Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 6 System time-limited tasks

Chapter 6 System time-limited tasks
Shaking hands, China's largest short video platform!

A platform where countless stars and officials have settled in, this platform has also supported countless Internet celebrities, and is known as the cultivation base for Internet celebrities!
Duan Peng usually likes to shoot some short videos, but his short videos are all fitness videos, showing off his muscles and height. Except for a few old aunts asking him his address every day, almost no one pays attention to him.

But today, it is destined to be different.

After Chu Qing edited a copy with her own hands, Aite checked Cui Qiqi's Shaking Hands account, then Aite checked her own account, and finally chose a topic, which was the super talk of 'Cui Qiqi meets people who are not nice'!

In just one afternoon, the topic of "Cui Qiqi meets a man who is not nice" has risen to the top of the shaking hands, with more than 5000 million viewers. It is a hot topic!

Duan Peng clicked Publish after all Aites were completed, and then directly bought 1000 yuan of shaking hands traffic!

The reading volume has increased by hundreds and hundreds in the blink of an eye, and the notification sound of new messages on the phone has never stopped!

'Shining liked your video'

'Yize 1.9 Mi followed you'

'Xxi Guoguo followed you'

'Wu Haiyang's little wife followed you'

Duan Peng looked at his soaring fans who were confused. The 1.9-meter muscular man said with a cute face: "Is this 1000 yuan so useful?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, there is no wasted money, so go and see how the comments are."

"hey hey"

Duan Peng agreed, and in just one or two minutes, the number of comments has exceeded 2, and the number of likes has exceeded [-]!
Click on the comment area to see that most of them are people who eat melons, and the top two comments are.

"Fuck! This buddy doesn't look like what Cui Qiqi said!"

The second comment was, "Who is this grandson? Only he can get Cui Qiqi?"

But the comment with the highest likes is still a melon-eating comment.

"Sit in the front row, eat melons quietly, cut off the head and tail, and don't comment!"

At this time, Chu Qing's phone vibrated. She picked up the phone and saw that her followers had changed from two to two thousand!

This is the effect of Duan Peng's video of Aite himself before, and the popularity is really fast!
It's a pity that Chu Qing didn't have any works, and those people couldn't leave a message. If they wanted to send a private message to Chu Qing, they closed the private message.

The so-called wives are worse than concubines, concubines are worse than stealing, and stealing is worse than not being able to steal, the more Chu Qing is like this, the more they will hang their appetites.

"Fuck! Fuck! Qingzi, I have more than [-] followers! Hahaha, shit! I have more than [-] likes, brother, is this going to be popular!"

On the contrary, Chu Qing calmed down a bit. The reason for this effect is firstly because the topic of "Cui Qiqi is not nice" is too hot now, and secondly because Chu Qing, the so-called soft-hearted man and scumbag, shows that he is accommodating. What Cui Qiqi described was completely different!
This gives melon eaters a guess who is telling the truth. There are conflicts, there are conflicts, and there are conflicts, there are topics!
Countless melon eaters debated directly under this video. Some believed in Chu Qing, but more still believed in Cui Qiqi. After all, she is just right!
Judging from the current popularity, it is not impossible to be named the Four Little Flowers in another year or two.

Duan Peng was still yelling excitedly: "Damn it, the number of fans is increasing faster than my blood pressure!"

Chu Qing stretched her waist and said, "Could you please stop being so nonchalant, people will think that our buddies are uneducated"

Duan Peng nodded his head humbly, and couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when he saw the number of fans on his account soaring.

Fans are equal to money!
For an account with more than one million fans, shoot an advertisement or promotional video, at least 5 yuan as a base!

This amount of money may not be a big deal to other celebrities and rich people, but to Chu Qing and Duan Peng, they may not be able to leave 5 yuan after a year of busy work.

Chu Qing picked up her mobile phone, flipped through it and found the video taken by the two of them.

The corner of Chu Qing's mouth couldn't hide a smile, the 1000 yuan was really worth it.

Silently double-click, and then click to open the comment area.

At least two-thirds of the people in this comment area are scolding Chu Qing, half of the remaining one-third believe in Chu Qing, and the other half are simply soy sauce, ignore no one, and eat quietly melon.

Although Chu Qing is still weak at present, Chu Qing is already very satisfied. Compared with the previous life, the current result is already the beginning of a dream, not to mention, this is Chu Qing's first step.

The number of Duan Peng's fans is skyrocketing, and the number of Chu Qing's fans is also growing slowly.

After waiting for the number of Duan Peng's fans to exceed [-], the kid slapped his thigh and said, "You wait for me! I'll go downstairs and buy some deli beer and come back! Let's celebrate!"

After speaking, she got up and went out, while Chu Qing sat on the sofa and rubbed her temples.

In the last life, these ideas now appeared in his mind countless times!

He thought about it more than once, if he hadn't been impulsive and hadn't gone berserk at the graduation party, what would the future be like.

And now, since God gave him a chance to start over, how could he not cherish it?

"Dididi, the temporary task of the system is released! The host is requested to post a short video within three days. The task requires more than [-] likes! More than [-] fans have been added! The number of reposts has reached [-]!"

"Mission reward, 50 points! A random system item!"

In Chu Qing's mind, the electronically synthesized sound of the system sounded again.

Chu Qing was stunned. After reading the system tasks, she was a little speechless. Why can other people's systems interact, and even become a young lady, while her own system is just like a fool?

It seems that other people's systems are all 5G, while my own system is 2G.

Chu Qing shook her head, and after getting rid of the messy thoughts in her mind, she pinched her chin and began to think about the next step.

The temporary task of the system disrupted his original plan. Originally, he wanted to use Yanjing TV station. They wanted popularity and he wanted to clean up.

But looking at it now, a small video has to be recorded, and Cui Qiqi has to be given a set of "combo punches"!

Chu Qing got up and started circling on the spot. This was a bad habit of his, and he always liked to walk when he was thinking.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, Chu Qing opened the door, and saw Duan Peng holding a box of beer with several bags of cooked food on it.

Duan Peng walked into the house and said: "Hey, this cooked food has been stewed for a long time, it's a bit too much, but it can be eaten as it is, we two brothers will not be drunk tonight!"

Chu Qing's eyes lit up, too much?

What the hell, isn't this song the best description of my current situation!
That sentence 'how can I bear to blame you for making a mistake, I gave you too much freedom'!
It is simply a role model for all dog licking!
Chu Qing’s eyes are bright, sorry everyone, I’m going to pretend to be B~
 The new book asks for everything~

(End of this chapter)

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