Chapter 8 Song Dawei

With the experience of trimming video in the morning, the trimming is even faster this time.

After Chu Qing sent the trimmed video to her mobile phone, she directly pressed the upload button.

Duan Peng picked up another can of beer, took two sips and said, "When did you learn to write songs? This song is simply too good! It's better than the one you sang at the party!"

Chu Qing hung up the guitar, went to wash his face and said, "I have always been a musical genius! The only thing missing is a chance. Look at it. In this era, I must stand on the cusp! Be the leader of this era. One of the hipsters!"

They are all young people. When Chu Qing said this, Duan Peng's blood boiled with enthusiasm. He raised the beer in his hand and said: "My brother and I have been together since elementary school to university! It will be the same in the future! Let's become trendsetters together!"

Chu Qing smiled and opened another can of beer, and touched Duan Peng.

After the two had a big sip of wine, Chu Qing picked up the phone again, charged another 1000 yuan and went in!
Now is not the time to be stingy with money, as long as this wave of opportunities is seized, he can earn back countless 1000 yuan in the future!
Sure enough, there was no wasted money. Just as Chu Qing finished recharging the money, the phone's notification tone rang one after another!

'Fun Tide Map has followed you'

'Heavenly people follow you'

'Yang Xiaohe liked your video'

'Chenxiao followed you'

It was as if Chu Qing's phone had been infected with a virus, it was beeping non-stop!

Duan Peng laughed and said: "It's hot, it's hot, our brothers are going to be hot!"

Chu Qing lightly took a sip of beer and said, "Yeah, thanks to Cui Qiqi, otherwise this wave of heat would be really hard to catch."

Duan Peng's laughter faltered, and he remembered Chu Qing's appearance when he sang again.

"Are you really not going back this time?"

Chu Qing understood what he meant, smiled and drank the beer in his hand and said, "Of course!"

The mobile phone on the side was still ringing non-stop, Chu Qing simply turned off the phone, threw the mobile phone on the bedside table and said: "Some people can't look back after seeing her true face, disgusting."

The popularity of Chu Qing's "Overfire" far exceeded his imagination. It's really because his song is very flattering, and it's the time when countless netizens are suppressing the clouds!
Modern young people have a fast-paced life and are usually under a lot of pressure.

During the day, I can only forcibly arm myself and put on a layer of armor called 'death support' to protect my weakness.

But when it gets dark, especially when you are alone, you will immediately turn on the 'world is not worth it' mode.

And something like love is a perfect match for "the world is not worth it"!
After all, who hasn't had two sad pasts?Whose feelings can be smooth sailing?

Just when he felt sorry for himself and felt that he fell in love with a scumbag, Shaking Hands officials pushed Chu Qing's song "Overfire"!
Although the topic of "Cui Qiqi is not nice to people" is very hot, but Chu Qing, one of the "protagonists" among them, is not known to many people.

Because they didn't know each other, everyone didn't use any colored glasses when watching the video.

The first thing that attracts people is the picture of Chu Qing sitting in front of the balcony door.

Outside the balcony, the lights are bright.

Inside the balcony, it was dark and silent.

Although it is only one step away, it seems to be divided into two worlds by light.

This scene of conflict between light and dark stopped many netizens who wanted to scrape it away.

Just when they were concentrating, trying to see Chu Qing's face clearly in the dark.

The guitar sound and the singing voice sounded at the same time, without a prelude, the singing voice was directly sent to their ears!

"He promised you too much"

"It's still not enough for me to give"


Chu Qing's voice has been mentioned several times before, he can control almost all voices when the patriarch enjoys the meal!
At this moment, the emotions are fully opened, and the simple two lines of lyrics hooked the ears of netizens tightly, making them want to continue listening to the next content!
There are even some people who search the Internet while listening to it, but they can't find relevant content no matter what.

Waiting to hear Chu Qing finish singing a song, there is something sad, and people with shallow tears have already cried into tears.

Even those who have nothing to do feel that the melody of this song is catchy and the lyrics are heartfelt.

The number of Chu Qing's fans and the number of likes on the video began to soar!
Yanjing, in an apartment

A man with a slightly fatter figure has just watched Chu Qing's "Overfire" video. His name is Song Dawei, and he is a music manager. He is somewhat famous in the circle, but his status is a bit embarrassing.

The reason was that he had cultivated three singers in a row, but after they all became popular, he decisively terminated the contract with him!People's reason is also simple, people go to the heights!You can join a big company, why are you still in this small temple?

This made him a little sad, and in the end he simply praised a combination, but he was packed away before it became popular.

But it also has to be said that he has a good vision, he only picks some good seedlings, let's just talk about that group, and now it is shining brightly in the circle of idol artists!It's a pity that it has nothing to do with him.

Song Dawei listened to it three times in a row, and looked at the nearly 30 likes, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This must be a good seedling, the sound condition is too good!
The only downside is that I don't know what he looks like. As long as he is not too ugly and makeup can save him, he is a proper music student.

He rubbed his chin, and began to think about how he could meet Chu Qing.

Looking at Chu Qing's ID, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and finally he sat up on the bed suddenly, and yelled, damn it!
This, isn't this the scumbag that Cui Qiqi mentioned?
He hastily clicked on the topic on the side, and found "Cui Qiqi meets people who are not nice" in it.

There are a lot of videos on this topic, most of which are made by internet celebrities.

Among the top two videos, one is Cui Qiqi crying bitterly, scolding Chu Qing for being a scumbag, and the other is the video posted by Duan Peng during the day.

He had seen this video during the day, and vaguely remembered that Chu Qing showed his face.

He directly pulled the progress bar to the end, and then pressed pause.

Looking at Chu Qing's warm male face, the corners of his mouth got bigger and bigger, and finally he burst out laughing.

What the hell!If this can be signed, it is equivalent to picking up a treasure!
Self-contained flow, handsome image, a voice like a patriarch enjoying a meal!Who is angry if he is not angry?

Thinking of this, he frowned slightly. In fact, signing the contract is quite troublesome. Besides, Cui Qiqi's manager, Song Jiji, is not easy to deal with, not to mention that he has Chinese entertainment behind him to support him.

Song Dawei began to get entangled, and for the first time realized the feeling that you can't have both.

He didn't even think about whether Chu Qing would sign a contract with him, and what would attract Chu Qing to him.

Chu Qing had two videos this day, and one was more popular than the other.

Netizens have seen it, how could the person involved, Cui Qiqi, not see it.

At this moment, she is listening to Chu Qing's song "Overfire".
(End of this chapter)

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