Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 7 "Overfire"

Chapter 7 "Overfire"

Chu Qing looked at the wooden guitar hanging on the wall. It was ridiculous to say that this guitar was a birthday present from Cui Qiqi.

Chu Qing took down the guitar and adjusted the pitch.

Duan Peng on the side put the beer under the coffee table, and then went to the kitchen to get a few plates for cooked food.

Seeing that Chu Qing was still fiddling with the guitar when he finished his work, he said, "Hurry up and eat, I asked the boss to heat up the cooked food downstairs, it's delicious."

Chu Qing hummed, picked up a can of beer with a smile, pulled the ring and said, "Let's go first!"

Duan Peng also picked up a can of beer, opened it without saying a word, drank more than half of the can, and then took a bite of the pig's ear, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Chu Qing also drank most of the can and said: "If you don't keep fit today, what vegetables and chicken breasts will you eat?"

Duan Peng laughed and said, "It's okay to indulge once in a while! Qingzi, what are you going to do next?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I wrote a song, listen to it later?"

"That's a good relationship! I'm more than happy to listen to music! Come here, try this pig's ear, it's delicious!"

The two brothers ate, drank and laughed.

Chu Qing's alcohol capacity is average, and her face turns red after drinking a little wine.

In Duan Peng's words, some people lose their kidneys when they drink, and some people lose their liver when they drink. Chu Qing is amazing, drinking loses his face!
After drinking two bottles of beer, although he didn't feel well, his face was already red.

Both of them were young men in their twenties, and when they could eat, the cooked food was almost eaten without much dripping, but fortunately, there was still a lot of wine.

When he was drunk, Duan Peng smiled and said: "Don't you say you want to sing, come on!"

Chu Qing looked a little drunk, hugged the guitar and said: "You take pictures of me more handsomely, and more sadly."

Duan Peng made an OK gesture and said, "Don't think I'm a professional performer, but I actually have a knack for photography!"

As for why the film was made to be sad, Duan Peng naturally knew it well.

Chu Qing walked to the balcony, yes, I never thought that a small apartment of 20 meters could have a balcony!
Pushing open the glass door of the balcony, Chu Qing moved a chair and sat beside the glass door.

The lights outside the window are still dim, the sound of the engine, and the voices of pedestrians, compose a picture of the world of mortals.

Chu Qing hugged the guitar and gently moved the strings twice.

After belching, Duan Peng took out his mobile phone and gestured an OK sign to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing didn't care if he disturbed the people or not, he adjusted his mood and started singing directly.

"He promised you too much"

"It's still not enough for me to give"

"You always have a million reasons"

"I've always followed your feelings"

Here, Chu Qing made a small modification, changing the original whether he promised you too much to whether he promised you too much.

With just such a modification of one word, the artistic conception of the whole sentence becomes different.

It sounds more in line with Chu Qing's experience, and more like a song he could write in this state of mind.

"Make you crazy and let you indulge"

"Thinking that you will be moved one day"

"I pretended to be indifferent to the rumors"

Chu Qing's voice was a little trembling, most of it was deliberately pretended, but there was also a trace of emotion that was real.

Some things really cannot be erased with time.

Chu Qing began to make psychological hints to herself, and with the help of alcohol, her mood improved quickly.

Years of sales experience in the previous life allowed him to control his emotions very well, and he could seamlessly connect crying and laughing!
With a little control at this moment, tears are already rolling in the eyes.

Chu Qing raised her head slightly, as if she didn't want to let the tears flow down.

"Until all dreams are broken"

"I just saw your tears and regrets"

"I want to give you another chance"

"How much I want to ask who you really love"

In the end, the word "whom I love" poured too much emotion into Chu Qing's words!Don't talk about others, just say that Duan Peng's hands trembled during the recording.

At this moment, he suddenly couldn't tell which Chu Qing was acting. Did he really not care, or was he pretending not to care?
He said that these are all acting, isn't that acting a little too real?
Duan Peng is from the acting department. He has learned countless acting knowledge and skills, but he thinks he can't act as naturally as Chu Qing.

Is this really acting?In other words, the tearful one is the real him, and the smiling Chu Qing before is the one he deliberately acted out.

"Since love can't tell right from wrong"

"Don't run away and face it bravely"

"gave him his heart"

"Can you get it back"

When he heard Chu Qing's voice drop, Duan Peng knew that it was time to enter the chorus.

Just as a boxer builds up his energy before he punches, so does singing.

"How can I bear to blame you for making a mistake?"

"I gave you freedom too far"

"makes you lonelier"

"Only in an emotional vortex"

When the chorus sounded, Duan Peng couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

I don't know if it was because of the stimulation of alcohol, but he found himself feeling a lot of sentimentality tonight.

Hearing that sentence, how can I bear to blame you for making a mistake, I gave you too much freedom, he suddenly understood the meaning of the previous short video recording!It turns out that it was all foreshadowing before, this is the killer move!

"How can I bear to torture you"

"I gave you freedom too far"

"If You Wanna Fly"

"It Hurts My Back"

When the second chorus sounded, Duan Peng fell into confusion again.

Looking at Chu Qing with red eyes and tears falling down, Duan Peng didn't know if he was really acting or using acting as an excuse to express his true feelings.

The two of them were brothers who grew up naked, but at this moment he felt that he didn't know Chu Qing well enough.

"Actually, I don't ask for much"

"I hope you think of me in my situation"

"You are very happy"

"Don't overdo it by hiding it"

When the chorus was played for the second time, Chu Qing directly switched to the Cantonese version of the lyrics of "Overfire".

Although the taste of singing in Mandarin is a bit off, the artistic conception has not changed much.

Moreover, it has a more 'sense of substitution'!
"Actually, I don't ask for much"

"Try to empathize with me in my situation"

"Are you tired?"

"Don't want to know"

After the last note was sung, Chu Qing sat on the stool in a daze, holding an off-brand guitar, and just looked at the scenery outside the window.

There is a lot of traffic outside the window, and there is a world of fireworks.

The lights in the house are dim, like keeping three inches of desolation.

Duan Peng looked at the camera, because of the angle at which Chu Qing was sitting, he always took pictures of Chu Qing's profile.

He couldn't see Chu Qing's expression at the moment, but he could see his tears.

After being quiet for more than ten seconds, Chu Qing got up, yawned and said, "How is it, have you finished recording?"

"Recorded, finished recording"

Duan Peng still couldn't accept Chu Qing's change for a while, and he seemed to be so sad that he was going to die in the last second, his girlfriend cheated on him, how could he be heartless in the next second?

Chu Qing took Duan Peng's mobile phone with a smile and said, "Then cut it out and use my account to post it this time. It's time for me to attract a wave of fans. Maybe my buddy can become a big Internet celebrity too."

Seeing Chu Qing's smile, Duan Peng fell into doubt again.

Chu Qing, which one is the real you?

(End of this chapter)

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