing also showed surprise. Before shooting the video, he thought that he would be popular, but when the phone really kept ringing, he still felt a little surprised.

Duan Peng brought his big head closer, and kept asking, how many fans do you have?
Chu Qing's mobile phone is a bit too old, it is still ringing non-stop, but the data has not been refreshed.

The two of them lost the idea of ​​going to have breakfast, so they just stood in front of the phone and waited for a full 5 minutes.

The data on the phone was finally refreshed, with 32 fans, an increase of 32 fans in one night.

This may not be a big deal for those big stars, but it is undoubtedly a fantasy for this pair of fresh graduates.

Duan Peng suppressed his excitement, laughed loudly and said, "This time you have to treat me to dinner."

Chu Qing also showed a bold face, patted her chest and said: "You can choose whatever you want from the breakfast stall downstairs. If you want to add eggs to pancakes, you can add eggs, and if you want to add sausages, you can add sausages."

Looking at the number of likes on the video, it has already exceeded one million, and the number of views has exceeded ten million. Chu Qing is already very satisfied to achieve this effect in one night.

And the number of retweets has reached 50, far exceeding the task target set by the system for him.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task"

"Mission reward, 50 points! A random system item!"

"The system reward has been sent to the system backpack! Because the host has exceeded the task, I hereby reward a special item, a Sunshine Youth Capsule! It has been sent to the system backpack!"

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"Current points: 115"

"Current experience: 80/100"

"System Space Status: Closed!"

"System Mall Status: Closed!"

"System Halo Status: Off!"

Situation, looked at his heart data and fell into contemplation, gained 80 points of experience and 100 points of points.Of the 100 points, 50 points should be the reward for the mission just now.

Since it is called points, it should be able to buy something or redeem something, maybe it can only be used after the system mall below is opened.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing wanted to swear, you sent everything to the system space, but the system space is currently closed, so how can I get it out?
When will the damn system space be opened?
Looking at her 80 points of experience, Chu Qing wondered if she could level up when she reached 100 points.Just like playing online games, upgrading can unlock different system functions.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing suddenly gained confidence.

After all, in just one day, he gained 80 points of experience, and reaching 100 points seems not out of reach.

(End of this chapter)

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