Chapter 5 White Lotus

The content on that piece of white paper is also simple, it is to create a wronged infatuated species, even if the other party wronged him, he does not want to expose the other party's black material, let alone hurt the other party, it can be summed up in two simple words, spare tire, Lick the dog!

This is the character that Chu Qing intends to set up for herself in the early stage!After the experience at the party last night, he found that this kind of persona is still quite popular now.

This operation, in fact, he has imagined countless times in his previous life, and now is the time to see the results!

"Qingzi, I can do it!"

Chu Qing moved her body and said, "Then come!"

"You don't need to prepare?"

"Emotions are always in place!"

Duan Peng adjusted the angle of the phone to simulate a candid shot.

After waiting for Chu Qing to give him an OK gesture, Duan Peng pressed the record button.

"Qingzi! Do you know what's being said about you on the Internet now?"

Duan Peng's voice was very 'angry', and there was a hint of indisputable anger in the anger!

The phone didn't capture Chu Qing's face, only the shot below his chin. At this moment, he was packing his luggage and quietly folding his clothes.

After hearing Duan Peng's words, he just smiled and said: "People can say whatever they want. The mouth grows on people, so we can't control it."

Chu Qing's voice is very pleasant, even if you don't look at his appearance, just listening to his voice can let people know that he is a very gentle person.

"You just let her smear you like that! Just that kind of watery woman has wronged you so much, and you still protect her! Are you crazy!"

"she is not!!!"

After Duan Peng said that he was skittish, his voice finally fluctuated, and he roared directly.

"She's not skittish!!!"

There was a sense of grievance in Chu Qing's voice, but more firmness, the voice was full of emotions, with a firmness that no one could question, as if he was a fighter for his faith and fearless of life and death.

"Chu Qing! You know what kind of family you are! She is destroying you now, do you understand? If you let her continue to frame you like this! Will the TV station still want you? When you lose your job, you will go back to your hometown in despair What? How do you let your parents think of you! You are their pride!"

"And now! That damned woman is rubbing their pride on the ground! Throwing dirty water on it! Saying he's worthless! If your parents knew about it! How would they feel! Would they feel bad? Die!"

The mood in Duan Peng's voice fluctuated violently, as if he was holding back his anger, otherwise he would punch Chu Qing in the next second.

In the picture, Chu Qing's figure is sitting weakly on the bed.

He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of sky blue jeans on the lower part of his body. He looked a bit rustic, but he looked so clean.

The morning sun illuminated half of his body, as if covering him with a golden coat.

And his face, for the first time, fully appeared in the camera.

At this moment, his eye sockets were a little red, and that slightly handsome face was full of uneasiness and bewilderment.



"What should I do"

After staying like this for about five or six seconds, Chu Qing stood up directly, and walked towards the bathroom while shaking her hands.

"I'm going, this onion is really spicy, it's a tearjerker! I have to wash my eyes!"

Duan Peng looked at the video recorded by the two just now and said with a smile: "Your trick of 'secret recording' is really wonderful! This must catch the other party by surprise! Just shaking your hands?"

Chu Qing nodded and said, "I'll transfer 1000 yuan to you in a while, and you can directly buy 1000 yuan for hot spots, but don't post it now, and wait for the news of the other party's framing to come out!"

Duan Peng called up the software and started editing. While editing, he asked, "Do you want to add background music?"

Chu Qing washed his face, wiped the water on his face and said: "Make one, a little sad, when I finally show my face, the picture is black and white. The point is my eyes, I have to be able to see a little Jingying is good, look at it, if it doesn't work, we will record it again."

After watching the video carefully, Duan Peng said, "Don't worry, there's no problem at all!"

Chu Qing sat down next to Duan Peng and edited the video with him.

The video was not long in the first place, and the two of them didn't have so many requests, so they cut it in less than 10 minutes.

Chu Qing transferred 1000 yuan to Duan Peng, but Duan Peng refused to accept it. In the end, Chu Qing forced him to accept it.

Chu Qing and Duan Peng were young, and they knew that his family background was average. For poor students like them, 1000 yuan was really not a small amount of money, it was enough for their food expenses for a month.

On the contrary, Duan Peng was a little embarrassed. He was just like that, warm-hearted and forthright.

Just like the previous life, at noon the next day, Cui Qiqi held a press conference. At the conference, she was pear blossoms with rain, and she cried so heartbroken.

In her explanation, Chu Qing is a rice bug, a waste!
What's even more disgusting is that she is very careless and has the habit of domestic violence, often beating her.

Her manager Song Jiji, who was listening on the sidelines, was furious, clamoring to ban Chu Qing completely, and let this kind of scum get out of the circle!

Everything was the same as in the previous life, except that Chu Qing in this life did not go to prison.

And he's not that naive, not that high-ranking, and he doesn't think that this woman is the only true love in his life.

Cui Qiqi has just filmed a popular TV series, and the popularity is high now. This kind of gossip and cheating news is the favorite of entertainment reporters!
Without the help of Chinese entertainment to promote it, this incident has swept through a small half of the entertainment circle.

The so-called good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles!Chu Qing didn't do anything at home, but received several "consolation" calls from colleagues and classmates. As for the content of them, Chu Qing didn't bother to say.

Those ghost tricks cannot be put on the table.

The position of Yanjingtai intern is very sought-after. At the beginning, Chu Qing was selected because of Huang Ren's relationship. Now that Chu Qing's reputation is notorious, some people will naturally have some ideas.

On the surface, what I said was an apology, for your own good, but in reality?
Chu Qing only wanted to say two words, hehe!
In just one afternoon, Chu Qing became angry, but he was quite different!

Countless Internet celebrities on the Internet began to gossip, began to tease him, and made jokes about him.

A lot of seniors who have graduated even made Aite Chuqing on Weibo, asking Chuqing to apologize in the tone of someone who had come, and said that a man who beats a woman is not a man at all.

These things smoked Duan Peng's seven orifices, and Chu Qing stopped him from spraying.

"Qingzi! We have to fight back! That video has to be published! If you don't post it, you will be sprayed to death by those trolls!"

After Duan Peng finished speaking, he pointed to the comment section of Chu Qing's Weibo and said, "Look, it's been massacred! They're all scolding you! Only some girls from our school will say a few words for you. talk, but there are too few people!"

Chu Qing laughed and said: "Okay, let's go! It's time for my 'White Lotus' to show up!"

(End of this chapter)

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