Chapter 4 System!

Just as Chu Qing and Duan Peng walked off the stage, they were blocked by Huang Ren who was outside. Huang Ren didn't say anything else, but just patted Chu Qing on the shoulder and said, "Be careful recently, I'm on the other side of the TV station."

Chu Qing was a little moved. There are not many people in this world who can treat you sincerely, but Chu Qing was lucky enough to meet Huang Ren and Duan Peng.

Chu Qing was introduced by Huang Ren to Yanjing TV for an internship in the first semester of her senior year. This is a very rare opportunity. Although Yanjing TV's ratings are mediocre, not everyone can get in!

In the previous life, Chu Qing was directly fired by the TV station because of Cui Qiqi's incident, but now, everything is still uncertain.

Chu Qing bowed to Huang Ren very seriously: "Teacher! Thank you!"

Huang Ren pressed his head angrily: "Thank you! I'm your teacher! There must be some voices on the Internet in the past two days. Hold on. I will find some friends to help you clarify in two days."

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "Teacher, let me handle it myself."

Huang Ren said seriously: "Don't be brave, you are still young and you have a long way to go, there is no need to stop you because of a little setback."

Chu Qing had a confident smile on his face. In his last life, he had imagined countless times what he would do if he had a chance to do it all over again, and now, the chance came!

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Teacher, Cui Qiqi has been very popular in the past two years. Do you think the stage will be very interested? They can use me to build a relationship with Cui Qiqi to gain popularity!"

Huang Ren frowned and said, "Yanjing Satellite TV is a big TV station, why would they care about these gossips?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Teacher, they will be interested."

Huang Ren shook his head and said: "Since you are so confident, then you can deal with it. Remember, call me if you can't hold on. It's not a big deal, you know?"

Chu Qing's nose was a little sore, she nodded with a smile.

Teacher Huang in the previous life also said this sentence, but Chu Qing, who was young and energetic at that time, ignored it for the sake of face.

By the time he reacted, he had already stinked himself step by step, and he was ashamed to make a phone call.

Chu Qing and Duan Peng came to a hot pot restaurant they often went to. Duan Peng swears while eating, and keeps swearing. As for the partner, of course it is Chu Qing's ex-girlfriend!
Chu Qing's reaction was relatively flat, and she checked the news on her mobile phone while eating.

Even though he was already prepared, he couldn't help being a little surprised!

He really traveled through time, and the world today is similar to the previous earth, but it is different!

First of all, let’s talk about the brand. The three giants of the Internet in the previous life, cats, dogs, and penguins are all gone!

It was replaced by a brand that Chu Qing had never heard of, but looking at the functions, it was no different from the Big Three in the previous life.

Look at the short video platform again, shaking hands!
Is this a merger or a sequelae of Parkinson's?Chu Qing opened it and saw that he had already registered an account with a very ZZ name called 'Chu Qing's Chu, Chu Qing's Qing'.

Looking at the works again, unexpectedly none of the works have been published.

"Qingzi, eat! Don't keep playing with your broken phone. My buddy knows you're in a bad mood. I'll take you to take a shower after eating. After the shower, go to the second floor to vent all your troubles!"

Chu Qing said speechlessly: "Go to the second floor of the bastard, go to the second floor! Are you busy tomorrow?"

"No? What's the matter?"

Duan Peng picked up a large slice of mutton with chopsticks and ate it with great enjoyment.

"Tomorrow is just fine, do me a favor then"

Duan Peng nodded, and then said, "Aren't you going to work tomorrow?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I don't have to go for these two days, the teacher asked for leave for me."

Duan Peng nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll look for you tomorrow!"

After the two had dinner, they parted ways. Chu Qing took a extravagant taxi ride and rushed back to his original rented house.

The moment Chu Qing returned to the room, the first thing Chu Qing did was to go to the mirror.

His appearance in the mirror is not too outstanding, but it gives people a warm feeling, and he is trustworthy at first glance, which is one of the reasons why he chose to sell later.

Lifting up the clothes, revealing the standard eight-pack abs, Chu Qing touched it with admiration, the abs that have never been tortured by the social wine bureau, I miss you so much!

Falling on the bed, looking at her small apartment of less than [-] square meters, the corner of Chu Qing's mouth cracked a little.

Then the arc became bigger and bigger, and finally couldn't help covering his head with a quilt, and laughed out loud!
"Reborn! Really reborn! This time, I don't want to live so aggrieved again! So ordinary! Dadu! Let me give your grandma a whistle! Wait, wait!"

"Dididi, the system is starting!"

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"Current points: 15"

"Current experience: 001/100"

"System Space Status: Closed!"

"System Mall Status: Closed!"

"System Halo Status: Off!"

Chu Qing looked at the panel that appeared in front of him, and then remembered the words he heard when he woke up, the fusion of parallel worlds is complete, the host should cherish the chance of rebirth!


Chu Qing made a sound out of curiosity, but there was no change on the panel.

Chu Qing became excited again, this thing is interesting.

So... Chu Qing studied for half a night~


The next morning, Duan Peng brought breakfast and knocked on the door. When he opened the door, he saw Chu Qing with dark circles under his eyes and a haggard face.

Duan Peng put down his breakfast and sighed: "Hey, I knew you were struggling before. How could you really not care about the relationship between the two of you for so long? Let's have some food."

Chu Qing was not too polite, went to grab the buns and ate them.

While eating it, he said: "I will do my buddies a favor later"

"Come on, hey hey hey, two buns are left for me, and I haven't eaten them yet!"

While the two were eating breakfast, Chu Qing talked about his plan.

"Shoot a short video for me later"

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

"Ancestor! When is this, and you still make short videos?"

"Fuck you"

"Brother, Cui Qiqi is sure that the manuscript has been written now, and she is just waiting to hack you. Why don't you find a chance to explain it?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "What's the hurry, let the bullets fly for a while first."

After the two finished their breakfast, Duan Peng held a blank piece of paper in his hand, with a few simple lines written on it.

Waiting for Duan Peng to read it all, he was a little speechless and said: "I thought you were not going to resist, but I didn't expect you to be so green."

"Hey! How can you say that? This is just a normal exchange of acting skills between me and Cui Qiqi!"

Chu Qing didn't care, she simply cleared the table and said: "You are also from the acting department, how about it, can you perform?"

Duan Peng patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, it's nothing to me, but you, can you act realistically?"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm the best at white lotus!"

 The new book is missing everything!Ask for collection!Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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